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Posts posted by Teach

  1. Hey Scamps,

    At Bt.70 =857

    At Bt. 75=800

    So its about 10.50 per Bt.

    You will have to see how much its going to cost you to get to wherever offers the best rate.

    Even the bus now in London costs a quid per bleeding mile.

    The spread will only be 2-3 Bt. at best, maybe choose the nearest to the pub.

    Good luck,


  2. Thanks for the link Yeti, there seems to be a lot of good info on it, I'll have a good read later.

    Teach, wow, that was a really good post, just the sort of thing that I was after.

    It was interesting to find out that the waist twister is dangerous - that's a shame, I kind of liked the look of that one.

    Also finding out that the massager is a waste of space, I told my gf that and she was more than slightly disappointed. I think she thought it had some sort of magic fat busting powers  :o

    If it wasn't for your post, I probably would have gone straight into doing my situps on the machine.  So thanks to you, it looks like i've saved myself from a possible back injury.

    The rower is a slider, as in the chair slides up and down the rails, is that what you mean?

    I only got the machine today and I've only just got home, i'll leave it until tomorrow until I get my exercise head on.

    Just out of interest, how much exercise, should I be doing a week (using my machine)  What I mean is should it last an hour, three times a week, or should I be doing more?


    As it is a slider good, it is almost impossible without sheer negligence to do any damage to your back with the slider. Just make sure when you use it for the top half that you don't begin the pull with the lower back.

    The other responders offer good advice and with regard to discipline routines, if you struggle then try to put the machine in front of the TV or in eye sight thereof. You can do as much as you wish , you'll never overdo it as long as you build into it. With regard to warming and cooling, that is specifically what your machine does. The times when you will need to warm and cool is when you push yourself to extremes, Just don't bust into it and don't suddenly stop, slow in slow out.


  3. If kicked out of LOS, I would move immediately to the Mayfair neighborhood in London and spend all my time convincing the Brits of how wonderful, open-minded, peaceful, worldy and smart the American people are!

    You speak Arabic and Russian, then?

    It wouldn't matter how bilingual you are, you would be wasting your time. Unfortunately (or do I mean fortunately) the Americans have lost their ability to bulls##t the world, it just don't wash any more. Nice while it lasted though no doubt.


  4. Some real good posts above especially retorting to Singapores non corruption status. Just ask those not in the loop.

    Fact is corruption has been with us (humans) since we became farmers many thousands of years ago. Before there was civilization or politics. As long as we crave for more it will always be with us. I believe it can certainly be reduced anywhere in the world if you remove the opportunity to benefit from corruption from the people we put into power as one poster suggested. The penalties for being caught would need to be very severe, like death. If all world governments had ministers qualified by there academic/political abilities and not by their monetary pull, there would be no place for the wealthy to go into politics merely to protect their interests, or for the ambitious to use politics to become wealthy.

    Sadly this is fantasy.


  5. Why oh why do so many people with so little knowledge of what is available here in Thailand eagerly give advice that would possibly prevent an individual from making his/her home here.

    I would agree that at this time in Thailand it is not prudent for a non National to invest in Land/Property for the reasons quoted and the simple fact that if any non National has to go to the lengths currently open to them to have control, the system isn't set up to favour the farang. The fact that with gigery pokery it can be done only serves to give employment and profit to the hoard of thai lawyers who know how to use the loop holes currently existing in Thai law. All those loop holes can be closed for the farang at any time. While Thai law prevents the non Thai from Having the same basic rights, representation and opportunities as the thai, the non thai should always treat themselves merely as a guest. Guests eventually have to leave.

    However as far as investing here in Thailand, there are ways where the farang and the thai can invest here with legal title and the protection of international law of ownership where any coup (withi reason) or change of government or monarchy cannot affect. The investments are protected and the proceeds are redeemable in a selection of countries around the world so the individual doesn't ever have to come here again should they so wish. The annualized returns are among the highest available anywhere in the world today.

    Those who are not aware of this should bone up before slating everything.


