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Posts posted by Padrino

  1. I use the train everyday, and the way Thai's just push pass you to make sure they get on before you, this kind of thing was always going to happen at some point!

    Thai's are just soo ignorant at times! No manners, whatsoever!

    Hope she recovers soon!!

    I have been using the BTS for months and find it so much better than the London transport service in terms of pushing and manners. I find the majority of Thai people very well mannered on the BTS and the organisation of the system as a whole is something the UK should certainly take note of.

  2. I have been seeing a fair few of these missionary types around BKK of late. It would seem there is an extra drive for recruitment on. Whilst I personally do not approve of forcing religion on anyone, I came across a very interesting article which explores the possibility of a woman using the help offered by Christian missionaries as a platform to get out of the game as it were.

    Praise the Lord... ' I go with you ?' :)


  3. 2 options:

    Ask her if she will have an abortion - Warning; she may get very angry at this so be prepared for a mental fit. If she agrees then you are quids in.

    if not:

    Tell her you are leaving her anyway, you do not want her. Tell her to have the baby as she so pleases, and you will pay her to leave you and leave the kid behind, 1m Baht should do it if you have that sort of cash (to be honest 200,000 would probably do it). Carry on working your job in BKK and hire a full time nanny, which would be far cheaper that what you are shedding out at the moment.

    Someone here described the life your kid will have growing up in Isaan with the granny etc, and they hit the nail on the head. The girl will go back on the game for sure - no uni paper to get a half decent job and used to fast lazy money. Your kid will end up an unedcated mess somewhere in the sticks, never knowing why his farang daddy didn't give him a better life than his mates. The kid is your number 1 concern - unless of course you love her and want to be with her.

    Lose any emotions you have now, do not look back, look forward and think of the best solution. Be honest with yourself - what would you do if you got a brass pregnant in your home country? Would you even be living with her?

  4. This thread is all handbags - Walking Street is crap at the best of times, just a load of hookers and sociopaths paying 20 quid to get their end away. I would rather see a video of some beautiful thai rural area with some cutural sights thrown in.


  5. Does anyone else think that ageism is rife in Thailand.I have had over 20 years experience running pubs in the Uk. I retired in 2003 when I came to Thailand, but for a while now have thought I would like to work again.Each time I apply for a position, everything goes well until they ask my age(i'm 56) As soon as I tell them a quick excuse is made, and the interview ends.Do employers think that because i'm not in my 20's or 30's I don't have the ability to think of new ideas to keep a pub attractive to todays customers. Do you have to be young to be creative.Thoughts please.

    Friend of mine just turned 31, but she looks 24. She is looking for a new job in the hotel industry - unbelievably 31 is considered old, and most positions have a requirement of hiring only 21-29 year olds. Mental, absolutely mental. I am 31 myself, and I personally feel I will be at my working prime (knowledge and skill wise) when I am 35+. In fact this is documented in Napoleon Hill's Think Rich Grow Rich book - he documents that most men are not truely successful in business until they well into their 40s. Good luck with the job hunt.

  6. A very interesting observation. I think you are right in many cases. I started life here on Samui and whilst currently still here, yearn to live in Bangkok or Chiang Mai. Coming back for regular visits to Samui is the answer for me, but my homebase would be on of the cities. They offer so much more to do.

    But, at the end of the day, each to their own. However, island life is just not quite for me!

    I too started out in Samui, i then moved to BKK and have been here since Jan. I miss Samui lots those and the answer is defo a split between the two. Nest year I will do 2 months BKK and 1 month samui consecutively.

  7. .....they had deceived the investors to invest over Bt100 million in fake firms...

    Anyone who invests in a company without checking that it exists, deserves to be parted from their money. :)

    Bit harsh, sometimes people make poor rash decisions without first checking the facts, but hardly deserving of being scammed from their hard earned money


    dam_n right - it happens in Nana , Cowboy, Patpong and Walking Street every night :D

  8. They do bite so be careful, I was taking pictures of a big tookay and was warned by Thais that they can jump and bite your neck or another part of you - when they bite they hang on and have to be prized off. So do not corner one and yes some Thais are scared of them , more so the women , i dont think so much scared as aware that they can be dangerous.

  9. Can the WP fee not be salary determined? It makes perfect sense, reading through this topic it would seem some people are earning so much they couldn't give a hoot and others will feel the pinch. Why can a government department not pre-empt a reaction like this and implement a sliding scale policy? This country never progresses because it is quite simply thick, all the people in positions of power are there because of family connections and elitist status, not because they are good at their jobs. For this country to move forward with positive well thought out policies they need some brains in the mix.

  10. I have not read the book so my opion about it may not be completely accurate. But from what you described it sounds like the author is not giving the full picture of Thailand. What you described is very much what one would expect if you marry a poor Isaan girl. In essence, if you marry outside your social class then these demands and ways of thinking are typical. However, that is not fair to put all of Thai people into that category. If a poor Thai man marries a poor Thai girl, all the rules change. If a middle-class marries a middle class, it changes again. The expectations above don't apply.

    The author may have lived here longer than me, but I think the author's view is based on his/her own experience. I have a different one. I have lived in Thailand and got tired of the money conversations, sad stories, and paying for her and all her friends, and calling back her missed calls because I was not important enough to spend a few baht on a telephone call.

