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Posts posted by Teach

  1. While the going is good. TOT miraculously only disconnected me twice all morning :D

    Again, the following was part of an e-mail I sent last summer.

    The story of Lucky.

    I was at T's when he introduced me to his nephew Lucky. His name is actually Anoluksawarathan.  Luck is what they call him is 12 years old and because of a severe head injury he received the age of 4 never learned to read and write. The boy spoke well, was very polite and seemed quite normal to me, even saw him ride his sister’s  motorbike. I invited him to come to my house to play video games. This kid mastered a complicated game within 20 minutes, which I can not play to this day and on an English keyboard no less. “Wait a minute“…………., I said to myself. “There is nothing wrong with this child“. I asked T, if he was ever tested ? No, came the answer, but his teacher told the parents that he was brain damaged and unable to learn.

    Now the whole story. He comes from a very poor family about 2000 km from here near the Cambodian border. They don't even have electricity there. The stupid parents sent this boy to school at the age of  5, after falling off a tree at age 4 undergoing brain surgery and having been in a coma for 3 months. The teacher, underpaid and overworked (which is the rule here) simply could not cope with the boy's special needs, so he, or she pronounced him mentally retarded.  :D

    Also, as is customary here, he did not measure up to the parent’s  standards so he was shipped off to some relatives here.

    I am no genius but I know that the human brain at a young age is very resilient.  I volunteered to hire a special teacher at the horrendous rate of 300 Baht per hour (about $ 7.50 :>)) which is normally a day’ s pay for a teacher) twice a week for 3 hours per day to see if he was capable of learning. That was about 8 weeks ago. Lucky is making tremendous progress and is a whiz at math.  :D

    Last week the parents came to visit, after a 22 hour bus ride and stopped by to thank me for what I had done for their son. They casually mentioned, if I wanted to "have" the boy? For 5000 Baht, (around $ 120.oo) they would give (sell I suppose) the child to me. “Hey, no way José, I am not in the habit of buying children. I like the kid but thanks for the offer“. That was that. They thanked me again and  left.

    As usual, Luck showed up every day (walking  about 8 km from Baniang to my home) and like all the other kids in the neighborhood to play video games and watch satellite TV.  About 3 days ago, he came with all his meager possessions in a plastic bag and politely asked if he could stay overnight. “OK  I said. “No problem, although my bed is sort of small“. "No“, he said “I like to sleep on the floor anyway, because it is cooler there". Later that day I received a phone call from T, saying the parents "gave" me the kid as a present. But wait!!!! THAT  DID NOT FIT INTO THE EQUATION. Well what could I say, or do?  He really had no place to go and was shoved from relative to relative, the last one  happy to have found someone like me. Mehn too, took a liking to him and since he now also goes to a regular school, takes him to Baniang with his motorbike every morning at 7 AM. Which sometimes represents a bit of a problem too, since it is the rainy season. Yesterday it was raining cats and dogs.  Luck  had no rainwear. Well a big plastic garbage bag with a hole cut in the top did the trick. :>))) Mehn also picks him up in the afternoon.

    So, I always wanted a grandson (I have 2 granddaughters back in the USA) but never thought it would be this way though. :o  He is a bit of a handful at times because he never really learned discipline. Luck does his own cooking and cleans up afterwards. I love to see him smile. The hugs  I get from him every morning and when he comes back in the afternoon make up for all the trouble  :D

    Greets, the ol' Capt.

    Holy Jesus Skipper I'd love to see your diary must bethe size of war and peace shizenhousen.

    Anyway I may be able to throw some assistance your way with the original problems.

    No sarcasm meant here.

    1. Lose the truck, claim on the insurance and buy either a Isuzu or better still a Toyota. There is a reason why they are the biggest here...service.

    2. Domestic machinery. Visit a high end condo unit and make friends with the engineer. Standard practice is an engineer here in Thailand will have a very good working knowledge of all things mechanical and electrical. He will also know how to access parts. He will probably appreciate the extra income but be warned you get what you pay for. Offer him something he cannot refuse and he will give you excellent service.


