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Posts posted by markg

  1. But with little or no public transport how else do these kidsget to school?

    That crossroads is dangerous at any time; we were crossing on a green light fro Phuket Town towards Kathu, had moved 5 yds slowly, when a Camry with green number plates went through on the red from the north doing at least 50. When will the police stop these dangerous taxi drivers.before we get killed? :)

    Oh pur-leez Wellington. How did they get to school before they had motorbikes?!

    They got to school on the HUNDREDS of mainly private songthaows, that's how. These are private pickup trucks, converted so they have bench seats in them, for the express use of taking kids to and from school. They do not ply a route normally throughout the day. They just take kids to and from school. Maybe you havent seen them?

    Or..........their parents take them.

    However they come to school is up to the parents. Some parents have made the decision that it is OK to let an underage child, with no licence or insurance and usually no helmet, to ride to school on a motorcycle.

    I'm sorry. This is indefensible behaviour.

    I've said it before, this is a DEVELOPING country. Its laws are not fully fledged and the populaces' personal transport choices have grown quicker than legislation can keep up.

    In time, we will have stronger policing, with harsher fines, and more realistic driving tests. This takes time, but it WILL come. There is a change happening right now. The police are clamping down, certainly in Phuket town, on yobbish and illegal behaviour on motorcycles. It takes time to change, but its definitely happening.

    The taxi drivers you talk about driving erratically. This too will change. Although frankly, taxi drivers in private saloon cars are not exactly doyens of high driving standards in any country !

  2. I went past at lunch time. The BIB have confiscated their bikes. There are perhaps 25 bikes parked up there now.

    They confiscate the bikes until the fine is paid at the police station.

    This is a good thing. Sooner or later, the more you get stopped and fined, well...............you're gonna stop what you're doing. You're gonna wear a helmet, get a licence, or your parents are going to take the bikes off you.

    Unfortunately (or fortunately depending which side of the fence you are on) in the UK the parents can be held responsible for their miscreant kids. So if a kid is out riding a motorbike that his parents have bought then the parents can also be fined for knowingly allowing their kids to break the law.

    I do find it rather amazing that parents buy motorbikes for their kids knowing they dont have a licence.

  3. In the optical shop opposite Telewiz in Central one of the staff spent 30 minutes repairing my reading glasses & did not want any payment. I now use this shop for others in my family who require glasses.

    I feel that this is a very pertinent point Valentine.

    In my opinion, a typical 2-week tourist possibly neither knows nor cares he is being over charged. (Not that this makes it right of course)

    But the typical ex-pat DOES know and will USE THE SHOPS that he feels he gets decent service and value from time and again.

    I used to use a tin-shack motorcycle service place purely because the lads there went over and above what was required and didnt charge me for it. I value that, and repay it by using their service again and again.

    No one likes to be taken for a mug. It leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

    Ok, kinda back on topic, i am not massively aware enough of places that overcharge me because i'm white. I dont go to places like Fantasea or the zoo etc. Most of the stuff i buy is in Phuket Town and i always speak Thai to the shop owners and feel that i get the Thai price.

    The Phi Phi ferry is slightly different because by and large it IS used just by tourists. Yeah i know expats and Thai nationals also use it, but the point i m making is that its mainly used by tourists. There is a tourist price which they're happy to pay. If all the tourists find out that they are paying over the odds it could be bad for business. The Phi Phi ferry is a pretty tightly run 'mafia' - all the companies have agreements in place and getting the Thai price can be hard, particularly at the ferry itself.

    I once went to the Thai boxing place in Kata and scoped it out for a while before getting my ticket. I noticed that Thais were getting different coloured tickets for 100b whilst people with white skin were paying something like 700b.

    I got my thai chick to buy two tickets for 100b each.

    The doorman then stopped me and we had a 5 minute discussion. I produced my tax card (a thing he had clearly never seen before) and explained that i work here, live here and only have the same money as a Thai. As a matter of fact, my Thai female colleague earned the same as me.

    He EVENTUALLY agreed i could come in.

    Am i interested in going back there? Not on your nelly! I don't want to be made to feel that i have to beg to get in at the paupers price because i'm poor.

