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Posts posted by KunMatt

  1. Missed this story before. Why was she only charged with negligent driving, causing damage and drunk driving and not, you know, killing 3 people?

    Killing three people? You mean premeditated murder? Its more like manslaughter, or impaired driving causing death. However, the penalties may be different in different countries. Thailand, for example, seems to place excessive leniency on admitting the offensenote her penalty was halved for admitting ithowever, that is similar to many Western countries where a plea of guilty or not guilty connotes sentencing differences too.

    For example, MADD Canada suggests for a first offense, low alcohol measure, drunk driving causing death would be 3-4 years, plus mandatory alcohol treatment http://www.madd.ca/media/docs/MADD_Canada_Sentencing_Framework_FINAL.pdf

    Of course, sentencing differences apply by country law, but MADD is generally harsh, but realistic.

    You missed my point. I used the broad term "killing 3 people" to cover anything that help her responsible for the cyclist's deaths, whatever the charge could be. But if you look at what she was convicted of none of them have anything to do with killing anyone in any way, she is basically being jailed for causing a car crash while drunk.

    So again, why was she not charged/convicted of killing the 3 people?

    It cannot be that she paid blood money to all the families because she only settled with 2 out of the 3.

  2. "Police are reviewing CCTV footage before launching a manhunt"

    And we all know how good Phuket police are at "manhunts" don't we.


    ...no doubt there will be a 'crackdown'... lol

    Farangs will be banned from taking afternoon naps. Anybody taking a siesta, especially if they are wearing a bikini, is asking for trouble.

  3. All you truckers out their..wave good-bye to continental work as Britain's trade with Europe slides away. bye-bye Eddie Stobbart

    All you car workers - the only reason that Japanese manufacturers have plants in UK is so they have a foothold in the EU to avoid the restrictions on imports of vehicles from outside the EU. just like Thailand where thanks to the current admin investment is down by 81%, so the Uk will suffer the same as manu multi-nationals lose interest in investing in a country that doesn't have the benefits of being inside the EU.

    ...and while you're at it say good-bye to London as one of the top financial centres in the world - that accolade will finally go to Germany

    I wonder why Remainers only have negative reasons to scare people into doing what they want? Why are we not being given a huge list of reasons of all the good things that will happen if we use our vote to remain. It's all speculative "Fear, fear, fear, the sky will collapse on the 24th June 2016 if you don't do what I want."

    Screw the fear campaign and everyone who is trying to terrorise us into doing their bidding. Vote Leave and be proud that we didn't cave into fear because of some self serving liars.

  4. QED - hope your "conversational" "Finnish is better than your English.

    Obviously it isn't seeing as English is my first language and Finnish is a very difficult language to learn. Thought that would have gone without saying let alone have someone stupid enough to ask about it. How can you think anyone else is stupid when you consistently post dumb things like this?

  5. KunMatt - you object to a Poster describing Brexiteers as being stupid

    Take a look again at your Post 1337

    I quote your words 'Typical selfish, self serving liars who will do anything just as long as they are ok in the short term'

    Not very nice either is it? You are being hypocritical.

    My every post is not saying that someone is stupid and nothing else.

    What you quoted is how I described the actions and reasoning of people who want to vote remain. And I stand by that.

  6. "some point along in my life I have had conversations in French, Finnish, Russian, Mandarin, Thai, and probably a couple more I've forgotten about." - I expect now it is getting a bit more difficult to find people to talk to?

    Is this a "some of my best friends are foreigners" - joke?

    "I have had conversations" - I wonder what that means.

    basically sa degree is no protection against stupidity, but reasoning, critical thinking etc do appear to correlate with "bremainers - QED?

    Every post from you is you calling someone who you don't agree with stupid. And yet you still cannot figure out how to use the quote function on this forum. Kinda ironic really.

    I don't know what you didn't understand about my post. At various points in my life I have lived in a certain country long enough to speak enough of the local language to hold a conversation with a local who couldn't speak English. In Finland it was my girlfriend's father who had only learned German and Latin at school so I studied Finnish so I could converse with him, which I eventually did. Similar stories for the rest of the languages I learned along the way.