  2. Assuming the choice of owning/running an hotel/bar is your only desire, perhaps you would do well to first manage someone elses bar to gain valuable experience of how things work here because they certainly do run differently. That experience will hold you in good stead rather than learn all the tricks with your own money. Try Bkk as a starting point for short term or part time management. Who knows the experience might throw a different light on the whole idea..and protect your life savings.


  3. I dont know really how to interpret it.. All I know is I have just had a conversation with my sis in law and now feel like my dead lovers spirit is not at peace.

    To be honest its buggered with my head and knocked me a bit for six..

    Is it acceptable / normal to draw maps of where I now live or should I get a monk to come here to know where it is, I dont know what is considered ok or possible to assist a buddhist in finding peace.

    If I thought she was close to me and at peace it would certainly make me feel better (and I dont care what the current GF thinks on this matter).. Her sister was also obviously shaken, in the dream she asked her to let her live with her because she couldnt find me and had nowhere to rest but then Kim (my wife) had said she was too far away... My sister in law even mentioned she would rent a room or space for Kim to rest but thats plainly  rediculous thinking with me here. The description and thought of her sick and alone with no where to rest is a tough thought.

    I guess the only thing to do is go to the temple in the AM tomorrow and see if I can find someone who has enough english to understand me.. The only other thing is I have always found temple visits to be fairly a shallow passing of money and hope that it goes better than that.

    This may come across as callous, and there is no intent but it has to be aired. Could your sis in law possibly be trying to replace your wife either emotionally or even for financial reasons. Are these dreams being put in your head by her or is your guilt self imposed.


  4. Would like to start a small real estate project (build condominiums, townhouses, or apartments). I have about 4 million baht to spend total - that includes land, architecture plans, building and construction, the whole 9 yards.  The problem is, I'm not sure exactly where to start.

    I don't know how big of a building I can afford with the money that I have.  Therefore, it seems I cannot go to an architect and ask him to draw up plans for a building when I have no idea how big I can go, how many units, etc.  Similarly, I cannot go out and look for and/or purchase land because I don't know how big of a piece of property I should look for, because again I don't know how big of a project I can afford.

    How does one go about "knowing" what one can afford so that one can then look at land, go to an architect, etc?  Should I perhaps speak to a "builder" first, who would have rough ideas for what costs what, and then take that rough idea to an architect?


    The best advice most will give you is 'don't go there'

    Your choice of who to speak to first suggests you have little idea how things work here. Your first port of call WILL have to be with a trustworthy Thai lawyer who speaks English. This can be provided. Or Speak with the guys here namely Greg Lange of Sunbelt.

    Bt.4m is a painfully small sum to start such an extravigant venture but not impossible as long as the advice you receive is first class.

    My advice is go see the lawyer first, it may change your mind.


  5. Holy Jasper's I don't envy you an this one. If you are atheist or agnostic then perhaps these dreams are nothing more than your own guilty feelings haunting you for things you never said or did. Either way, though you may not be a believer it may lay to rest much that has not been resolved by inviting the monks to bless. If this notion has no repercussions then fine, if it allows you to sleep better go ahead. But you must set the terms of why you are doing this. To fullfil a final act of closure and respect your departed partners choice of religion. The present girlfriend should remain at a distance for this to bode well with the afterlife.

    Good luck


  6. Items not available here is a good choice as suggested.

    Genuine Levi 501's are a must for any hi-so girl rich or not.

    Any high end brand as long as it is genuine and of course you know her size???

    Fancy underwear might send the wrong message maybe not.

    a small diamond necklace will do the job if you are working on being the 'son in law'

    It really does depend on your own budget???


  7. Since I always question why many farang men find it so improtant to have thai girlfriends, I would like to know why these men go to great lengths to secure a lasting relationship with a girl in a country where the customs are so different and yet sex is so readily available everywhere.

    I am just curious cause after reading some of the topics lately in this section I would be so turned off and afraid in persuing any type of intimate realtionship with a thai girl other than the pay for play type that lasts a few hours. 

