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Posts posted by TickTock

  1. WHAT

    Fluidfusion 27/3 Refused SELF EMPLOYED

    TickTock 30/3 Granted but refused at first SELF EMPLOYED

    George & Dragon 30/03 Refused 26/06 SELF EMPLOYED

    Pingit ????? SELF EMPLOYED

    looks like you where all in the same box, If the ECO's are given 32 applications at a time

    does it mention the officer on the refusal ??

    Dave, a small correction, I am not Self-employed, however, I don't think it detracts from what you are saying. Self-employed seems to be more complicated.

    On the refusal form at the end you should be able to find what I beleieve are the initials of the ECO.

  2. Fluid, I can only give you my experience on this matter but hope it may help. I got a rejection so I do know what you are going through and it was overturned, very rapidly, so let's see what can be done. You say it was down to the fact that you did not have a job - so this feels like a financial thing. My rejection was based on 're-course to public funds'. My understanding is that you don't need to have a job, just evidence that you do not need recourse to public funds. Have you actually seen the rejection letter? The reason for asking is that the Mrs could not articulate to me the reason why it was rejected, I'm UK based. When the Mrs finally scanned the refusal notice through it finally twigged to me what the problem was and to be fair to her a fluent English speaking/reading Thai would have problems understanding the jargon.

    As you are self-employed the situation is more complex, but the point I'm making is this could be a presentation 'of the facts' problem. The information is there but for the ECO has he/her interpreted the facts incorrectly? Is it worth scanning and email your documents you originally submitted again with a guide to say "Document 2 shows that this is line which shows (big arrow, pointing to the amount) my income for month/year etc"?

    I suggest you need to demonstrate that this a 'lost in translation' error/oversight and warrant a review. It's in everybodies interest too to nip in the bud at this stage and give it a 'yeah' at this stage.

  3. [quote

    JT - good luck for tomorrow, sure everything will be o'right. My Mrs attended the Embassy today with her passport to get her Visa 'inserted', no problems, she mentioned that there was only one other person in the Visa section - guess this has all been moved down the road to the VFS.

    You have now got me worried TT, my wife is going to VFS to pick up her passport not the embassy and the guy on the phone wanted her to come today but she said she could not make it until tomorrow, maybe they just want us out of the way for the new batch :D


    JT - no need to worry. My Mrs has got to go the Embasssy because she already received her passport with the dreaded "Enterance Visa Declined" which was overturned on Monday and was told to turn up at the Embassy today were she went through the process of sticking the visa into the passport etc - takes two hours. In normal circumstances you do not go to the Embassy - it's a VFS job (or posted). Have a jar of your favourite tipple. :D

  4. I wonder if they did the same to the others and lost there files ?

    This has been a fear of mine and I have contacted the embassy to clarify they actually have our application.

    Still awaiting a reply.

    When I was asked to send through additional information for the Mrs application I was asked to write clearly on each document a six figure numeric reference that I had not come across before - The Embassy provided this number verbally. It had nothing to do with the APET number which I believe now is just an 'out and in' at the VFS. I'm speculating here, that once an application is in the Embassy you are allocated a new ref number that is not shared unless the Embassy needs to communicate with you.

    The point that FF is making above - just because you have an APET number does not mean that an ECO 'is on your case' - feels like this in chew's case. The Embassy must be shifting thousands of individual documents/cases and mistakes are bound to happen, which is absolutely no comfort to the March people. I've had personal experience of it.

    I do hope Chew, Sumrit and FF get some kind of resolution soon. In anybody's book this is not right.

    JT - good luck for tomorrow, sure everything will be o'right. My Mrs attended the Embassy today with her passport to get her Visa 'inserted', no problems, she mentioned that there was only one other person in the Visa section - guess this has all been moved down the road to the VFS.

  5. Congrats Borodave... all the best for you and your other half....

    I know how frustrating it feels for Chewy, Sumrit, Fluild fusion - especially seeing as later applications are noe being granted...

    Hang in there chaps, they'll be some good news soon.




    Same same BD. Great stuff. I always thought that they did not tell you over the phone if it was a success or not? Your visa was either in the passport or you get a Leave to Enter Rejection.

    Chew, Sumrit and FF, you've got to be just round the corner.

  6. Well just had a look and still nothing. Friday will be day 100 for us.

    Chew, is it worth ringing the VFS just for piece of mind that an ECO is actually dealing with your case? I'm sure they can do this from their PCs at the VFS. You know, like reassurance that the case has not slipped down the back of the filing cabinets kind of stuff. I would not expect them to tell you when you expect to get a result but after nearly 100 days this feels like a legitimate request.

