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Everything posted by Credo

  1. I am leaning toward agreeing with you. I don't know the best course of action, but it is very, very clear that the current situation is largely untenable. We spend Gazillions on chasing drugs, but to little avail. We arrest people for possession, and they end up with criminal records and are unable to find employment. If the drugs don't ruin their life, the legal consequences do. Addiction is really a medical problem and is best moved out of the criminal justice system.
  2. Another aspect to these protests is that they are widespread. In the 1989 protest, it occurred by many people, but in one easy-to-deal with location. It would be nice for everyone if they could actually dump the current gov't.
  3. I am not a sport's fan at all. I don't much care to watch any of them, but hockey is one I can watch. It's fast-paced, it's aggressive, it keeps my attention.
  4. I think this has more to do with allowing very gifted people to have large numbers of children to create a sort of 'super race', while the rest not so much. Elon Musk is heavily into this.
  5. Try not to go off the rails. I support banning these people-killers, but not necessarily for everyone. People that have them, can keep them, people who want to purchase one will have to show a reasonable need. Like dangerous drugs, it's not about a total ban in the legal sense, it's about strict controls. The average person who is having a bad day should not be able to go in, purchase one, go to the local synagogue/mosque/gay bar and rid the world of his perceived enemies. And when I say strict, I do mean strict. Special background checks, special licensing, limited ability to carry, limited areas where use is permitted, no re-sale to unauthorized owners, etc..
  6. How is it different? I am not sure what you mean, I grew up around guns, but was never enamored by them. They were a tool. They were used when needed. All I can say is that when the assault-style rifle starts shooting, it's virtually impossible to escape. I was in a vehicle that was riddled with bullet holes, and that happened in a matter of a few seconds. There is no aiming at a target, there is just a barrage of gunfire.
  7. Having been not-too-seriously wounded in a shooting many years ago and having been caught in the crossfire of an assault style rifle, all I can say is that it's extremely hard to take any evasive action facing an assault-style rifle. Any gun that has the ability to do what the assault-style does has no place anywhere except a war zone. They have no purpose except to kill large numbers of people very quickly.
  8. Well, with beer being unavailable, there will be a lot less peeing. Since they are a giant litter box, I'd be tempted to just pretend I was a cat.
  9. He doesn't pay his lawyers. He's well known for stiffing many. Many of the politically-based law suits are paid for by the Republican Party. Sadly, for those lawyers chasing the money, they usually end up unpaid and lose their license to practice law.
  10. You say comical, but your remark is the pathetic non-response we've all come to see. So, all those problems and still you provide NO solution. Nothing. Just get rid of the Biden and everything will be OK. It wasn't and won't be.
  11. They want payback because they are happy when the country is in a mess. The previous administration was a mess--toxic in every aspect. They were authoritarian and the only hold on power was to blame others in a sort of I am better because they are so much worse. They acknowledged few of the problems, if they did, they blamed Democrats. It worked for a while, but it isn't working anymore. We arguably made it through a pandemic and faced big problems, which the current administration has carefully and successfully ushered us through. We had a contentious midterm election in which all those problems were highlighted, but at no time did they offer any solutions. They said they would stop inflation, but no indication of how. They would lower gas prices, but again, no indication of how. Climate Change was completely off-limits with them, even though the California Central Valley and SW US are in a 1200-year drought and account for a HUGE amount of the food that feeds the nation. Even their big, scary border issued was featured with an ad showing people crawling over Trump's big, beautiful wall!! Now, they grasp at straws. They make stuff up, and follow conspiracies. Hunter's laptop will figure prominently, but I highly doubt they are going to find anything connecting him to any business or financial transactions with his father. Joe Biden has been around too long to ever fall for something so fool hearty. Rest assured, however, they will Benghazi his laptop to death. Why? Because they are unable or unwilling to actually address the nation's problems.
  12. The current process puts undo pressure on medical providers. Hospitals and Clinics are not interested in getting sued, and doctors aren't interested in going to jail. It's far too easy to challenge the decision of the medical providers, even when it is the wish of the patient.
