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Posts posted by marquis22

  1. 2 hours ago, Max69xl said:

    During the curfew,yes. From 7pm- 7am starting most likely March 26 you're not allowed outside your home. 

    Dash it all, I was thinking of cycling to try and get the 30 day extension. Hope immigration is open after 7 pm?

    I have often gone out after 7 pm but not on the dirt tracks, just along the concrete road bordering the klong.

  2. 7 hours ago, pdtokyo said:

    so, presuming you are still an Australian resident and your pension is paid into an Oz account, the $750 question is ... did you hold a concession card as at March 12?

    I am not in Australia at the moment as stranded in Thailand due to all flights being cancelled. So I do not qualify for the $750. Concession cards are cancelled when out of the country for a certain period of time so I will get a new concession card issued when I get back on Aus soil. The $750 question is .. that there are more things to worry about than $750, like plunging stock markets and the on paper the loss of more than $750!!

    Or actually to answer your question as I reread it: I do not know as I forget how long being out of Australia the concession card is cancelled. I left Australia on Feb 20.

  3. 10 hours ago, Will27 said:

    The real question is, do you live in Australia?


    Yes, for at least 6 months of the year. Maybe less in the future if Jetstar do not resume flights from Bkk to Melb????

    I was not wanting to hurry back to Aus for the payment, just going back as there was a directive from the PM for all Aus citizens to return.

    But if I cannot go back, I cannot go back and happy to stay here and miss out on $750.

    Just hope no one with covid19 infects the whole of Lampang!!!!!!


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  4. I am not sure what my plan is at the moment:

    My SE tourist visa expires April 15 when I had a flight back to Australia. I changed that flight to March 28 last Thursday but today I have an email from Jetstar saying the flight is cancelled and they cannot give me another flight. They just give out a voucher to be reused etc etc.

  5. My SE tourist visa expires April 15 when I had a flight back to Australia. I changed that flight to March 28 last Thursday but today I have an email from Jetstar saying the flight is cancelled and they cannot give me another flight. They just give out a voucher to be reused etc. I am living in Lampang, I have never gone for an extension from immigration before. Do I now need to go to CM in a crowded bus to get the 30 day extension? Sure hope I do not have to go to Bkk to get a Aus embassy letter beforehand.

  6. On 3/17/2020 at 9:58 PM, geriatrickid said:

    I don't believe that people will be able to go home for some time. International flights are being suspended. The flights left will be very expensive.

    At this time entry into most countries will require self isolation for 2 weeks and I doubt some of the returnees have the means or the  locations where they can go to self isolate.

    Australia is advising its citizens to return home asap and aircraft carriers have to fit them in without any extra payment for a change of flight.

    So I will go back 2 weeks earlier than had intended.

  7. 3 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

    six weeks late and almost useless as a large percentage of infected are asymptomatic, which is partly why this is so dangerous. Stop the flights you idiots

    Stopping all flights buggers up Australia's warning for all its citizens to return home.


    "Under the 'terminal screening' method, thermoscan cameras and medical personnel will screen and observe all passengers, persons seeing off passengers, business operators in the airport, before they can enter the airport buildings."


    Might help to ban all 'persons seeing off passengers and business operators"


  8. 7 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    When I returned to Thailand at the beginning of the month, the only busy area of immigration was the place where hoards of Chinese were getting their VOA. No effort at all has been made by the Thai government to stop people arriving from the most dangerous country on Earth.

    Having said that, this is a flu-like illness that almost everyone recovers from in a few days. The economic fallout and probable social consequences are going to be far worse than the virus itself.

    It would be interesting to know the death rate for patients with the 'common' flu each year.  Maybe this outbreak is no worse than any other flu strain we have had? eg Bird, Asian or what else the strains were named!

    • Sad 1
  9. On 3/12/2020 at 11:25 PM, Traubert said:

    That's because people aren't graphs.


    Out of 80982 cases, 62889 have recovered fully and gone home. I'd call that an improvement. There is a world outside the internet.



    Oh I just thought of another point highlighted on the internet. The world's stock market has fallen the greatest in it's history. Please tell us all what is causing that if not the worsening effect of covid19. Lets us know when the market has hit rock bottom also, so we can buy and get a bit back that our portfolio is losing.

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