  4. The province of Amnat Charoen has officially the least amount of tourists in Thailand.

    Been through the town of Amnat Charoen lots of times, and I always think that it looks really nice compared to most towns in Isaan.

    There are scores of uninhabited/virtually uninhabited islands off the coast of Phuket where there are no tourists. There is a reason for this as has been pointed out, there is nothing to do there.

    If you want pristine white beaches all to yourself then this is where to go.

    I can lend you a tent, pick up water and food at a store, and i'll pick you up again in 10 days time, if you're still alive.

    In case you're not, can you leave me a deposit beforehand..........................

    I recently went to Pathalung in the south. I think i saw 1 foreigner there the whole time. There is a reason for this.........................there's nothing much to see or do. If you want to live like a Thai then i guess it's a reasonably average place. But i dont really want to live fully like a native. I find their lives tedious. And they would find my life tedious too. Nothing wrong with both of us, it's just that we've been brought up differently and have different enjoyment thresholds.

    You make your choice.

  5. It always amuses me, so many people shop at 7-11 paying a premium price, when you can buy for less at the Thai owned shop next door.... :D Cigs & booze often cheaper!... why are people afraid to use the local Thai owned shops? :)

    7/11 shops ARE Thai.

    The franchise is owned by a Thai.

    The franchisees are Thai

    The staff are Thai

    The delivery drivers are Thai.

    Most of the products stocked are Thai.

    7/11's are what the astute Mom & Pop store have developed into. The ones that havent developed, and still think it's ok to haphazardly stock their wares all over the place, unpriced, with no stock control policy, staffed by family members, will eventually fail - and please believe me, foreigners won't be at fault. The vast majority of 7/11 customers country wide are Thai. They are voting with their feet.

    Storeowners either evolve, improve, or go extinct. They only need to see how the Western high street has evolved to see this with their own eyes...........................but they won't.

    As for the poster saying that dual pricing is acceptable because this is a developing country. So what happens when it becomes developed? This odious practice will continue.

    It 's wrong to make an assumption about someone's wealth based only on the colour of their skin.

    It's just plain wrong. Really. It's indefensible.

    I've been out with a couple of Thai chicks who have run-of-the-mill jobs and fall below the tax threshold. They've never paid a red cent in tax. i choose to live here and am happy to pay tax. I contribute to the upkeep of national assets. Many MANY Thais dont. But i dont want to be double taxed because i'm perceived to be rich.

    Just have a look how many million baht cars are out on the streets.

    There are plenty of rich Thai people out there. Far richer than me.

    Double pricing is wrong.

  6. Not bad, but distinctly average i'm afraid. Dough made from cardboard and extremely thin toppings. B220 is reasonable though. Like i said, 'not bad'.

    If pizza is your thing, then i'm qualified. The Phuket Gazette said so, so it must be true.

    Try, Capanine in Kata, Salvatore in Phuket Town and Il Capricio in Kata. Yes, they are 50 baht or so more expensive, but they are significantly better than La cosa nostra da zio Vanni. Trust me, i'm an expert.

    You must be part of the pizza club on facebook. If I buy pizza it is from Patak being close to home but would prefer something better in the Chalong/Rawai/Nai Harn area if you know of any as I don't fancy going to Kata or Phuket Town unless it is for a night out.

    Does anyone remember the little place on the way to Chalong pier, run by an Amercian couple, which sold really good burritos & has been closed for quite a while now. Would like to find something of the same standard.

    Well in my opinion, M&M's in Rawai (but soon moving to rawai/naiharn area) is better.

    re. the American burrito place. That shut down years ago - and yes, it's still sorely missed! Best burritos are in Los Amigos in Naiharn i feel.

    Ok, the new Indian/Tandoori house on Rawai beach road, between the 7/11 and Candy bar.

    It's by far the best Indian meal i've had in Thailand.

    The restaurant has two floors. Ground floor has some tables outside and some inside. The next floor has lots of tables upstairs. Clean, airy and comfortable.

    They also have hookah water pipes available, though i've no idea how much they cost.

    Couple of Thai chicks were in there smoking apple tobacco. Make your own hooker/hookah/smoking gag here.

    I had Paneer Kofta. One big bowl with 4 kofta thingies in it, surrounded by curry sauce.