  7. You just need to phone the VFS & insist on getting a number of a British ECO. That's all my mat did but it took her about 30-40 minutes of being really politely annoying to the thai women she was speaking to.

    Tried that, I couldn't find a way through the maze of push button 1,2,etc to actually get to talk to any body.

    Sumrit, what happened to me yesterday was as follows. I rang the VFS number (2800 8050) and eventually spoke to a polite thai lady with good english. Took about 20 mins to get a person. After explaining my situation she gave me a telephone number to ring which was a bog standard message basically saying they don't take telephone calls.

    Dead end, I did not leave a message, back to the VFS number and back to another polite thai lady with good english. I said that I needed to speak to an ECO/ECM in the Embassy. I explained the situation. She was adamant that I was not going to be transferred to the ECO/ECM. While I was on hold she tried to contact somebody within the Embassy, but the phone must have been engaged???? While I was on the phone she tried again and I was basically on hold for another I think 15mins. She had obviously spoken to somebody 'in the know' about my case as she said they would look into finding the faxes. I again asked to be put through but she said no point I had to give them time to look for the faxes.

    I'd already sent an email on Sunday night. The lady confirmed that they had received it so they do read the emails. When I got to work yesterday I copied and scanned all the faxes and sent another email off to them which the pdf of the fax I sent at the beginning of the month.

    An hour later ( hats off to them here from me) I had email back to me saying decision overturned and they had also phoned the Mrs ( don'y know if Embassy or VFS).

    About six/seven weeks ago I thought about the boss Khun Quinten Qualyle at the Embassy. However, I've been informed elsewhere that he has nothing to do with the Visa section bar the fact that the share the same grounds in Bangkok.

    Sumrit I agree 14 weeks is a long long time. I'd do phone via VFS, fax (Embassy) and email (visa enquiries) fella. Good luck chief.

    Sumrit, I wrote down the numbers but check again. On ringing the 2800 8050 number press 9 for English, 2 for Visa Enquires and then 0 to speak to operator.

  8. You just need to phone the VFS & insist on getting a number of a British ECO. That's all my mat did but it took her about 30-40 minutes of being really politely annoying to the thai women she was speaking to.

    Tried that, I couldn't find a way through the maze of push button 1,2,etc to actually get to talk to any body.

    Sumrit, what happened to me yesterday was as follows. I rang the VFS number (2800 8050) and eventually spoke to a polite thai lady with good english. Took about 20 mins to get a person. After explaining my situation she gave me a telephone number to ring which was a bog standard message basically saying they don't take telephone calls.

    Dead end, I did not leave a message, back to the VFS number and back to another polite thai lady with good english. I said that I needed to speak to an ECO/ECM in the Embassy. I explained the situation. She was adamant that I was not going to be transferred to the ECO/ECM. While I was on hold she tried to contact somebody within the Embassy, but the phone must have been engaged???? While I was on the phone she tried again and I was basically on hold for another I think 15mins. She had obviously spoken to somebody 'in the know' about my case as she said they would look into finding the faxes. I again asked to be put through but she said no point I had to give them time to look for the faxes.

    I'd already sent an email on Sunday night. The lady confirmed that they had received it so they do read the emails. When I got to work yesterday I copied and scanned all the faxes and sent another email off to them which the pdf of the fax I sent at the beginning of the month.

    An hour later ( hats off to them here from me) I had email back to me saying decision overturned and they had also phoned the Mrs ( don'y know if Embassy or VFS).

    About six/seven weeks ago I thought about the boss Khun Quinten Qualyle at the Embassy. However, I've been informed elsewhere that he has nothing to do with the Visa section bar the fact that the share the same grounds in Bangkok.

    Sumrit I agree 14 weeks is a long long time. I'd do phone via VFS, fax (Embassy) and email (visa enquiries) fella. Good luck chief.

  9. Very Sorry, I won't be able to visit the Lady Of Lamphun anymore

    We are away tomorrow to Sunny Scunny

    Out of curiosity what time did they ring you Tick Tock.

    We went to see The Lady Of Lamphun at Aprox 11 AM Monday Morning

    Bye For now To One and All Kennkate

    Cheers everyone. KnK they did not call me. I was in a meeting (physically, mentally I was elsewhere) got back to my desk and had an email from the embassy at 10.20 UK time. I also had a missed call from the Mrs, they spoke to her at about 10 UK so 4pm Thai time.