  6. How about 'Livingstones' on Soi 33 Sukhumvit. It has both Thai food restuarant and great African theme. The beer is real cheap and.. it has its own large swimming pool and pool bar for the sporty types, and a stage for the wannabee singers and great musicians. In fact it has everything plus all the extra's on 33...

    Oh and did I mention it closes when the last one leaves, usually around 6.00am


  7. ....and we can all understand why he calls for confidence...without continued consumer spending his own bottom line is affected. So like all the top of the food chain 'wolves' he is prepared to see his flock spend themselves into financial ruin just to underpin his own interests.

    Pity they don't bring back stoning.


  8. The confessions of a window cleaner!!!

    Don't all of us here at least attempt to create a new identity, or in part. Sad indeed this story but not unique.

    I can't help noticing an accent in your writing java, from where do you originate.

    Are your children 'His' children or adopted.

    Family men or women don't just take off without stong cause, especially if the family unit is solid. You mentioned that he was hoading money so there was no real pressure from that area.

    There are indeed two side to a coin, we can only guess at his and whether his actions were justified.

    If there is to be a witch hunt for this guy by producing photo's.. where will it end.

    I can imagine a most wanted board with all kinds of unsuspecting men being hunted down for no viable reason other than one sided stories.

    However, on the flipside, if we do have his picture and one of us knows him then perhaps a friendly chat in the boozer here might help him redress.


  9. Hey there, I’m hoping someone could help me out.

    I just bought myself a fitness machine from Big C, it’s a Grandfit GD807D, there’s a small pamphlet that shows you the 16 exercises (very small diagrams) but basically, there’s 6 main things to the machine. 

    1 Treadmill

    2 Rowing Machine

    3 Cycling (can be used with hands or feet)

    4 That round waist twisting thing (hope you know what I’m on about)

    5 It’s also got what they call a beauty massager, you put the straps around you and let the machine stir your bits around…

    6 It’s got the things there to hook your feet under, to do situps.

    I really am at a loss as to where to start, could one of you guys/gals put me on the right track with a sort of fitness regime. Kind of like if I use the running machine - How long should I run for and at what sort of speed(fast walk, gentle jog, etc.)

    OK, so a bit about me, I’m 31 years old, female and have been in Thailand 5 and a half years.  In that length of time, have failed to do anything more strenuous than running for a bus.

    I gave up smoking 25 days ago and worked it out that I usually spend 930 baht a month on cigarettes. Well, the payments for my new toy is only 850 baht a month, so i’m still ahead… :D

    Oh yeah, just one more thing, that massager, what does it help to achieve (is it just to feel good or does it actually do anything) Apparently you can do your bum/thighs/neck and stomach with it.  How long should i use it for?

    Thanks in advance :o


    Firstly the:

    Massager - crap, no scientific proof of benefit.

    Turntable - dangerous

    Treadmill - OK

    Rowing -OK

    Sit-Up - OK

    Cycling - OK

    What you have there is a cardio-Vascular machine, the treadmill will do this on its own. The cycling machine is also cardio but doesn't produce results as quickly as the treadmill. It can help thigh strength if you increase the torque. Sit-up are purely for abdominal strengthening when executed properly. The rowing machine will produce leg tension and strength when only pushing away, and upper body strength when pulling away ( mostly with the back and chest).

    Do not attempt using the sit-up part until you have developed your stomache muscles. This should be done without the aid of your new toy.

    Lay flat on your back, make sure that during this exercise you keep your lower back flat on the floor and not under stress, this can be achieved by beginning on padding which supports all your body from head to bum. Start with your lower abs.

    Raise one leg to the bent position, with foot flat on the floor. The back of your neck should remain straight and relaxed. Raise the extended leg bending as you do so to meet the first leg and lower. Breath out as you endure stress and keep the abs tight throughout the exercise. Do this with deliberation and for as many repetitions as you feel able. Change legs and repeat, but do both legs equally.