    1 x naan bread

    2 x popadoms with dips

    1 x large plate of rice

    2 x Tiger beers

    It was far too much for one person to eat, but i did my best and was stuffed.

    Grand total = 320 baht which in my view is not too expensive. Not something i m going to do every day, but quite a reasonable cost.

    Highly recommended and will be visiting again.

  7. Went there last night. Will definitely go again.

    Will post update in the pinned 'favourite restaurants' thread.

    The best Indian meal i've had in Thailand by far.

    Had Paneer Kofta. One big bowl with 4 kofta thingies in it, surrounded by curry sauce.

    1 x naan bread

    2 x popadoms with dips

    1 x large plate of rice

    2 x Tiger beers

    It was far too much for one person to eat, but i did my best and was stuffed.

    Grand total = 320 baht which in my view is not too expensive. Not something i m going to do every day, but quite a reasonable cost.

  8. A couple of recent discoveries for me.

    New Italian place at the entrance to Patak Villa on Patak road in Chalong. Same guy that owns one in Kata. Smells great, decent service, and reasonable prices.

    I went there tonight and will have to agree with you. I had a pizza and it was really good. Not the watery wet cloth like texture in the center like a lot of pizzarias in Phuket. The owner was really friendly too. He told me he is closing shop in Kata and expanding this new restaurant in Patak Villa.


    Yes not bad at all, we was 5 people 2 Farang 3 Thai everybody liked it and good price as well, and free sambuca

    Not bad, but distinctly average i'm afraid. Dough made from cardboard and extremely thin toppings. B220 is reasonable though. Like i said, 'not bad'.

    If pizza is your thing, then i'm qualified. The Phuket Gazette said so, so it must be true.

    Try, Capanine in Kata, Salvatore in Phuket Town and Il Capricio in Kata. Yes, they are 50 baht or so more expensive, but they are significantly better than La cosa nostra da zio Vanni. Trust me, i'm an expert.

  9. On the subject of the health benefits of shark cartilage (none), surely if it were widely published that there were no health benefits, and quite possibly some detrimental effects on health the market would dry up.

    Target the consumer to stop the demand, which then stops the production and unnecessary killing. Use marketing as a tool against the product then kill the demand.

    It's too simplistic an attitude Philnz. Look at global warming. You get eminent Professors arguing that it is/isn't happening.

    Similar things happen in the health food industry. The government can't spend millions in campaigns saying this or that product isnt of any benefit, but the health food industry CAN spend millions on campaigns, underwritten by highly qualified Doctors, saying that research by such-and-such shows benefits etc etc.

    That's how people start buying it in the first place.

    The great unwashed believe this sh1t. They don't scrutinise the veracity of the research. They believe the marketing hype.

    There are millions of cases all over. Look at birds nest. You know it's the saliva from birds right? People eat that sh1t and it's got no rigorously proved health benefits, but the industry is worth millions.

    Bird spit <deleted> !!

    'most' of the health food industry is propped up by crock of sh1t quasi research and slick marketing campaigns. It also has a placebo effect, and in Thailand, it can lean quite a lot on superstition too.

    Thailand is a marketing dream. It's quite quite frightening what manufacturers get away with.

  10. You could make another thread about Chinese animal cruelty in the name of medicinal products,and fur; where recent videos have shown dogs being skinned alive for some female pop star's back. UGH

    Bear Gall

    Tiger teeth,and other parts supposedly to increase man's libido,

    what rubbish.

    Actually the list is big and worrying.


    Very interesting points Wellington. Where do we draw the line? Leather products? Leather is the skin of ANY animal. Those cheap Chinese leather shoes could be cat, dog, chicken or goat for all we know.

    Ok, so we laugh about people using tiger teeth or rhino horn to increase their libido, but extend this further..............many people drink milk and eat meat because of the so-called health benefits.

    The scientific community is split down the middle on the issues, but consider this.

    1. Humans are the only species to routinely drink the milk from another species.

    2. A calf can only survive a few months on cow's milk alone. A human can survive almost indefinitely on human milk alone. Is cow's milk really a 'complete food' or has the dairy industry brainwashed us all?

