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Everything posted by Credo

  1. I tend to believe that the medicinal properties are greatly exaggerated. There is no doubt it has benefit for some, but I think most people are simply wanting to enjoy the euphoric benefits. Keeping it illegal, however, comes at great cost. The war on drugs has come at a horrific cost and at least this is a start. I can't for the life of me understand why the gov't would encourage people to grow it though and would distribute plants.
  2. According to the Supreme Court, the police have no duty to protect. It goes against our basic instincts not to do what we can to protect our young. Even a mother rat will protect its young.
  3. Yup. I am sure everyone is just wanting to take their pot and share with 10,000 students. From the time I was little, no one ever came around with van and offered me candy to get in. Any drugs I got offered later came with a price tag attached. I can't wait for them to come up with a special branch, the Pot Police.
  4. Just to be sure, the only one who gets to decide who is up their backside is them. Not some photographer or agent.
  5. I wonder how that is going to work out when an Islamic Madras applies for funding to operate a school?
  6. Bower's testimony was powerful, but it pales in comparison to the testimony of the two election officials, Ruby Freeman and her daughter, Shaye Moss. It's difficult to believe that a sitting president would target two people who were doing their job and had done nothing wrong or illegal and were never accused by actual officials of any wrong doing, never charged, never even reprimanded and yet had their lives turned upside down. Why they don't sue Trump for defamation is beyond belief.
  7. Wrong. You might want to check your terminology: DEFINITIONS. A fetus is defined from 8 weeks after conception until term while in the uterus. An infant is live born and younger than 365 days of age. Challenges in consistent definitions of fetal and infant death mostly stem from perception of viability, which should not change the definition of the event. https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/128/1/177/30361/Standard-Terminology-for-Fetal-Infant-and?autologincheck=redirected
  8. I am going to go along with the decision by Fina. They are in the best position to decide, IMO. I believe they allow trans women who have transitions before the age of 12 (puberty) to participate. As I understand it, they will start another category for trans people. I have the greatest amount of compassion for trans people. I don't understand it, but I can't for a moment believe that anyone would take such drastic action lightly.
  9. Marijuana is a drug and like all drugs, it has side effects. A lot of Asians have an adverse reaction to alcohol that causes them to get very flushed and a few other symptoms. I worked with a guy who can't use anything with caffeine in it. He once drank something that had a small amount of caffeine and his reaction was rather intense, his heart was racing, his breathing was affected and he was shaking. He knew it would pass which it did. Unless someone has some experience with it, it's best to introduce it at a low level. As far as it causing death, I don't know of any drug that can't cause death, but given the long history of cannabis, I suspect it's pretty safe on that metric. Unless there is a level that's been determined to be deadly, it's quite irresponsible to say someone died from it. People die from drinking too much but it is rare that someone actually dies of alcohol poisoning. There are, however, levels of alcohol in the bloodstream that are known to be deadly.
  10. I am not a happy person with the state of things, but I am still happier that Biden is in charge and not the previous bafoon. There isn't much that he can directly do that doesn't involve some sharp curbs on capitalism. I'd be for that, but I suspect many wouldn't.
  11. I have always found it interesting that some people think the landlord can do what he wants with his property, but the tenant is seriously limited in what they can do. That is why there are regulations for both. If you don't like the regulations, then it's probably best not to be a landlord. So, owners do have the right to do with their property, they just can't rent it unless they are willing to follow the rules as well.
  12. It seems she has gone down the rabbit hole again. A little like an alcoholic falling off the wagon.
  13. But none of them will get sent to Rwanda or anywhere else that isn't their home country.
  14. Here's wishing him a speedy and full recovery. He's seen the US through many outbreaks and pandemic under very trying and troubling circumstances.
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