    Upper abs,

    Adopt same opening position. Both legs raised and flat. tighten abs. Place hands behind the head and raise head slightly off the ground using the shoulder to lift not the hands. From this position raise the chest 2/3 inches breathing out and return keeping abs tight. Do 5 sets of 10 reps.

    As you strengthen the abs you will be able to raise yourself higher to do crunches, but in time do not over achieve as this is where injuries originate.

    Later you can turn to touch your left knee with your right elbow, and right to left, this will strengthen you oblique muscles( on the side of your stomache) but later. Always increase your task each time you exercise. Eventually you will find you can do 100's and add weight. Then you will have your washboard belly without injury.

    WARNING: If you begin with the straps to sit-up now you could easily cause serious injury to your lower back that will be with you the remainder of your life.

    Treadmill: Again keep stomache muscles taught. The timing is entirely up to you and your present condition. Your body will tell you if you have bitten off to much to begin with. Learn from this and adjust. Important is technique or breathing properly while you run. Start off with a brisk walking regime to warn your system of what is to come and build up to disciplined running. During the running and after a while encorporate running on your toes to strengthen the calves. Again increase your running time to increase staminer. Always replace lost water with small regular amounts (mouthful) too much will cause cramp.


    Please let me know if this is a slide rower by PM

    Cycling: Do as you please but again build up.


    It is essential you strengthen your back before putting it under stress on the rower.

    While doing your floor Abdominals, turn over lie flat on you stomache legs straight with toes pointing out. Be relaxed. Hands behind the back resting on your butt. Raise your shoulders 2 inches and return, without resting repeat. Do this no more than 5 rep's to start and build on that. Then with leg bent to start raise one leg at a time 4/5 inches and return again 5 reps each leg and build on that. After you must stretch out the back. Lay on your back, bring your legs to your chest holding them with your arms and squeeze out gently and retun. Finish.

    This regime gently increased will substantially increase your cardio, strength, and indurance within two weeks if adopted daily without any breaks.

    Try to add some aerobics to this and you will improve suppleness also.


    Happy tuning,


  10. Hi Daren,

    Most will tell you that it is not always possible to find the perfect apartment first time out.

    It can be wise to find something that will do that is also not expensive, and then look around as you become more familiar with your surroundings. This worked very well for me and eventually I ended up with exactly what I wanted. Of course timing is also important so should you need to default on your deposit to acquire your perfect domain later a cheap apartments deposit loss won't be too painful.

    I know a girl who works independently at finding farangs apartments. She is dilligent and very much in the know. She works on commission of one months rent paid by the landlord. She predominently works the Sukhumvit Soi's between RamaIV and Petchaburi.

    If you would like her contact details PM me.

    Below is one small studio ( not associated with my girl) in 'On Nut' that would do for now whilst you search for your ideal.

    Good Luck

    title: lumpini center sukumvit 77 , between soi 3 _ soi 5 ON NUT, Sukumvit 77, Bangkok


    it is a 30sq. m studio , with independent furnished kitchen & drying balcony

    view from window of thsi condo which is on 8th floor ( top most in building) is most beautiful with a 150 years old buddha temple

    ( wat MahaBud ) , the temple has beautiful view & many spiritual functions can be seen with dances on festivasl etc..

    furniture: 1 double bed with reading lights on head & mattress

    2 wardrobe s for clothes , luggage etc

    1 dressing table with morror & drawers

    1 L shape sofa cum bed for 6 seats

    1 Curtains in latest stitch style sliding vertically up down

    1 Refregator

    1 hot plate with 2 stoves

    1 microwave

    1 hot water instant gyser in bathroom

    1 opeque acrylic sliding shower door

    1 UBC ( 50 English channels connection )

    1 TOT ( Govt. ) telephone line 3B per call ( no time limit )

    1 Aircon Split Unit 9000BTU with remote

    1 computer table

    1 hi Speed internet connection

    1 internal telephone line

    1 partition between bed & living area

    1 set crocery + 1 set utensils ( if required )

    1 floor carpet

    3 wall paintings

    price: 8000B per month + maintainace to juristic approx 500B per month ( to be paid to us )

    electric +telephone + water bills to be paid by you every month to respective agencies

    contact name : Ms. aPpY

    call number : 097885343 ; 02-2459983-4

    email : [email protected]



    * check for photo update once the interiors are done in a week !

    ms. aPpY




  11. Just checked out those ads. All are for IDP's, these MUST be accompanied by a valid national licence.

    Since the OP has lost his UK licence these won't work.

