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Posts posted by arunsakda

  1. A rarely seen Ring-tail cat (Bassariscus astutus) in Northern California Mountains.

    An MD 500 Helicopter flying around with a car tyre hanging from one of its skids (some kind of stunt?).

    Pat Morita stopping me to ask where the Business Class lounge is.

    And two posh prats like "Piss off I saw her first mate" literally fighting over a ugly Isaarn slapper at the Sukhumvit Soi 7 Beer Bar Centre.

    Also Funniest thing I ever saw in Thailand.

  2. I'll feel more sympathetic to this cause once BKK taxi drivers stop..

    Fleecing foreign tourists, assaulting women, attacking people with fists and weapons, refusing fares where people want to go, removing seatbelts, tampering with meters, not using meters, playing horrible loud music, rudely screaming at passengers demanding high flat rate fares and tips, pretending they don't have change, and driving like crazed beasts or animales on drugs

    Offering various forms of prostitutes immediately to any foreign man entering vehicle assuming that all Farang "want lady".

    Touting clip-joints, horrible/overpriced lodgings, commission gift shops, and long discredited Gem buying scams. Engaging in pointless inane small talk "where you come from?".

    Also hogging parking in front of hotels to greet the soon to be fleeced Tourists with Alligator smiles. Whilst using Mafia tactics to intimidate and threaten honest drivers who are seen as to infiltrate "their territory".

    Did I miss anything? Must be more.

  3. So now you know I just posted what I read on a website (saying if ? it is true) and was not " LYING".

    I don't disagree with anything else you posted but maybe just maybe( if there is something to this angle) if this guy was honest to himself, got professional Psychiatric treatments and counseling, forgot about what parents and Imams and Terror/Isis websites might have been telling him perhaps Mateen could have found some peace in this world instead of leaving behind a stinking crater of hate, terror and death that consumed him as well.

  4. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/14/orlando-gunman-was-a-regular-at-lgbt-nightclub-pulse-before-atta/

    Yep. (If this angle is true) He hated himself more than anyone. I did not say he was having sex, hooking up can mean contacting people right?

    ""Another Pulse regular, Kevin West, told the Los Angeles Times that Mateen messaged him on and off for a year using a gay chat app.

    And other clubgoers told local media and MSNBC that Mateen had been using multiple gay apps, including Grindr, with mutual acquaintances to "hook up."""

  5. CNN confirm he was actually gay or bisexual . So he went to this club for 3 years , drinking alcohol and partying. Even if he had a wife and a kid he must have been in the closet , struggle with his sexuality and his strict father.

    Add to that he probably was a complete nutcase brainwashed by online propaganda from ISIS and we have a mass murderer.

    If this is true I called it 2 days ago when I posted that he sounded like a closet case. Telegraph.UK reports he was a regular at the club and hooking up with boys on Dating App "Grindr".
  6. No serious group calls for disarmament in the US/ surrender of firearms. What needed are universal background checks, registration and tracking, assault weapon/large magazine bans, Medical testing and required basic and recurrent training. But no, the ghouls in the NRA and their whores in the GOP insist a nut like Mateen ahould be able to buy weapons legally and as easy as picking up a bag of bananas in a market. After the Sandy Hook massacre with nothing being done, though proved that there is no political will to make the changes required and people are going to have to suffer these mass shootings as a matter of course forever.

  7. I'll feel more sympathetic to this cause once BKK taxi drivers stop..

    Fleecing foreign tourists, assaulting women, attacking people with fists and weapons, refusing fares where people want to go, removing seatbelts, tampering with meters, not using meters, playing horrible loud music, rudely screaming at passengers demanding high flat rate fares and tips, pretending they don't have change, and driving like crazed beasts or animales on drugs

  8. The guys ex wife seems like a very decent person. She was abused and got out of the relationship. Wonder if it was an arranged marriage? The idea that an animal like him could be a security guard and have access to weapons is beyond stupid. http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jun/13/orlando-massacre-omar-mateens-ex-wife-says-he-beat-her-and-held-her-hostage

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