    If people educate themselves, and still want to eat animal, then that's fine. I have no problem with personal choice based upon rational, educated decisions. However, i hate the hypocrisy from the masses over the killing of sharks or some other species, whilst those same masses are chowing down on tuna sandwiches, washed down with a glass of milk, whilst wearing a leather jacket.

    I wonder if Boots would consider banning the sale of cod liver oil then? Cod stocks are seriously depleted.

  11. All animals in UK abbatoirs have there throats cut, its been that way for centuries.

    As for sharks, the more people eat them, the less of them there is to eat me.

    You are incorrect Sir. For Halal, and Kosher food, animals have to be healthy before the slaughter. A deep cut is made to the throat and the animal is hung up and bled to death. The animals are not allowed to be stunned before the cut is made because they are then deemed to be unhealthy. Inhumane practice in the 21st century.

    In the UK, cows and pigs are killed using the so-called 'bolt-gun' which is a hand held gun which the operator fires through the animals brain, killing it if he is a good shot, and wounding it if he isnt. The animals throat is then cut, but it's usually dead by then.

    Chickens and other fowl are strung up by their legs and electrocuted before being boiled to remove their feathers.

    That's in the UK where there is legislation.

    In Asia, the butcher kills anyway he sees fit, usually just by slitting the throat and letting the animal bleed to death.

    I only post this here because some people want shark cartilage banned because of the way it is gathered, which then allows the shark to die a slow death. Just like lots of other animals in your dinner plate.

    You can't use cruel and inhumane as your sole argument in banning shark cartilage. Killing animals unfortunately is pretty cruel and inhumane. Have a think about it.

    Ok, farm animals arent protected or endangered, but many fish are, and many of them get caught by accident. Dolphins in particular are caught whilst fishing for tuna, for example.

    All fish, ALL FISH, are left to suffocate to death so we can eat them.

    We're eating the planet to extinction, people, just to satisfy our palates.

    I'm glad Boots has withdrawn shark cartilage, and i'd be happier if people thought about the use of all animal products too.

  12. Actually, it 'can' work here too. I've been using it for two years with remarkable results.

    I've written a number of university papers on the subject too.

    The golden rule regarding classroom management is that there is no magic bullet. No single strategy will work for all kids, all the time.

    So punishment won't work all the time, and of course, neither will positive management techniques.

    A good teacher makes himself aware of a range of techniques and uses them all.

    Here's the rub. Does punishing the student make you feel better or worse? Does it sometimes leave you with a knot in your stomach? Do you end up hating the student maybe. Does dealing with that student turn into a battle of wills - one of which you feel you have to win or end up losing your authority. 3 years ago, i answered 'yes' to all of the above.

    I don't do punishments anymore.

    I feel better for it, and so do my students.

    I praise and reward for good behaviour (generally NOT for good work because that excludes the less able students)

    The students who are bad don't get punished, they just don't get quite as much praise and reward. After a while, they yearn for it. I've seen it and done it countless times.

    Problems (of tardiness/forgetting notebooks/chatting in Thai etc) are only problems if you recognize them as such.

    Scott is quite right. Forget a notebook? Then share or use paper.

    Chatting in Thai? No worries - please do it quietly.

    Late? Big deal. Just come in will ya - glad you could make it.

    Have you seen the buffalo fighting they do in Isaan where two of the beasts butt heads and try to push the other one back?

    Try to make sure that isnt you and a student.

    You may win the push, but you will end up unhappy, unfulfilled and with an ulcer.

  13. Too many condoning the cruelty;

    I agree, education needed, but someone who wants dog leg for Sunday roast wants more education than most ,I fear.

    Why's that then?

    It's just that maybe you aren't used to eating dog. Or cat. Or rabbit. Or crocodile. Or kangaroo.

    Can you imagine how horrified Hindus are at you actually wanting to eat beef for your sunday roast.

    Or a Muslim at you wanting to eat pork?

    A dog bred for meat is just meat, the same as pork or beef. Just because it's a 'new' or unusual food to you doesnt mean it's wrong. Maybe it's you who needs education Mr boef Wellington!

    Doesnt it appear slightly hypocritical that people choose which animals they will kill and eat, and choose others that should be spared because they are cute, or 'pets' or similar.