    Topics like..

    1.  Where can I find a decent girl?

    2.  Marrying Thai girl?

    etc....  There are more

    Why do single men get to Thaialnd and after a few orgasms fall head over heels for these women?  Do they lose their way?  Please point out why these girls are so special that we should marry them or at least be invovled with them and then inherit all of the other crap that comes with it.  Wouldn't it be simpler to be single and free?

    Replying to your question prior to reading other posts.

    You can only understand why as farangs we indulge in worthwhile relationships with what a synic would only class as beneath us, if you have met and had such a relationship. Notwithstanding the choice of many who choose girls of dubious employ. That doesn't always determine her ability to be a fabulous companion. Indeed a great many farang girls could learn a great deal from Thai girls and their demeanor. I have had a most rewarding relationship with a Thai girl for 5 years now and the only regret I have had is not meeting her 20 yeas ago while wasting valuable life experience on my 'own kind'. She is without doubt the most wonderful human being I have ever known. Everyone who knows her loves her, both Thai and farang.

    If you invest the time to polish the outside you may just find a precious gem. Those farangs reading this who have a Thai partner know exactly what I mean.


  8. hi I will be in Thailand quite allot in the future

    and am thinking of opening an account in the uk where its free to withdraw money in Thailand from ATMs .as i no i was paying about £3 every time i use the ATM

    dont sound much but if you go every otherday its a few beers

    .can anyone tell me which banks do this


    Nationwide certainly and LloydsTSB I believe, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on the latter guys.


  9. Surely, if the new Govenor of Bangkok is to be believed that Bangkok will become a first class city within 20 years. It will take a monumental investment from foreigners, as the present cronies certainly won't pay for something that basically takes corruptive control out of their grasp. Therefore this Elite card will be defunct as the new wave of foreign incentives will include all that is missing now in order to pull it off????

    Given that, I'll sit by and wait to see what happens next because international pressure will prevail, opening all manner of benefits to the expat as is in all world class cities.


  10. I would agree with Explorer, except attempting to climb two stairs at a time. This may be all that is needed to completely seperate tendons from the joint.

    The knee joint is like all other load bearing joints-imperfect. You will have to accept that it will take a considerably long time to heal completely-months even before you feel fully recovered. Physio in the pool is excellent and keep off the high heels, they increase the load at awkward angles. Soft flat soles for a while.

    When I damaged my knee it was a full year before it was completely repaired.


  11. CELL-PHONE CHAOS: Connection crisis easing

    Root cause of call-failure problem still a mystery; ICT officials to ask TOT to expand its trunk network next week

    BANGKOK: -- The problem of mobile-phone call connection failures that has plagued users over the past few weeks seems to be easing.

    However, nobody knows if the problem will arise again or if current efforts to tackle the problem will get to the root cause.

    Kanawat Wasinsungworn, vice minister for Information and Communications Technology, said yesterday that he would meet with TOT Corp executives on Monday and ask them to expand the company’s trunk network, in an effort to tackle the problem.

    He said he had been advised TOT’s congested trunk network was one cause of the millions of failed connections across different networks.

    All cellular networks in Thailand are connected through TOT’s trunk network.

    A vast number of Total Access Communication (DTAC) and TA Orange customers complained that they could not make calls to subscribers of Advanced Info Service (AIS) over the past few weeks, but in many cases could still receive calls from AIS subscribers.

    Many claimed AIS was blocking their calls to its network.

    AIS executives strongly denied the charge, saying the problem stemmed from DTAC and TA Orange promotions that encouraged their customers to make a large number of calls.

    Wichian Mektrakarn, AIS executive vice president for operations, reaffirmed yesterday that the company never blocked calls.

    AIS has already checked its network and found it to be functioning well, he said.

    He suggested DTAC check to see if the problem stemmed from its network.

    Athueck Asavanund, vice chairman of True Corp, a parent of TA Orange, said he was checking call-traffic statistics from TA Orange’s network to AIS and DTAC’s networks over the past few weeks, after TA Orange customers complained they could not connect to AIS’ network.