  13. Musk lacks the skills to properly run a company like Twitter. He got himself into plenty of trouble at Tesla with the SEC and ended up being removed as Chairman of the Board of Tesla. Musk is on the Autism spectrum, and many people on the spectrum are not good at navigating human relations situations. Managing a company like Twitter is a human relations business. Its existence is based on human interaction right down to the end user. His 'hardcore' statements are mostly foolish. When a boss tells you how the business will be, everyone knows that non-compliance could well mean getting fired. Threats do nothing for morale or motivation. It's counterproductive. Good people know they can leave and find another job. Those that can't easily leave will remain -- in this case, many of those staying are foreign workers who are tied to their work visa (more than a few people in Thailand can relate to this situation). Removing some of the little perks and luxuries is also a mistake. Free lunch keeps people on the premises and easily accessible. Twitter is likely much more efficient if large numbers aren't going out for an hour-long lunch. When new management comes in, the problem is usually staff-retention. There is no need to make the threats. He's just another example of an egomaniac with too much money and poor social skills.
  14. Someone needs to come up with a program whereby some of these young men get the option of serving in the Ukrainian war for a chance at resettlement.
  15. The cartels learned long ago not to kill DEA agents. In the mid 80s, they killed an agent, Kiki Camarena. They pursued his killers relentlessly. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/mexico-captures-drug-lord-kidnapping-murder-dea-agent-rcna38516
  16. And yet it was only Republicans who voted in the Republican primary.
  17. I believe this gets to the root of most people, and that is greed. The cartels have the money to tempt even the most morally astute person. It's especially appealing if all you have to do is to do nothing. It's hard to prosecute that.
  18. You are being a typical apologist. Did the Democrats support who they perceived as being the weaker candidates. Of course, just like Republicans support the Democrats when they pick someone they perceive as being weak, but the keyword is 'perceive'. Kari Lake was a strong contender for the Arizona throne, but she blew it on her own. She did not have the backing of the sitting Republican governor. She also made strong anti-McCain statements, including saying she'd stuck a knife in the heart of the McCain republicans. That was an unwise move in Arizona. Arizona did not experience a blue wave. Hobbs won, Kelly won and then when you start moving down the ballot a lot of Republicans start winning and of those who lost, most were, to be truthful, election liars. They gave unwavering support to Trump and his myopic message.
  19. Well, I don't know what the NY Times, who admitted to holding up publication of the emails, has to do with Twitter.
  20. And the neat part about it is that with Climate Change, they can build it on land and just wait for the rising oceans to set it afloat.
  21. I have tried to read up on Musk and his style of management but haven't found much that is in-depth about him. He is on the Autism spectrum and that may be part of his genius, but like most such people, it may be limited to specific areas. Twitter doesn't appear to be one of those. In his other endeavors, there is a definite product that is easily identifiable. It is easier to put expectations on production to workers. Twitter operates in the area of human behavior. That is a whole different kettle of fish. His Emotional Quotient is rather low, I suspect.
  22. For someone with such a massive disregard for the law, he sure likes to use it to his advantage.
  23. Well, obviously borders aren't closed if you are living there.
  24. I certainly understand what you are saying, but I think putting an age limit isn't the best way to do it. In the distant future, perhaps we will be living well into our hundreds and 70 will late middle-age. That said, mental acuity needs to be addressed but maybe better done by the political parties. I think we need another party that has the resources and public attention of the current two. I mean, if people can be non-binary, why not political parties?
  25. Well, the unusually high storm surges are made much worse by Climate Change. As for people being stupid for building too close to the sea, that's on the government which issues building permits. Oh, and that's a certain political party that does that. The same with the flooding in Texas and a large area that is very low and should have houses, but they allowed people to rebuild. Meanwhile, Miami is raising it's roads by 2 feet in an effort to combat rising seas -- I have no idea why if it isn't really happening. https://www.miamirealestateguy.com/miami-beach-to-raise-west-avenue-1-to-2-feet-to-combat-rising-sea/
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