    In some parts of Africa, elephants are considered a great menace. But many people in the West wouldnt eat them because they are 'cute'.

    I applaud Boots stopping selling shark cartlidge. I wonder if they will also stop selling cod liver oil too?

    Now some might argue that sharks are killed inhumanely. This may be so. But have you stopped to think how the fish on your table was killed? It suffocated, slowly and painfully to death.

    Do you think ANY of the animals in Asia that are killed for human consumption, are done so humanely? Care to join me in a visit to an abatoir?

    You know how Halal meat is prepared right? Throat cut and bled to death. Humane? I dont think so.

    With Vegetarian fest fast approaching, you'd think people might actually consider exactly what it is they are putting in their mouths, rather than squaking about cute or endangered animals only.

  14. In my experience, certain teachers 'enjoy' or take relish from finding out what the rules are and then making sure they are imposed.

    My take on it is the exact opposite. If you IMMEDIATELY impose the rules, then you are forced to impose the punishment - and this backs you into a corner. You've immediately got no other options but to impose some sort of punishment.

    There are other ways.

    Google 'positive classroom management techniques' and see if you can learn something. Be warned, it takes a complete change of mindset. YOu have to cast off the notion that you are the ultimate authority in the classroom and 'must be obeyed'. YOu have to look at 'problems' in a different way. WHo gives a rats ass if kids are 10 minutes late. No point giving yourself an ulcer about it. Ignore it ! Punishing them isnt going to make them turn up on time. Every single day i see the same kids running laps around the track at school because they are late. Is it working? Clearly not.

    Using positive behaviour techniques focuses the teacher on rewarding and encouraging the student to do the best they can, as opposed to punishing them for little things like being late or forgetting a notebook. Believe it or not, when a student feels good about you, they are more likely to behave. If you put yourself in the position of two animals butting heads, then they are not going to behave.

    Do you have rules in your classroom which sound like "you must do this, or you must not do that"

    All a bit authoritarian isnt it?

    There is an alternative !

    Back on topic. I believe that violence breeds violence. If my child was beaten by a teacher, of course i would feel angry, but i wouldnt go and kick the teachers head in. What sort of example does that set to your child, and the other kids in the school? That violence is ok?

    What are they going to be like when they become teachers........................

  15. Cut to the chase.

    They can be retested til Kingdom come and still won't pass. So what's the point in wasting YOUR time doing that. It's an exercise in futility.

    Our students have to get 50% overall to get a grade of one, same as the post above.

    I cut to the chase by making sure my continuous assessment grades throughout the semester, ensure that no student ever gets less than 50 percent.

    I tell the students that if they got a final grade of 1 then really they have failed.

    I make sure that students who really try, but are just poor at studying, will get a grade of at least 1.5.

    Our school don't hold kids back if they fail, so what is the point in me wasting my break time retesting a student in a test that is clearly above their ability level?

  16. What a strange perspective they must have of their own country..

    Well, probably just about every Royal in any country is rarely likely to see the whole mucky truth.

    Honestly, what would you do if you were the chief of police? Let them line the street and shout 'haloooo hansum man' to the Prince, or get them out of sight whilst he passes.

    Actually, the Thai girls will already have known to get out of sight i guess.

  17. It was really really good. Very professional stage, sound and light set-up. The stage is huge. This appeared to be a well thought out and planned event. I felt a bit sorry for residents of the Movenpick hotel as it is literally right opposite them. A few folks were dancing on their balconies though.

    A huge turnout of mainly Thai people attended Friday night's party which is a good sign. Quite how many would turn up if it wasnt free remains yet to be seen.

    A great event and deserved pats on the back for the organisers.

  18. Any one know what happened last night at about 8 pm at Hayek Chalong - fire engine at the entrance of the pier road, traffic jam, lots of water on the road (it wasn't raining :)).

    Yeah they were just washing the road down. They came down chalong pier road at about 8 hosing a few leaves and stuff off the road. No idea why they waste water like this. It's been raining quite a lot recently. You'd think that would take most of the crud off the road.

  19. Today Im leaving Norway for 3 weeks in Phuket. Any last minute tip or advice?


    Drive on the left.

    Wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle.

    Don't drive drunk.

