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Everything posted by Credo

  1. The only ones who could really name anyone would be the girls themselves. If either she or Epstein pimped them out to anyone, they might have a case, but Maxwell's naming names isn't worth much without evidence.
  2. You might want to ask Prince Andrew about that but, again, she helped groom Ms Guifrye for Epstein. Epstein later arranged for the Prince and the young lady to have a little fling.
  3. It's not a viewpoint. There is no evidence she groomed or procured girls for anyone other than Epstein.
  4. I haven't heard of any trafficking of girls for anyone but Epstein. The fact that Epstein seemed to have been willing to share with others doesn't implicate anyone except him.
  5. Interesting: The father of Robert “Bobby” Crimo III — the person of interest arrested in connection with Monday’s mass shooting in suburban Chicago — liked a tweet supporting the Second Amendment just days after the Uvalde school massacre. It has since emerged that the suspected gunman’s father, Bob Crimo, a longtime deli owner who previously ran a failed campaign for mayor of Highland Park, on May 27 “liked” a tweet that read: “Protect the Second Amendment like your life depends on it.” https://nypost.com/2022/07/05/robert-crimos-dad-liked-pro-gun-tweet-on-day-of-uvalde-massacre/
  6. A tsunami is about the last thing that Thailand needs. Sometimes, small quakes relieve pressure on a fault line and help prevent a major quake. Other times, it can foretell a big one coming. Stay alert and stay safe.
  7. This should have been settled in 1997 by not handing over Hong Kong. China has been emboldened ever since.
  8. I am 100% for renewable sources of energy but I am also realistic enough to know it cannot be achieved overnight. Nuclear can be produced reasonably safely if we stop cutting corners in construction. As we transition to renewables, we will still need to accept the use of fossil fuels for as long as it takes.
  9. I can't argue with that but sadly it was followed by mistake after mistake after mistake.
  10. It's not a kangaroo court, or any court for that matter. It's an investigation. There is no hearsay testimony, only testimony. It's testimony under oath. Simple really.
  11. Kamala was a former prosecutor. She is good when it comes to attacking, but really doesn't have a lot of solutions. I don't think she's got the simple management skills to run the presidency. From what I've read, the VP office has a lot of internal problems. She reminds me of fireworks -- great to see when they go off, but done quickly. Biden absolutely won because he was up against Trump. I know a lot of people who voted for Biden simply as a vote against Trump. Biden, IMO, has administered the country about as well as can be expected. He faced a horrible crisis with the pandemic raging. He handled it well. The supply chain problems are a worldwide problem and will stall economic growth pretty much everywhere. Biden is definitely showing his age and adding 4 more years will be immensely hard for him. He's a good manager, he has a good team and knows what to do and how to do it. He is, however, not a very inspiring or charismatic person.
  12. The UK was in a position to play tit-for-tat regarding the lady who was in the accident. It has nothing to do with Assange's case and the UK didn't bring it up. Australia doesn't seem to have a great deal of love or support for their native son either. I haven't seen them kick up much of a fuss over him. Ecuador was his strongest supporter and they tired of his shenanigans rather quickly. He was granted citizenship and then it was later revoked: A naturalisation is reconsidered when it is granted based on the concealment of relevant facts, false documents or fraud. Ecuadorian authorities said Assange’s naturalisation letter had multiple inconsistencies, different signatures, the possible alteration of documents and unpaid fees, among other issues. Sweden also had their eye on him which they seem to have dropped as well. So, it seems this 'defender of freedom' is being viewed just as he is, a dangerous hacker causing harm to many and help to none. Based on his past behavior with confinement and incarceration, he doesn't seem to have learned much and continues to abuse those who help him. We don't even know exactly what specific charges will be laid against him. We don't know for sure if anybody died because of his leaks, but it will come out when he stands trial. His leaks, as titillating as some of them were, did a great deal of harm and did nothing good. No policies changed because of his leaks. The US prison system is the best place for him. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2021/jul/28/julian-assange-stripped-of-citizenship-by-ecuador
  13. Nobody is grooming your children in schools. It isn't happening. Florida is far from the panacea you seem to think it is. There is a large outflow of people from Florida moving elsewhere. Google is your friend, but here's one: https://stacker.com/florida/where-people-florida-are-moving-most
  14. And once again, the weapon of choice was an assault-style rifle. A doctor on the scene described the immense damage done to some of the killed, who were 'blown apart.' It's time to outlaw those weapons.