    It WILL work if he has a Thai licence already. i.e. Thai licence + IDP issued in Thailand will be valid for driving abroad, including the UK. (Admittedly, I would love to be stopped by the police in the UK while driving on a Thai licence - no penalty points for starters).

    Welshman - an IDP is just a piece of paper with your photo, and a few different languages that allows you to drive for a limited period in another country. It also has a standard list of vehicle types you're allowed to drive, and in the UK, is actually issued by the AA. It's really for use by tourists, if you're immigrating to Thailand, after an initial period, you have to get a Thai licence.

    You can drive legally in Thailand on an IDP for up to 3 months (ie until you go to immigration to apply for an extension of stay). In the UK, you can drive on the IDP until the IDP runs out (i.e. up to a year).

    However, if you're here on a non-imm visa, with your UK licence + IDP, a doctor's certificate and a letter from the embassy confirming your address, you should be able to get issued with a Thai licence by the local testing centre. (i.e. one of 4 in Bangkok, depending on where you live, or the one in your district if you're outside Bangkok). With a foreign licence + IDP, you normally only have to do a colour blindness test. (although take someone who speaks Thai with you, as all the signs are in Thai, and you'll need to join a few different queues before getting the licence issued.)

    Spot on. That's saved me some typing.



  12. Wife is pregnant, not long to go, got attacked with a knife this morning cos I didn't say "thankyou" for some freshly made sandwiches - I was brushing my teeth at the time...

    Anyone else out there had a similar experience? Or have I married an axe-murderer?  :o

    Do you live in a condo around the 5th Fl, or above. If so lob her over the balcony and be done with it. The police will call it a suicide and you will be able to sleep with both eyes closed once more.

    Christ I can't think of a single farang who would suffer that shit from a wifey at home, why they they stand it here are they that desperate to stay.


  13. The prices are still really stupid for condos. I was quoted 9 mil for 111 m2 the other day in BKK. And they haven't even broken ground. Pre-build buying is a really risky venture now I think. Keep in mid the price per metre (always keep this in mind actually), it has gone from avergae 45,000/m2 for "A" grade to 90,000/m2 at the height of the boom around 6 or 8 months back.

    I'd be pretty cautious now..but then I'm the guy with no condo..or house..or car. So what do I know?

    Pre-build buying? what kinds of guaranties do you get? what if the company goes bankrupt?

    never get involved with buying from blueprints, unless with a reputable company that is prepared to show you the audited accounts and past projects in the area you wish to purchase. Even with all that there is still the problem of who set the prices as here they will always reflect what the value will be on completion meaning you aren't really getting a deal such as you would if you purchased a print property in London.

    Again if you must, keep it under Bt.3m range. properties at Bt,5 m and above - in Bkk anyway are about to dive like a brick for the farang.

    Best advice DO NOT BUY FROM PLANS.

  14. I've heard some rumors about the "bottom about to fall out" of the real estate market in Thailand.  Can someone tell me why this is supposed to happen?  And is this a "consensus view?"  What's going on?

    The rumors are true, though it will be the top end that suffers most and not surprisingly. Over inflated prices driven by greed and feeding off what Thai's 'again' appear to think is an inexhuastable supply of foreign investment. This economy has always been 'floated' by foreign investment most recognizible being tourism. That influx is always tidal and dependent on outside forces. Phuket already is feeling the slow down in over rich foreigners wishing to buy property that is no longer good value. Bkk will soon follow and will come to a dramatic halt. However the lower end will not be affected the same way but then there never has been a boom at the lower end anyway. Bt. 2m max is the safest property to buy without getting burned so long as you purchase it properly and not try to cut corners by being stingy.