    Is that clear enough for you or should I find some YouTube video with pictures to help you out more?

    Oh I know, you don't get it so I'm stupid, right?

  7. https://fullfact.org/europe/our-eu-membership-fee-55-million/

    In 2015 the UK paid the EU £13B. The EU spent £4.5B back into the UK but that is money that we would spend as we please if we didn't give it away.

    So as per uptheos's first post, we do give the EU £245M per week.

    Fullfact has the net contribution as 8.5B

    That is 163M per week

    Why call me a lier?

    Its a great deal of money anyway.......

    Because we do pay £245M per week. We pay the EU £12.9B per year. The EU then spends £4.5B back into the UK.

    So you are deliberately twisting the facts.

    i give up

    Glad to hear it. Vote leave.

    Why? Most educated people will vote remain.

    The advantages outweigh the disadvantages on balance

    I have a university degree, so another incorrect assumption by you.

    The fact is, if we stay then things can only stay as bad as they have been recently. There will be no reformations once we vote to remain. If you haven't learnt anything from the campaign against Scotland's independence then you are a fool. The same people are using the same fear and lie campaign with false promises. And Scotland got cheated out of their one chance, just like is happening to us now.

    If we choose to leave, however, then in the long term things will only get better for us because we will be in control of what happens to us. Yes, there is a couple of years where it MAY be worse off, but it MAY also be fine or even better than all the doomsayers.

    I would rather take the opportunity now to make a positive change for the UK than to be forever shackled to the failure of the EU. Especially when the EU is a mess as it currently is with many nations already bankrupted and in a recession because of their membership. The next joining 5 countries will only make the EU as a whole worse and if any other big nations decide to go for independence and bail out (pun not intended) then it will leave us on an even quicker sinking ship.

    Fortune favours the brave, don't be scared into doing the wrong thing. Vote leave while we have this one opportunity to do so.

    I guess your degree is not maths, science or engineering otherwise you would understand probability and statistics. MOST educated people tend toward remain. That does NOT mean all, nor does it mean that Brexiteers are uneducated as one buffoon on here claimed. It will be a Gaussian distribution. You are what is known as an outlier in this regard only.

    Are countries in the EU suffering from by being members? No. It's a Euro problem.

    It is by no means certain that 5 more countries will join and certainly not Turkey

    I am half Scot. I wanted the union to stick together. However, if we leave EU, I hope Scotland splits away. I am buying a place in Edinburgh at the moment.

    I guess you have never lived in mainland Europe? If you had, you would know that their social structure is far ahead of us and far far superior to the USA. That's another reason I want remain. I feel far closer to European social democratic principles than the grim reality of the USA. Think of your children's future!

    Wrong again, my degree is in engineering and I had to do a lot of higher level maths and physics modules to get it. So I don't fit into your stereo type that everyone who wants to leave are racist uneducated idiots, that's just an easy way for you to reject any argument that is different from yours because you cannot accept that you could be wrong. The thing is I'm not scared by the government's propaganda and fear campaign and the reason they are doing it is because they need us to stay in the EU for them, not for us or the country but because they personally are much better off if we stay in the EU. Same as the only people I've spoken to who want to leave; they either live in the London bubble or they believe the fear campaign. Everyone else is up for leaving even though we all have foreign wives/children/investments/employment. I'm willing to make some concessions and suck it up for a while (if there are any issues) for the good of the UK in the long run and for my children's future. Unlike you who is too scared to do the right thing for long term gain.

    And yes I have lived in mainland Europe several times since I was about 19, and you asked me before about how many languages I can speak and off the top of my head at some point along in my life I have had conversations in French, Finnish, Russian, Mandarin, Thai, and probably a couple more I've forgotten about. This is all from living in those countries.

    Regardless of whether you wanted the Union to stay together, look at the government's campaign of fear and false promises and how it totally screwed Scotland out a chance of independence. Do you not see the exact same thing happening with this referendum? How much of a fool are you to not learn from very recent history? They are lying and cheating us, don't let them.

