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Everything posted by Presto

  1. I guess you wouldn't have a problem coming up with a source for your allegations? A credible source?
  2. For your information: this is the section 'World News', of the aeannow site. If it bothers you, or doesn't interest you, don't click on any of the links in that section.
  3. Fifty years in politics, and three months before the elections Biden comes up with these brilliant ideas. A true hero and visionary! 😂😂😂
  4. 'Single person accident', so I assume he crashed by himself, hit his head, and as I well know, your memory is gone for a certain amount of time. So he probably can't tell what happened. Could have been a pothole, a soi dog, front fork of the bike broke, anything really.
  5. Win the war with Hamas? That guy is delusional. On the other hand, he probably meant destroy everything in Gaza including all Palestinians.
  6. If you're waiting for decent reporting from ASEAN now, I suggest looking for another, more enjoyable pastime. 😉
  7. I'm not sure what mr Impulse is referring to, but maybe it's the ever rising national debt. And in that respect he would be correct.
  8. Thanks for agreeing with me about the 'corrupt' and 'coup plotter' part.
  9. You are correct. The incompetent and/or cowardly Garland DOJ (Garland, handpicked by Biden), has wasted a year and a half before getting into action and starting actual investigations and prosecutions. Apparently these professionals weren't aware of all the delay tactics commonly used by Trump et al. This is the picture: a corrupt fascist and coup plotter (supported by millions of Americans), against a weak, frail and mentally impaired Biden (supported by the party establishment, not by the American people), with the likelihood of the corrupt fascist winning the election in November. A great democracy going down the drain fast, and we're all here to watch the disaster in real time. Great stuff!
  10. Too late to get serious. Democrats (yes I'm looking at them, not at the Republicans) have let the flaws in American democracy slide by for so long, it will really bite them now, and all they can do is complaining. Don't expect any serious action from Biden, it's who Democrats are stuck with, through their own stupidity. Biden is an institutionalist as it seems to be called, I call it: he's stuck in the past. No ability to look to the future and take appropriate action. If you take all these developments of the last 7 years or so, the American empire is on the way down. First, elect sn obvious corrupt fascist as president. Then, no checks and balances worth mentioning during his reign. Followed by a Democrat government incapable of applying the rule of law to an obvious bunch of coup plotters, even worse the ringleader is allowed to run for the presidency again, like nothing ever happened. Americans have managed to deliver a choice for them in the voting booth, between a corrupt fascist whose intentions and plans are clear, and a guy with obvious mental decline. And the corrupt fascist will likely win. And the icing on the cake, a Supreme Court who have declared themselves as the ultimate rulers of the country, and forget about the Constitution please.
  11. If a lower court rules it was not an 'official act', that ruling can be appealed until it teaches the Supreme Court. Where these same 6 people that wrote this ruling on immunity last week, might very well decide, especially if it regards a president of their liking, that it was an official act. And then it simply stops right there. Correct?
  12. It's maybe hard to grasp for you, but you need actual evidence to prosecute someone. Your hatred alone doesn't cut it. Btw, actual evidence is why Israel (and Hamas) will be prosecuted for war crimes. Unless Biden bullies the the ICJ even more than usual.
  13. Good call by Bragg. Although they shouldn't have been charged at all. Trespassing, but no evidence? What nonsense. It's not difficult to see by who is foaming at the mouth what's going on here. Suppression of free speech, of protests against Israel. Remember that NY deputy police chief, showing proudly a very strong bicycle chain lock as proof of outside organizers of the protests? Clowns.
  14. Trump refers to immigrants as 'vermin' and 'poisoning the blood'. Is that ok for you? https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-defends-nazi-rhetoric-immigrants-1234989206/
  15. How many infrastructure workers, skilled and unskilled, how much materials, how much machinery, were just waiting on the sidelines for that 1.2 trillion to get dumped?
  16. I don't think Democrats are doing better in that respect.
  17. I'm not American, and I'm probably considered a liberal, or libtard. But here's some common sense, from abroad. Biden dumps 1.2 trillion into the economy, for infrastructure, and gets hailed for it. First, it's all borrowed money, but ok. More important, a sudden infusion of money into the infrastructure section of the economy (that has a certain size) means ... Do we have the people, do we have the materials, do we have the machinery. Of course not. So that leads to price increases, lack of labor, and of course illegal labor. Could very well be a main cause of the rise in illegal immigration. But of course Americans, and certainly people like Biden and Trump, rather ignore that mechanism.
  18. Your booming economy can only function with mostly illegal immigrants. You only have to look at how many companies are seriously punished for hiring illegals. Almost none. Nevertheless xenophobes like many posters here and Trump of course, talk about mass deportation, aka razzias.
  19. Do you mean that if Trump had taken the same action during his presidency, the Republican party would have had an easy half million new voters?
  20. Do you mean that immigration automatically leads to Nazism? In Sweden?
  21. 'Biden administration's broader strategy to counter domestic terrorism, particularly the threat posed by white extremist groups' Some questions here. How domestic is Sweden, and the other northern European countries to America? Second, how many of the dozens or so American neo-nazi and white supremacist militias (well armed of course) have been designated terrorist organizations? To be honest, I don't know. I'm just puzzled.
  22. Doesn't make any more sense if you phrase it that way.
  23. Ok, changing the subject. Got it. Biden subsidized Intel, a very big and wealthy company. Do you think that's a better way to spend taxpayer money?
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