  15. Most dress codes are arbitrary. They are not based on anything much more that social expectations. So, you have a clash between social expectations of appropriateness and individual freedom and comfort. I think in a school setting, the operative concern should be the comfort level of the students to help them focus on learning. It might be wiser to amend the rules to say that if the local forecast for the next day is at or higher than a certain level, students may wear shorts. I asked a Thai teacher why the young boys could wear shorts and the older boys had to wear long pants. She said that boys start putting their hands up their shorts and playing with themselves! I've seen that, but I don't know that long pants will solve the problem.
  16. I have no idea why anyone would pay money for a pill so they can spend more money on alcohol and not get drunk. it seems like it might just be a good idea to pace yourself or drink less.
  17. I suspect that a lot of people don't seem to understand that the money being spent on arming Ukraine, is money that is being spent on arms and equipment that is manufactured in the US. I suspect some of those companies have a well-oiled lobby in Congress. For the Hawkish members of Congress, they see Ukraine as a good testing ground and a financial win. For the less Hawkish members, it's simply the right thing to do to help a country that has been invaded. I don't know much about the weapon manufacturers in other countries, but I suspect it's not all that difference.
  18. Here's a little about the credibility of the Secret Service agent: Two former White House aides say top Secret Service official defending Trump on Jan. 6 has history of lying Two former White House aides say top Secret Service official defending Trump on Jan. 6 has history of lying Josh Meyer and Ledyard King, USA TODAY Sun, July 3, 2022 at 5:02 AM Two former Trump White House aides are accusing a top Secret Service official and key defender of the then-president's actions during the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection of being a political loyalist with a history of lying. Former aides Olivia Troye and Alyssa Farah Griffin have criticized the Secret Service official, Anthony Ornato, amid reports he is disputing that an angry Donald Trump grabbed the steering wheel of his presidential SUV limousine and lunged at a Secret Service agent in the front seat that day. Those explosive allegations were leveled last week by another ex-Trump aide, Cassidy Hutchinson, before the Select Committee investigating the Capitol attack. https://www.yahoo.com/news/two-former-white-house-aides-100012762.html
  19. I do believe that some people have been watching too much television. This investigation is real life. Cassidy Hutchinson did not, would not and would have been advised by her attorney to paraphrase anything she could not objectively prove as a direct quote. There is way too much room for error in making quoting. Every statement she has made is subject to being disputed. All those who were present have to do is to go to the committee and testify, under oath. As a matter of fact, some have been subpoenaed and refused to testify. Others have pleaded the 5th. Hmmm. ..... who to believe? So, just as an example, she described a scuffle in the vehicle when Trump wanted to go to the Capitol and the Secret Service declined. It doesn't matter whether there was a physical confrontation or not. That only matters if the agent takes to his superiors as some sort of assault. What does matter is that he wanted to go. He was irritated, as reported by multiple sources, and that he had already been informed they had weapons. That is the basis of a potential charge.
  20. I find it interesting that they want protection for the Justices, but they were more than willing to let the two election workers in Georgia swing in the wind.
  21. I suspect he will permanently tarnish the not-necessarily-stellar reputation of the Secret Service.
  22. I have wondered the same thing. No one has really articulated how it's unfair. I do feel for her, her wife and teammates, but the questions I have are as follows: She was in Russia, so were the cartridges obtained in Russia? What normally happens to people who are caught with Marijuana? What amount was it and does the amount constitute a more severe punishment? Is there reason to believe that she did not have marijuana in her possession when she was leaving?
  23. Involuntary relocation is not a proper term. Many slaves were born and spent their entire life on the same plantation. They were never relocated. They were slaves, pure and simple.
  24. I notice with all the hand-wringing and gnashing of teeth by the Trump supporting crowd, they seem to completely ignore the fact that also presented were the threats made to the witnesses. I suspect the Committee knows whose doing the threatening and they are likely to pay a price as well.
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