    Extraordinary! You are certainly a statistical outlier!

    You obviously are (or were) very bright!

    So I'm left wondering why you come out with such codswallop! Are you unwell?

    Finnish is very difficult I thought. Totally failed at that (Nokia at Salo).

    BTW why KunMatt not KhunMatt? Does it mean something?

    Yeah, ignore my points and change the subject.

    I guess we are done here then.

    Vote leave.

  8. https://fullfact.org/europe/our-eu-membership-fee-55-million/

    In 2015 the UK paid the EU £13B. The EU spent £4.5B back into the UK but that is money that we would spend as we please if we didn't give it away.

    So as per uptheos's first post, we do give the EU £245M per week.

    Fullfact has the net contribution as 8.5B

    That is 163M per week

    Why call me a lier?

    Its a great deal of money anyway.......

    Because we do pay £245M per week. We pay the EU £12.9B per year. The EU then spends £4.5B back into the UK.

    So you are deliberately twisting the facts.

    i give up

    Glad to hear it. Vote leave.

    Why? Most educated people will vote remain.

    The advantages outweigh the disadvantages on balance

    I have a university degree, so another incorrect assumption by you.

    The fact is, if we stay then things can only stay as bad as they have been recently. There will be no reformations once we vote to remain. If you haven't learnt anything from the campaign against Scotland's independence then you are a fool. The same people are using the same fear and lie campaign with false promises. And Scotland got cheated out of their one chance, just like is happening to us now.

    If we choose to leave, however, then in the long term things will only get better for us because we will be in control of what happens to us. Yes, there is a couple of years where it MAY be worse off, but it MAY also be fine or even better than all the doomsayers.

    I would rather take the opportunity now to make a positive change for the UK than to be forever shackled to the failure of the EU. Especially when the EU is a mess as it currently is with many nations already bankrupted and in a recession because of their membership. The next joining 5 countries will only make the EU as a whole worse and if any other big nations decide to go for independence and bail out (pun not intended) then it will leave us on an even quicker sinking ship.

    Fortune favours the brave, don't be scared into doing the wrong thing. Vote leave while we have this one opportunity to do so.

    I guess your degree is not maths, science or engineering otherwise you would understand probability and statistics. MOST educated people tend toward remain. That does NOT mean all, nor does it mean that Brexiteers are uneducated as one buffoon on here claimed. It will be a Gaussian distribution. You are what is known as an outlier in this regard only.

    Are countries in the EU suffering from by being members? No. It's a Euro problem.

    It is by no means certain that 5 more countries will join and certainly not Turkey

    I am half Scot. I wanted the union to stick together. However, if we leave EU, I hope Scotland splits away. I am buying a place in Edinburgh at the moment.

    I guess you have never lived in mainland Europe? If you had, you would know that their social structure is far ahead of us and far far superior to the USA. That's another reason I want remain. I feel far closer to European social democratic principles than the grim reality of the USA. Think of your children's future!

    Wrong again, my degree is in engineering and I had to do a lot of higher level maths and physics modules to get it. So I don't fit into your stereo type that everyone who wants to leave are racist uneducated idiots, that's just an easy way for you to reject any argument that is different from yours because you cannot accept that you could be wrong. The thing is I'm not scared by the government's propaganda and fear campaign and the reason they are doing it is because they need us to stay in the EU for them, not for us or the country but because they personally are much better off if we stay in the EU. Same as the only people I've spoken to who want to leave; they either live in the London bubble or they believe the fear campaign. Everyone else is up for leaving even though we all have foreign wives/children/investments/employment. I'm willing to make some concessions and suck it up for a while (if there are any issues) for the good of the UK in the long run and for my children's future. Unlike you who is too scared to do the right thing for long term gain.

    And yes I have lived in mainland Europe several times since I was about 19, and you asked me before about how many languages I can speak and off the top of my head at some point along in my life I have had conversations in French, Finnish, Russian, Mandarin, Thai, and probably a couple more I've forgotten about. This is all from living in those countries.