    Wear sunscreen on the beach.

    Watch the red flags on the beach and don't swim if they are flying.

    Don't swim whilst drunk.

    Always wear a condom, even when not having sex, that way, you won't forget when you are.

    Don't take drugs.

    Don't fall in love with a girl who promises to love you for a long time. She's lying.

    Don't fall in love with property that the estate agent says you can own for ever. He is lying.

    Don't drink Chang beer. It's nasty.

    Don't give your ATM or Visa card to anyone.

    Don't take Tuk-Tuks.

    Don't believe half of what you read on forums.

    Have a good holiday.

  20. And they force him to take the 200,000 baht, then deduct the cost of the big sign arrow thing, maintenance, and electricity, which comes to.....hold on a sec.......carry the two... and...yes, there it is, 199,000 baht. :)

    If it's his land, i wonder if he is responsible for someone having an accident on it? Surely you can't have it both ways. If someone crashes on that rumble strip, why don't they sue the shop owner? I noticed a couple of weeks ago that someone has crashed into the big arrow thing. The post closest the middle of the road is pretty bent up. Frightening that someone can actually hit that actually !

    They should start running tourist trips of Japanese and Koreans to the rumble strip to take photos and mock the greedy man.

  21. As reported in a local news source..

    65 year old woman found dead on a beach near Ao Yon.. No mention of foul play..

    I was there and can confirm it's true. A sailing buddy of mine pulled her out of the water. Very sad news indeed. Her husband was at the scene. Seems she got into difficulty whilst swimming and drowned. Very great shame. And before anyone jumps to conclusions about red flags/life guards etc, let me explain quickly that AO Yon bay is like a swimming pool all year round. There are no waves nor rip tides. That's why there is an oyster farm in the bay and also so many boats moor there.

    There are no lifeguards on duty and generally only a handful of tourists around.

    I was sailing there on Sunday afternoon and conditions were calm, with a flat sea, and a light 8 - 10 knot breeze.

    Police and ambulance attended the scene promptly and took the lady away to the hospital.

    Sincere condolances to the family. A very sad tragedy.


  22. Countryside nobody uses helmet, not even bib.

    True. Funny, I kinda use that as a yardstick to determine how far away from civilization I am. In Phuket only once along Nai Yang Beach did I see a couple without them.

    In Rawai, a rough guess, 50% wears a helmet. Does that make it civilized?

    No, it's a yardstick of how little policing is going on.

    I was sat in a cafe in Phuket town on Thursday at 5pm. On the main road near the waterfall roundabout/fresh food roundabout. Very busy with traffic. The whole time i was sat there, i saw just two motorcycle riders without helmets. Literally, hundreds went passed me - all wearing lids. The two riders with no helmet were of school age.

    I'd say this pretty much goes to prove that strong policing is what gets people to wear a helmet.

    I'd also like to think that once they get into the habit of wearing a helmet, then they will don one automatically.

    In much the same was as we all thought it strange to wear a seatbelt in a car in the UK, until the police enforced it and it became second nature. Now we even wear them in the backseat of a car ! Who'd have thought eh !

    It's about education and demonstration. Parents need to wear a helmet when they have their kids on board. Helmet designs need to be cool so that kids WANT to wear them. Police need to enforce helmet wearing. Public service advertising needs to highlight the folly in not wearing a helmet.

    Once we've got to that stage, they can begin bringing in laws about the quality of the helmets - which again the police have to enforce.

  23. Scubabuddha - great stuff, thanks. I'll be checking them out.

    Yes, good post about where to buy helmets.

    Am wondering if a 'where to buy proper motorcycle helmets' thread should be pinned in the phuket forum?

    Might make old and new visitors think a little?

  24. I've just eaten there and I thought the food was excellent.

    I had murgh tikka masala, two garlic nans and a San Miguel Light for 380 Baht.

    Happy hour from 9 in the morning to 9 at night, Tiger beer is 39 Baht.

    I believe the owner did have that restaurant mentioned in Kata.

    Anyway, this place blows Mr. India out of the water.

    Good review KarenBravo. Thanks. Will definitely stick it on my places to visit list.

    A meal with a beer for 380 baht is fairly modest.

    Did you get rice with it?

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