  10. I realy feel for you Tick Tock We went to Lamphun this morning

    I went to see The Lady of Lamphun for you. She will sort it.

    She always does if its not Money you can ask She worked for me, Wife is a Great Beliver in the Lady.

    Once she went when i was in the Uk and asked her to get me to Telephone. My wife said 5 mins later I did Phone her

    Have Faith dont let go Tick Tock. The whole team is willing you on

    KnK - thank you. The Lady has sorted it just as you say - amazing. I got an email this morning saying the decision overturned and the Mrs needs to visit the Embassy this Thursday to pick up the visa. Got to go now, but will give the low down. Back to a 100% success rate.

  11. Problem is, the only bank statements I could show them showed that I was up to my overdraft limit for 3 months!!!

    I'm sure I'm not alone in having previously had a comforting feeling that if they were going to refuse the application, they would have done it by now.

    Not so sure now... I really am not going to sleep until I know what's going to happen now!


    The bank statements I submitted showed I am regularly on my overdraft limit........ I wouldn't worry about it.

    so why then if you are in or around your overdraft and tick tock has £15, ooo in his bank account, do you get visa and tick tock does not , just a question and please don't take the wrong way

    Fellas, I know where you are coming from but this is all <deleted> and I would'nt worry about it.

    The fax I sent off said bank statements of £19k, £26k, £20k.

    I could be deluding myself here but I think it is a case of them not marrying up my faxes with the application, rather than any amount. You don't have to be a bloody millionaire to get your Mrs to the UK.

    Don'y worry, some good news this week. My stuff is an aberration.

  12. Thanks all for the words of encouragement. I'll be on the case tomorrow to the Embassy - I've already sent an email. I don't know what has been returned in the pack and neither does the Mrs, as the application was posted back to her friends address in Bangkok.

    I don't think anybody else needs to worry. I really do think that this is an admin error. Hope there is some movement tomorrow for those waiting and the movement is in the right direction if you see what I mean.

  13. Update - spoke to the Mrs today. The Embassy rejected our Settelement Visa application. Absolutely SHOCKED. I've just had the forms faxed through and the reason for the rejection was that evidence could not be provided to assure that there would be no re-course to public funds.

    I'm not a rich man but I can't get my head round this and I think they have made a mistake. I'd be interested in your views on this. I'm in full time employment and have been all my life. I earn approximately £111,000 per annum (all evidence supplied, been with the company since Feb 2008) and the bank account is in credit to the tune of about £15k. I don't have any debts. So I can't understand what is going on here.

    My only way of rationalising this is that in early June the Mrs. was asked to fax through my bank statements (included in original application), passport again and also for the Mrs to send through a pregnancy certificate. I tried to send the fax on Saturday/Sunday but could not get a transmission. I sent an email to the Embassy on Monday informing them of this and got an email back saying Fax now working.

    I subsequently sent 18 pages via Fax and got a successful message 'OK' documents sent. I even sent an email to the Embassy saying just faxed now. Did not get a reply.

    I can only assume that the faxes have not been associated to my application and as evidence has 'not been supplied' I've got resultant rejection. Forum members - help me out here, I can't think of anything else? Devastated.

  14. Goodness ive been reading the posts again from when the topic started , its such a long time ago and how wrong we were in thinking 4-6 weeks would be an average waiting time.

    Chewy i know of someone who had there application refused because they had recently lost there job and was at that time claiming benefits. Im not sure you are in the same boat as you are self employed and not reliable on state hand outs so chin up mate and think positive we are all rooting for you and the mrs. :)

    Chew, for what it is worth, I agree with Roly.

  15. I just love this topic, everytime I check it there is at least 5 or more members checking it also 555555555! it doesn't matter what time of day or night either, the offices are closed now and still checking for updates, I think i've lost the plot, anyone else suffer from checksettlementpostiitis :D:D:)

    Could not agree more my non feathered friend. :D I've def lost the plot ....do you know what was going through my head today? The VFS is now saying "Application Collected". But we asked for it to be sent to the Mrs' friend so why 'collected', should it not say 'despatched'? Then I start thinking who has collected the visa? Is this a bloody admin cock up? Also, I've checked my APET number 6 times today after getting a thumbs up just to re-assure myself that I was getting a consistent result.

    My Doctor has said I've got 'checksettlementpostiitis' and unfortunately it is untreatable.