    Regardless of whether you wanted the Union to stay together, look at the government's campaign of fear and false promises and how it totally screwed Scotland out a chance of independence. Do you not see the exact same thing happening with this referendum? How much of a fool are you to not learn from very recent history? They are lying and cheating us, don't let them.

  9. Strange thing is, if you look at any conversations on forums or social media then nearly everyone is on the Brexit side and there is usually only 2 or 3 Remainers that come and argue their fear induced case. I cannot believe that 86% of people in the UK would choose to stay in the EU as just about everyone I speak to wants to leave.

    Oh come on! is that an example of Brexiteers maths????

    That percentage represents the ODDs on an event happening not the number of people voting.......

    You're right, I misread his post, my bad. It doesn't change what I said about just about everyone I see discussing this is on the Leave side and only 1 or 2 people each time arguing to Stay.

    Having said that I more than expat the vote result to be stay. People are being duped by all the lies, misinformation and scare tactics.

  10. Are you on something or are you just trying to be argumentative? I have worked in the USA on 3 occasions. I can tell you the red tape and time taken to set everything up is massive. Nothing like that st all for EU. Just get in the car and go and start work. Do you really not understand that? Do you not speak ANY other languages?

    I've also worked in the States, and a lot of Europe, and all over the MIddle East, Asia and Australia. I've worked in Norway (non-EU) and Denmark (EU) and noticed barely any difference between them. Why is that? In fact I had to travel back and forth to Norway ad Denmark a few times on the same job one time, no red tape at all. I had to pay both of their taxes but I travelled to and worked easily in both of their countries because Norway has established agrrements with the EU allowig freedom of movement of workers, goods and services, which if we left the EU then we would also have to do for the UK.

    If that is your reason for voting to remain then it is an easy fix. So vote leave and we can also fix everything else which pains us by being part of the EU.

  11. https://fullfact.org/europe/our-eu-membership-fee-55-million/

    In 2015 the UK paid the EU £13B. The EU spent £4.5B back into the UK but that is money that we would spend as we please if we didn't give it away.

    So as per uptheos's first post, we do give the EU £245M per week.

    Fullfact has the net contribution as 8.5B

    That is 163M per week

    Why call me a lier?

    Its a great deal of money anyway.......

    Because we do pay £245M per week. We pay the EU £12.9B per year. The EU then spends £4.5B back into the UK.

    So you are deliberately twisting the facts.

    i give up

    Glad to hear it. Vote leave.

    Why? Most educated people will vote remain.

    The advantages outweigh the disadvantages on balance

    I have a university degree, so another incorrect assumption by you.

    The fact is, if we stay then things can only stay as bad as they have been recently. There will be no reformations once we vote to remain. If you haven't learnt anything from the campaign against Scotland's independence then you are a fool. The same people are using the same fear and lie campaign with false promises. And Scotland got cheated out of their one chance, just like is happening to us now.

    If we choose to leave, however, then in the long term things will only get better for us because we will be in control of what happens to us. Yes, there is a couple of years where it MAY be worse off, but it MAY also be fine or even better than all the doomsayers.

    I would rather take the opportunity now to make a positive change for the UK than to be forever shackled to the failure of the EU. Especially when the EU is a mess as it currently is with many nations already bankrupted and in a recession because of their membership. The next joining 5 countries will only make the EU as a whole worse and if any other big nations decide to go for independence and bail out (pun not intended) then it will leave us on an even quicker sinking ship.

    Fortune favours the brave, don't be scared into doing the wrong thing. Vote leave while we have this one opportunity to do so.

  12. Don't be like this selfish person. Think of your country and your future family in the UK and put their needs before yours. Vote out[/font][/color]

    Please take time to read your Post again in the cold light of day and see how offensive it is to people who simply have a different viewpoint from you. Your Post is very immature.

    From what I've seen in many discussion about the referendum, there are two types of people who want to remain in the UK: people who it would affect financially in the short term and people who believe the fear campaign that leaving would cause WW3 and help ISIS.

    Not once have I seen anyone from the remain camp talk about how stay in is in the best interests of the UK in the long run. So yes, I call this type of thinking selfish and self serving because that's exactly what it is. Looking after yourself at the detriment of the country and everyone else in it.

