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Posts posted by mosquitoman

  1. I think the rain is more important than the tourists at the moment, here on Koh Pha Ngan we are experiencing water shortages, that have lead to the govement water only being switched on several hours a day.

    After all we are not going to get many tourist if they cant wash themselves whilst here


  2. I recomend stuff called Skeetolene (spelling ?), available localy in pharmacies & supermarkets.

    No DEET, but works great, citronella & eucalyptus.

    Not to many mosquitos in January as its dry, dont be paranoid, but definatly take some repelant.

    Skeetolene is 20% Deet but smells of citrus etc, very effective, and good value.


  3. Hi All ,

    A friend of mine has just got back from a couple of weeks in Kao Pan Gnang and 1 night on the Khao Sarn. Heres the story:

    Whilst on KPY (Kho Pan Yang) 3 people were murdered. 2 of them had their thoats slit. One other in a fight or something. As a resulkt the military showed up in force (boats etc) and all the bars are now shutting at 2pm. My mate saw one of the guys being carried away in a stretcher.

    Then last night apparently someone jumped out of a window at the guesthouse he was staying at on khaosarn.

    Also, whilst on Khao Sarn roas a mate of his got caught with weed, the police turned down a 30,000 baht bribe but they later got out from the station at kho Samui for 100,000 baht.

    Has anyone else heard of any of these stories? Pretty serious shit, apparently very little was done about the murders in the way of investigation!

    Is your friend called Walter Mitty?


  4. And also check out the security of your room/bungalow ,as there has been many reports of stealing etc, not just during the FMP, but at other times as well. See if the place you're staying at has safe deposit facilities.Enjoy!

    Good Idea, I hear too many reports about bungalows being broken into.


  5. Caveat Emptor!

    The last time Air Asia had a promotion on, their website did not work satisfactorily, and a booking we made that showed up as an error in the browser, actually went through. I even called to check with their staff 5 minutes later, in order to check that nothing had been charged from the credit card.

    The member of staff claimed the booking had not gone through. Still, in the afternoon when checking the bank account, it turns out the booking HAD been made and charged from the credit card, contrary to what their staff member said.

    That evening as well as the next day, I and my wife spent 5 (yes FIVE) hours on the phone with Air Asia, trying to get the booking cancelled, but even calm persistence did not get more than credits for booking flights within 90 days, and this after several hours and having escalated the issue to management; they refused to cancel the purchase due to their 'no refund' policy, despite the fact that the fault was theirs in that the website did not work as it should, and their staff member had given us incorrect information.

    Be VERY careful.


    Why did you not take it up with the card issuer?


  6. why not just stay on topic in the old thread?

    but i can tell one thing, doesn't matter if your visa run just to a land crossing border or a in and out flight. they will count your days in the same way. a lot of reports here that people come in by air don't get their full 30 days on visa examption.

    so why not stay a few days longer in penang and apply for tourist visa there.

    okay friday is weekend and consulate not open, but you should get a extention of stay for more 7 days here in thailand and then fly to penang next week.

    nobody could give you a guarantee that you should be then in a new 180 days period, so better save then sorry and apply for a visa.

    for malaysia you don't need a visa. and on this board you will find a lot of reports how to do it and get a tourist visa for thailand in penang.


    I think you have found the solution you were looking for if you follow the sensible advice above


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