    While TOT has yet to expand its trunk network, several DTAC customers said yesterday that the problem was easing – but only during some periods of the day.

    Rianchai Reowilaisuk, a member of the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC), told The Nation yesterday that as the holder of AIS’ concession contract and the collector of access charges from DTAC and TA Orange, it was TOT’s responsibility to tackle the problem.

    The access charge is the fee DTAC and TA Orange, who are concessionaires of CAT Telecom Co, have to pay TOT for using its trunk network to connect with different networks.

    Many affected mobile-phone users earlier asked the NTC, the industry regulator, to look into the matter.

    But the NTC said the problem was beyond its power, as mobile-phone operators were not under its licence.

    --The Nation 2005-04-22

    Appears to me that they have managed to find a more natural way to prevent signals getting through whenever they choose!!!!!!

    Perhaps now we don't have to register our respective cell numbers/passports numbers with the bill.


  12. "friends in high places"

    opium dens?

    An inquiring mind might wonder where a cop making about 20,000B/mo gets the money for a Volvo.

    He owns a restaraunt :o

    The answer to that is quite simple. A policemans starting salary is Bt. 4000pm in itself not too encouraging a recruitment drive. So why do so many join the force.

    It is the training ground for professional corruption and 'school tie' furtherment. An officer is encouraged both to pursue other forms of financial gain as well as maintain the status quo to which he is inducted. You only have to look at how many members of parliament hold or used to hold a high ranking security office, be it military or police. None in there present role would condem the continuing practice to which the 'Bill' get up to, save tarnishing their own now polished image.

    This situation will take a revolution the likes of which has never been seen in this country to change things significantly, but while we wait for that for another 100 years or so. Why don't we start with certain reforms ( most of which are in place but no-one will take them to task) like

    1. Off duty filth carrying arms

    2. On duty, entering establishments armed

    3. Frequenting business premises for 'non-official' reasons whilst in uniform and armed. Bars and restuarants etc.

    4. Entering any premises without constitutional sanction armed or otherwise for the purpose of shakedown.

    5. A safe hotline where corrupt cops can be grassed up, much the same as they have in place for grassing up a family member for trinket reward.

    6. The policy of promotion through 'purchase'.

    Regarding the last one for those who are not aware. An ambitious officer who whishes to advance but carries little sponsorship weight from the powers above can buy his promotion, thus allowing the most corrupt of official minds into the higher echelons of power.

    You will notice when a high ranking cop is about to buy his way up the ladder when the latest local traffic purge starts in your area. You khow the type I mean -getting stopped 3 times a day for the most bull...t of reasons.

    Get rid of bent cops and you halve crime overnight. Get rid of bent politicians and you get, well no society has pulled that one off yet...we live in hope.


  13. Any concerned parties who would like to put their money where their mouth is should visit their site at www.touchwood.co.th

    I hope you're paying George some advertising fees for that pitch !

    Anyway, the King has been talking about sustainable farming for donkey's years, and Thai people nod and don't do anything, so if he can't get it done, it'll be even tougher for a bunch of Thaivisa pseudonyms. Still, no harm in trying.

    Always the suspicious type of replies from the jaded. So be it, try these sites - no "pitching' as you put it.

    www.preciouswoods .com




    Here you educate yourself on the environment without feeling pitched. Then you can add value to the thread.


  14. Whilst you're all planning how to save the poor misguided Thais, you might like to consider your future in jail, (along with all the deviants from our other topics).

    There are restrictions under the Alien Business Law about what foreigners can be involved with in Thailand.....legislation exists that prohibits foreign involvement in Rice Farming, Animal Husbandry, Orchard Farming, Rice Milling, Cultivation and many more.

    The Board of Investment 'Eligible Activities' List allows foreigners in related activities like Biological Fertilizers, seed grading and hydroponics.

    So double check the Law, because you might find the Thai people don't want the Farang big noses being stuck into their business, their ancestral land, and telling them how to do things the white man way, even if it is a better way.