    You really do come out with some drivel!

    The economic case is clear. Inward investment and trade would both suffer from Brexit

    We are stronger as part of the EU than alone. Eu sanctions over Ukraine and Iran both worked

    What about job opportunities for young folk coming out of our universities? I found it easy and satisfying to work both in Germany and Denmark

    May I suggest you take the time to read all the contributions? You may learn something!

    Yes, because it's a shame that nobody from outside the EU has ever been able to visit or work in the EU ever. I bet Americans, Australians, Asians would all love to visit the EU if only there was some way to make it happen. We are so lucky and privileged that we come from one of the only 28 countries that are able to travel and work inside the EU.

    Like I said from the beginning, my mind was made up to vote against project fear from the beginning. The fact that it cancels our your self serving vote is just a bonus.

  13. That reply clearly means that you simply have not read many of the threads or associated attachments of many of those who wish to remain. You are only seeing what you want to see.There is scaremongering on both sides, the worst of which (in my opinion) is the immigration card as played so much by the Brexiteers.

    I can see that many in favour of Brexit on TV are patriotic but why, why, why? You don't live in Britain, you don't want to live in Britain (in or out of the EU) you don't like the climate, you don't like the women. I don't understand!

    Learn to use the quote function, it's not hard, just press the quote button instead of the reply button and then we will know who you are talking to and that person will get a notification so they know you are talking to them.

    So there is worse scaremongering than saying leaving the EU will cause a civil war, world war III and help ISIS, is there? Please point me to where the out camp has used more extreme fear mongering than this.

  14. How long is it since you have lived in the UK?

    I'm guessing that was also aimed at me (learn to use the quote function). I live in the UK now. I moved back here last summer with my family from Thailand so, unlike most people here who are only concerned about the effect leaving will have on their exchange rate, whatever happens will directly affect me and my kids for the rest of our lives and so on.

    Having said that, for the sake of the UK in the long run, voting leave is the only logical choice. Anything else is short term gain for long term pain.

    By the way; Greece says thanks for their bailout we are giving them today. Italy is also standing by waiting for their's. Apparently being part of the EU isn't as great as it's made out for these big European economies.

  15. Don't be like this selfish person. Think of your country and your future family in the UK and put their needs before yours. Vote out[/font][/color]

    Please take time to read your Post again in the cold light of day and see how offensive it is to people who simply have a different viewpoint from you. Your Post is very immature.

    From what I've seen in many discussion about the referendum, there are two types of people who want to remain in the UK: people who it would affect financially in the short term and people who believe the fear campaign that leaving would cause WW3 and help ISIS.

    Not once have I seen anyone from the remain camp talk about how stay in is in the best interests of the UK in the long run. So yes, I call this type of thinking selfish and self serving because that's exactly what it is. Looking after yourself at the detriment of the country and everyone else in it.

  16. https://fullfact.org/europe/our-eu-membership-fee-55-million/

    In 2015 the UK paid the EU £13B. The EU spent £4.5B back into the UK but that is money that we would spend as we please if we didn't give it away.

    So as per uptheos's first post, we do give the EU £245M per week.

    Fullfact has the net contribution as 8.5B

    That is 163M per week

    Why call me a lier?

    Its a great deal of money anyway.......

    Because we do pay £245M per week. We pay the EU £12.9B per year. The EU then spends £4.5B back into the UK.

    So you are deliberately twisting the facts.

    i give up

    Glad to hear it. Vote leave.

  17. https://fullfact.org/europe/our-eu-membership-fee-55-million/

    In 2015 the UK paid the EU £13B. The EU spent £4.5B back into the UK but that is money that we would spend as we please if we didn't give it away.

    So as per uptheos's first post, we do give the EU £245M per week.

    Fullfact has the net contribution as 8.5B

    That is 163M per week

    Why call me a lier?

    Its a great deal of money anyway.......

    Because we do pay £245M per week. We pay the EU £12.9B per year. The EU then spends £4.5B back into the UK.

    So you are deliberately twisting the facts.

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