    Of course I am not suggesting that buying property here is a wise thing to do .

    Remember the golden rule here " Never have more here than you are prepared to walk away from".

    You have had good advice from your responding posters.


  15. Normally you pay the balance of the payment when you do the actual transfer of the land title deed at the land and house department.

    Don't give a power of atorney to let them (sales department) handle the transfer, just be there yourself, it takes only an hour or two and a couple of tens of signatures....

    No transfer, no money for the salesman / condo projecty.

    Monty's got it. If you are going to go to the trouble of dumping a sizable amount of money into this country get a lawyer who can not only DO all the representation, but translate everything into English a s part of his bullshite service, and yes the land registry will conduct all finacial tranactions between seller and purchaser..

    The said document rail is there to protect the buyer in repatriation of his money as suggested.

    Of coure these comments in no way suggest buying property here is a sound thing to do.


  16. I'm buying a condo here for 1st time from developer. Project is 2 years away from completion. I just plunked down an initial 50k baht deposit on a 4 mil place. Next up is 10% in 2 weeks followed by 20 payments of 44k and after that the closing and bulk remaining amount. My questions are:

    1. Do I need to show that my 10% and payments come from overseas or just the closing payment

    2. Should I have a lawyer take care of closing

    3. How do I transfer cash to bank from abroad

    4. How do I get form needed to show oversea transfer

    Hey Dude,

    This forum consists of people with all the experience, good and bad, of buying condo's here (Thailand). The information you have given should be expanded on considerably in order to benefit fully from this experience. At this moment you appear to be down Bt.50k, before it gets financially painful you might wish to gain that valuable info on the 'pro's & con's of your intended purchase.

    As a start,

    Did you have an independent valuer check the blueprint valuation.

    The builder reputation has been intimated, are they reputable, you may not find out they are not until it's way too late.

    Certain property groups here are about to fall foul of an economy bust. Your price range falls into this group. Where are you buying??

    Are you purchasing the freehold to your 'Four walls' or long lease.

    Always get everything in writing -do not rely on verbal replies.


  17. Well, if the investigation is thorough and transparent, and the penalties for fraudulent doc's is removal from holding any gov' position or more rightly life ban I can see an awful lot of vacancies in governmental careers popping up. Hope they start right at the top of the chain. A new PM might be just what the 'Doc' ordered.


  18. Hey Tom,

    Assuming your intention is to remain in OZ whilst this little investment provides you with a token rental income. I say token because your investment level will just about elevate you onto the first rung of the Thai property market, at least in Bangkok. The expected rental income will be around Bt.10-12,000 per month gross. A well chosen condo building with good management will arrange rental payments usually into a Thai account. Foreign account arrangements will be a little trickier and certainly more expensive to administer. But all in all it is possible to achieve.

    You are allowed to own a condo/apartment outright as long as collectively within the building, unit ownership for farangs does not exceed 49%. This is a question you must have satisfied before proceeding with any purchase.

    However apart from the level to which you are contemplating entering is probably likely to be the least affected by the impending bubble burst. That is about all the good news.

    On the negative front, condo's valued at less than Bt.3m do not gain in value to any great degree as they are starter homes and remain at an affordable range for that reason. Also, they are small 1 bed normally and give little room for refurbishment/improvement plans.

    If you intend using it yourself for part of the year, this will seriously affect annual rental income.

    Capital gain at this level is almost non existent for the reasons mentioned above so the question why you are doing this needs to be clarified, at least in your own mind. There are other ways of course of greatly improving your end yield though. PM me if you need more info.


  19. This should really piss off the new governor of Bkk. Turning this backward society and its myopic beaurocrats into a world class city. Not in this century. Just another way of sticking their fingers up at non Thais.

    Unless you absolutely have to have it, better off just having the phone line, can't screw with you then.

    Hope someone can notify the embassies over this. That should stir things up a bit.


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