    Food for thought.

    Not strickly true Moog. There are ways in which the ordinary Joe can do his bit here in Thailand if he has the conscience to do so but not the land.

    There are many Managed Forestry Companies doing fine work on sustained forestry and carbon sinks. One in Thailand that comes to mind is Touchwood Eurasia Co. Ltd and Touchwood Forestry Co. Ltd. They have been making a difference in Sri- Lanka Planting Teak and Mahogany. In Thailand they are initially dealing in Aloeswood with a view to expanding to other endangered species here in Thailand as soon as the government releases the land. This form of reforestation is available to everyone who wishes to contribute to the environment and benefit from healthy profits as well. Though a Thai company it is predominantly Farang expertise and investment into this country and its future.

    Any concerned parties who would like to put their money where their mouth is should visit their site at www.touchwood.co.th and see that there are those who are trying to make a difference.

  15. Teach..
    However for those who miss the Calsberg brand fear not soon it will experience a re-emergence under the management and distribution of another well known premium beer already mentioned in this thread. It will have a new botle and label but will still be distinctively Carlsberg. The best beer in Thailand, welcome back.

    Three cheers for that. Any idea of what the new name is goingto be?

    The name will remain as will the taste, just the style of presentation will change from diliberately looking like Hieni to a self supporting independent label. Far more marketing budget will be thrown at it and watch this space it will very quickly make up for lost time.

    Lovely story

  16. The owner ( who's name is easily forgotten) of Chang did indeed have the full franchising rights to Carlsberg throughout Thailand. It's lack of market share was diliberate by being withheld by the above so as not impede on Changs market. Yep I know what you will all say so did carlsberg hierachy " what, but Cbg is a premium beer while chang is for cheap charlies who wouldn't recognize a decent beer if was smashed over their heads" ( not my words dont flay me). At the end of 2002 Chang's Franchise licence ran out and Carlsberg executives removed it from the Thai market to completely dissipate Chang's hold over the brand. There were other issues like where's all the f...king marketing money gone we sent over?????? TIT.

    However for those who miss the Calsberg brand fear not soon it will experience a re-emergence under the management and distribution of another well known premium beer already mentioned in this thread. It will have a new botle and label but will still be distinctively Carlsberg. The best beer in Thailand, welcome back.


  17. As for me, I find kids walking around with no shoes...piles of trash laying beside the street...brown polluted air hanging over Bangkok...and fecal matter pouring out onto the beach from sewer drains ALL much more offensive than anything mentioned here.

    If these types of things are not addressed, Thailand's entire "culture" is going to be buried under a pile of garbage.

    Here here, another example of 15 minute fame hunters with no broader an outlook than what they see themselves when stepping out of the shower 'mine's ugly so all are ugly'. Do gooding pricks need horse whipping and 5 years detention in a social programs helping to address real issues that are so conveniently swept under the carpet in the name of Mr. Bhat.

    Please some upstanding Thai retort and take tham to court, sue their arse for the loss of income and a large punative number just for good measure.

    And if they're reading this have them walk the line from Pra Khanon station to the post office. There's an issue to raise public awareness over. How many more infirm individuals have to twist, break and crack their bones before that stretch of sidewalk is repaired (properly)

    Nice one John

  18. So 'Teach' you mean to drive a car here , u gotta have a girl friend first  :o .. never mind actually i have a licence from back home but dont have a intl licence so i gotta apply for one back home it seems from what you say .. and then come here ,take lessons for the thai license & maybe later on get some lessons from farangs instructors. Thanks

    No you don't have to hold an Int. licence to get a Thai licence. What you have to hold is a recognised western FULL licence i.e. British..is best, european or American licences are all excepted as superior licence exams.

    If you have one of these then you can get your Thai licence without any 'lessons' just take the 'traffic light test -red amber green, and your set.

    Most anyone here can help you with the paperwork needed. Especially a girlfriend.

    What is more important is the quality of car you intend buying if at all, and if second hand.