    I started to focus on the same type social class of women I would back home. And behold, it is so refreshing to be with someone who doesn't want money, is independent, and actually pays for dinner sometimes. I think the book is focused on the middle class foreigner -to- poor uneducated Thai relationship. Thai men don't date outside their social class. The reasons are exactly as you described in the book.

    I guess if you want to deal with those headaches, that's up to you.

    On the button - hear hear! People are always knocking Thai women but if you hang out with poor, uneducated, lower class (apologies) women in my country you will see the same attitudes and trends. Like you say, go for an independent woman who doesn't mind getting up at 7am to do a hard days work. However, regardless of income when you date a woman in Thailand i think the onus is still on the man to pay for things, many women in the UK still like that old fashioned approach too, and many men are often happy to be the provider (alpha status , pride etc). Also worth remembering that even independent women in Thailand may still be earning under 8k a month, they may be sharing a room and from a poor family but struggled to get a good education and pride themselves on not being a 'real thai lady' not one of the bar bunch. If you dated such a girl you would still end up paying for everything because no doubt she couldn't afford much on her wage. However she may well be an absolute gem of a GF.

    There are 'poor' good women here - in fact plenty of them , my apartment block is full of single 9-5's who never seem to go out other than work and a trip to the washing machine. Strike a balance, i would hate to date a pretentious Siam shopping Victoria Beckham wannabe , but then i dont want a heartless gold digger.

    That book is obviously marketed at what they consider to be the average Thai-farang relationship. As a general guide it might serve a purpose, as a relationship guide i think it is presumptious and condesending. There is no guide to life and every relationship has some individuality when compared with another- You have to feel your way through and find your own destiny and spirituality - follow your instinct not your d***, a better read for most out here would be The Celestine Prophecy (great book)

  11. Thai men like to play snooker and its a very big competitive sport here . Have you ever played against a Thai and won the game ? Many that I have played, to me are like proffessionals ,considering the amount of time they spend in these snooker halls it suprises me that there are not more top players like Wattana on the Pro Circuit .

    The bar girls are also like professional pool players, not easy to beat one , have you tried ?

    Bargirls prosessional? Come on, if you even know the working end of the cue you are playing, you know they can

    t play shit :)

    Some of the thai guys are pretty good though, but most of the crack under pressure, prolly the reason they don't do so well in international games.

    True - I played this one guy a few weeks back - 400 baht was the pot as it was double or quits (my m8 had just beaten him) - He had 3 chances to finish up and messed up under the pressure leaving us with no drinks to pay for :D

    I was beaten by a lady boy once in Samui - but it doesn't happen often, BG can pot but make silly mistakes and don't know about positioning. Fair play to them though , i can roll up in most bars and have a good game with a lady - back home they are hopeless (ladies that is not BG).

  12. Yeah, it's ridiculous.

    I do find it funny when the Thais complain to their third generation Chinese bosses in Bangkok how the foreigners that married a Thai woman are stealing their countries wealth... :)

    They never seem to have a go at the Chinese, pretty much every rich Thai I have come across is half Chinese, Chinese or married to a Chinese person.............seems like the further the economy falls the more anti farang feeling there is.

  13. SCAM ALERT - I tried to withdraw 4 times at UOB the other day - it cancelled the transactions saying insufficeint funds - i checked my statement and it took the money all 4 times and charged me 150 bt each time.

    My mate just tried to get 20k from BKK Bank at a 7/11 and same thing has happened , now he is stuck on holiday in Udon with no money and the banks are shut !

    Clearly they are just after getting the 150 baht fee as many times as possible.

  14. Foreigners are the main target...

    I thought I read "Victory Monument and Ratchaprasong Junction?"

    I don't think foreigners are the main target.

    But can't disagree that this is more about revenue generation that safety--just like in America!


    Plenty of expats in VM me being one, there are quite a few teachers living around here also as this is an educational hub. We also have the Century Park Hotel nearby so plenty of farang shoppers at the local VM market.

  15. Tourism may be at an all time low but there will always be a guaranteed number of people coming here every year and newbie’s as well. Sex pests will always visit Thailand and every year new perverts will discover the delights on offer. This sort of person doesn't care about red or yellow shirts, or swine flu...they would risk getting HIV if it meant a sordid encounter. It is families and those travellers interested in Asia per se and culture etc that have fallen in numbers - Nana/Patpong/Cowboy Pattaya/the islands etc will still be attracting a continuous flow of creepy slime balls.

  16. more people are still dying from the standard flu every day in the majority of countries. I would rather be here than in the UK who have the 3rd highest number of infected people next to Mexico and the US !

    Back home 2 of my brothers friends have caught the virus and are fine with symptoms nowhere near as bad as normal flu. Stop worrying too much - stay healthy -not too much drinking or smoking - plenty of sleep - vitamins /minerals etc , then if you do get it your body should fight it well. It seems to be affecting people differently but for the most part its the standard very young and elderly who are most at risk. I think only one man of so called normal health has died in the UK, just make sure if you do get it you go to a decent Thai hospital.

  17. I live in BKK and I am going to be taking a trip to Udon Thani in a few weeks. I have been to many places in Thailand and never taken Anti malaria tablets, but a friend suggested I might need them in some of the Isan region. Can anyone who lives up there advise me on this please. I am also considering going to Laos for a visa run while I am up North, would I need malaria tablets for Laos? Any tips on great places to see in and around Udon would be appreciated, is there still a US air base there? I heard there was one there during Nam?


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