  16. Thanks everybody and thumbs up too for Fiend and PeterH ( Note: if there are any other 'lurkers' out there, join in, its much more fun and it might mean ajsp gets off the bottom of the list :D ). Sumrit your prediction was close enough for me, as they say nobody gets fired for delivering ahead of schedule :D .

    Spoke to the Mrs and she knows less than what I do :) . Still she had a good day out at Big C. As mentioned, she has asked for the application to be forwarded to her friend's house in Bangkok. So, back to the waiting game. Don't know whether it will be sent via Courier? Do posties work on Saturday? Feels like Monday......which should be the day we say Cheerio to Chew, Sumrit and FF.

    Have a good weekend.

  17. Just been onto the VFS fruit machine and our application is saying "Application Collected" - submitted on 30/03. Nearly choked on my boiled egg. I need to speak to the Mrs ( I'm UK based), as the App was due to posted to her friend in BKK. Got to rush off to Leamington Spa, of all places now, so I'll check back in after lunch with an update.

    Apologies if I've done an 'Italian' and barged in on some of the seniors.

  18. Jeez only two this week the law of averages should have given us more than that.

    A big influx coming early next week i can feel it!!! :D

    2's not that bad for a week, remember they only do about 4-5 applications a day and this mad house is only a small number to what have applied, but lets hope we hear some good news tomorrow & next week and get some of the members off this list who have been waiting nearly 14 weeks :D it can't be easy for them !

    Maybee but we didnt get a sausage from any of us for weeks :)

    Yes this is true we did not hear anything for nearly 3 weeks but we don't know how many others applied who are not members here !!!! so lets says 80 applications were done in those 3 weeks maybe only 1 of them was a member of TV who knows ? but it looks like it's taking the full 3 months (just over 13 weeks) to get things sorted but we can not complain as we were told this in the beginning :D

    Sums are not my strong point, so forgive me if I've got the wrong end of the stick but one (1 i.e 1%) application had a response within 5 days based on 104 granted (near enough). How did they do that?

  19. on Tuesday my mate called the embassy (actual embassy) and got through to the actual ECO who had the case on his desk, he needed more info on bank accounts cause the fax received about 3 weeks ago wans't clear (3 weeks ago!!!!!) but said once they had the new copies then a desicion would be give n in 2 days, so docs faxed for them to see wednesday morning, result should be heard tomorrow!? They will update me as soon as they hear but will have to travel from Samui to get the result so Monday will be the day they find out.

    3 Weeks ago. Nice to see things a moving normaly. SLOW Looks like that one actualy came to a Halt.

    Unbelivable. Did they think it would become clearer if they put it to one side for a week or 3.

    Now Come On Chewy. you must hear today and get off this crazy list.

    :) We had to do something similar about three weeks ago, a fax from the Mrs doctor confirming pregnancy and my passport stamp. I could not get through. Emailed the Embassy saying fax not working, finally got one back saying try again. I did, went through, emailed saying that they should now have my documents. I expected a "Yep, got them all ok, ta". I hope I'm not getting the same treatment as Boo's mate.

  20. Just got back From chang Mai. Visa's Granted and Flight Booked for Tue 23rd ALL On board For The UK.

    Everybody Happy. Now we have to get sorted and packed up

    Good Luck To All. No Refusals Thats good. It seems like a year since my first post Every week = 1 month

    Thanks again To The OP Thusername.

    Looks like this thread could run forever. It was a great comfort to know we were not Alone during the WAIT

    :) Come on Chewy it should be your BIG Day.

    Bye For now will look in and keep checking on progress.

    Great stuff KnK. Safe journey and chock dee.

  21. Right then chewy looks like its your time. Lets hope you hear sumit tomorrow or sumrit......COME ON THE EMBASSY........

    let the party begin :)

    BTW, do you reckon the honchos from the Embassy ever look at this thread? I would, cheap customer research. Anyhows, I've pencilled in me n Mrs to go to Warwick Thai festival on the 19th July.......ages away!

  22. Yeeepee News News News. Processed Aplication Returned to Courier Text message Recived @ 11.49

    Courier in Chang Mai have just told us to ring @ 13.00

    Will post Result ASAP Things ARE moving 13 weeks Today for me Fried of Boo ? Sumrit Next

    Wife Happy Happy Happy 90% 10% worry it's a refusal.

    Excellent news kennkate, this could be the hole in the dam this week.

    Sounds, as in our case, that VFS don't always update/SMS as soon as they have the papers returned.

    KnK great news, sure it will be thumbs up. Waiting now over. The defences have been breached, go, go, go for the rest of the 'seniors' stuck in mid-March.

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