    If your intention is only to rent/hire a car on occasions then the licence you have will suffice.


  19. Hey All , Can any one help me with getting an english speaking driving instructor. i have come across a few driving schools in thai (near ekkamai ) but i guess when it comes to something so instinctive as driving in bkk , you dont wanna take chances. Please suggest ?? and what about a driving licence ? can i get it woithout an international licence .. i do hold a work permit .. does that help ?

    Hey Psycho

    A little more clarity is needed here:

    1. Do you hold a full driving licence of any kind from your native land?

    2. Are the driving lessons for you?

    If you have a full licence then acquiring an International licence is quite easy ( so long as you apply from your native country). You do not need an Int. Lic. to aquire a Thai driving licence, just a full native.

    If you have no full licence, and therefore no real official driving experience. The lessons are for you to acquire a Thai licence, then go for a Thai instructor ( take the g/f on lessons to translate) as they are most likely to assist in your passing the Thai exam - such as it is.

    If you are seeking your first full licence to drive here in Thailand then go this way and when you have passed there will be no end of Farang drivers here who will 'train' you european style later for a nominal fee.


  20. The UK is certainly the place to start such a campaign.

    A business ticket LHR-BKK-LHR can be as much as 50% more expensive than


    When I asked why this was the case, the airline started waffling about fuel costs and landing fees.

    I pointed out that these costs were the same, no matter which end one started the journey.

    They suddenly went quiet and would not discuss the matter any further.

    Ticket prices are dictated by market forces at the point of sale, and have little to do with the distance you fly.

    So who is selling the cheapest BKK-LHR-BKK tickets? I used to use that outfit in Sukh Soi 11 11/1..but they have now quoted me way over...

    I have alwys found T.V. Air - based at the Emporium 5th fl, to be the most competitive in Bkk. Especially with long haul international flights.

    I like to hear if they can be beat.

  21. No Cheating..... want to hear from someone who still has his memory about himself.....    Using Google is the same as someone else telling you...

    Steve McQueen  Running for the Mexican Border with the loot from the heist..... Was the girl Ali McGraw,    I think they were befriended by an old Mexican guy in an even older pick up truck and gave him part of the loot

    What was the name of the movie ?

    It's not important, what is, is where can I get an Avatar like Totster. I vote this the most entertaining Avatar on the site. Who wants to run a book????

  22. Yea, check your insurance, i discovered that i was not insured with just my uk license...

    Very wise suggestion Pete. The Thai law allows you to drive in this country dependent upon your stay visa. If you are here on a tourist visa you can drive on your existing natural license. If you are here for more than a tourist term i.e three months, then you are required to have a IDP ( which is only valid for three months driving privaleges) beyond this you are require to have a Thai license, as you are considered more 'permánent'. If you are driving your own car, or a hire car on a license that no longer subscribes to the above reg's, you technically void your insurance cover.

    Also, as acquiring a IDP is very easy, it is much better to give this to the filth or better still a scanned copy, so that when they decide to rip you off by keeping it on some trumped up violation, you can be on your way without delay or pocket dipped.

  23. Dental care Center

    25110 Soi 55 (thong lo) 150mts on the left, entering from Suk.

    Dr Dungkamo is the specialist and is very good and gentle, the service is good and quite cheap too. I have had cleaning at Bt.6 -700 (smoker, coffee, tea) extraction Bt.200 and root canal Bt.6,000

    Tel: 391-0786


  24. It will be interesting to see where Toxin expects to find these 20m tourists, and what the bloody ###### will be on offer. Temples, National parks, Floating markets, uneven broken sidewalks, open sewage drains, unusable ped xings, unroadworthy drunken taxi drivers, toxic fumes for air, exposed overhead ( underhead if you are over 5ft 10in) power cables, rabid dogs, rabid rats, bird flu, cat flu, food poisoning, inflated prices for naff quality, the list goes on.

    I can see it now, Bangkok the Hub to........ Burma, Laos, Cambo, Vietnam

    The best way to attract a wary animal is not with a stick!!!!!!!!


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