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Posts posted by Detox

  1. Im in the middle of the jungle really in the deep south... 50 people in a 50 mile radius..... dirt roads and no one has a phone connection and some dont even have electricity connected...

    in other words...... bliss.

    I will drive into the city next week and check the CDMA out.

    Thanks so far to all responses.. :)

  2. I'm assuming you're using the sierra wireless connection manager on Windows. Check for an oval that has an "Edge" in it. That tells you whether or not you're on EDGE or GPRS. Or at least it used when I used the AC775.

    I didnt see any oval.. All I see is: AIS GSM & 3.6 mbps

    The services offered by CAT are far and above what is offered over EDGE. Fastest I've seen EDGE was lik 28 KB/s...and that wasn't sustained. EV-DO (an enhanced version of CDMA which CAT offers--Hutch only offers vanilla CDMA which is the speed of EDGE) usually gets greater than 100 KB/s...or approximately 4x as fast as EDGE. It does seem that a lot of people have problems with the MC727 modem and the current recommendation is to get the EC226.

    So what would your recommendation be? Appreciate your help. :)

  3. Total newbie question... Sorry in advance for being a dumb a**. :D

    I am currently on a Air Card out here in the sticks.. Its an Sierra Wireless Aircard 875U

    I dont really have that many complaints about it. Its quite fast, although nothing like my 5mb connection I used to have in Bangkok... :)

    But.... It has been good enough to surf the net and watch the odd video after a few minutes of waiting to load etc..... I guess what Im saying is its been good and from where I sit @ 1100 baht a month for unlimited connection, I have been happy.

    Now...... Im told about a CDMA card? Is this worth upgrading to? Is it much faster? Is it cheaper monthly? - what are the benefits of me upgrading ?

    I appreciate your help.


  4. "The Phillipines is unfortunately a corrupt dirty dingehole even if the people are nice."

    Sounds like a perfect description of Thailand!

    For what it's worth, I went to the Philippines way back in the late 80's, only a few times, Thailand vs. Phillipines on a personal comparison test. The national cuisine didn't impress me at all. Go to a beach side resort and the restaurant only has 1 item of seafood on the menu?!?!?!?!? IMHO, when the US Military pulled out the degradation turned into a landslide. I think to this day that Thailand is the better option.

    Food quality, safety, living standards, and even cost of living is all inferior to Thailand in my opinion. This hasn't changed although they do offer more than 1 seafood on the menu these days. Filipino food is still terrible. As far as the people goes it's a toss up like anywhere else. Filipinos are much more "westernized" which can be good or bad depending on your point of view. I don't think it's a positive thing to be honest.

    IMO, The Philippines is not close to Thailand in anyway shape or form... The food is very poor, the poverty is more extreme and in general not many people look that happy compared to Thailand. Not many smiling faces unfortunately.

  5. Hi Trying to buy hydrogen peroxide, it for human consumption (diluted of course).

    Looking for pure H202, food quality 35% concentration.

    If you are curious its for a home remedy, mild oxygen therapy, 8 drops of H2O2, quarter teaspoon of bicarb in a water bottle, taken on an empty stomach between meals. Oxygenates the blood, raises your PH. Optimal consumption concentration is .45% H2O2.

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.

    Whatever else hydrogen peroxide taken orally may or may not do, it certainly does not change the blood pH nor "oxygenate the blood"!

    Nothing taken orally alters the pH of the blood -- luckily for us since the human body cannot survive outside of an extremely narrow blood pH range. The lungs and kidneys between them regulate the pH. Food, medications etc taken orally may (temporarily) alter the pH of the stomach but will have no effect on the pH of the blood.

    As for "oxygenating" the blood, (1) a normal healthy person's blood is already 98-99.9% fully oxygenated and (2) even if a person is, for some reason, not well oxygenated this cannot be corrected via oral ingestion of oxygen in any form.

    All that said, I too would like to get hold of some 35% H2O2 (in my case for topical use) so if anyone knows where to buy it in Bkk please tell.

    If in Bangkok you can purchase (H2O2) from Vidhyasom Co. Ltd in PraKanong.. 35% grade about 150 baht I think it was.

    if you get off the train at Prakanong and then walk towards On Nut way.. you turn left about 3 streets up.. its a fair way down though.. a motorbike taxi would be a better option.. It is a very big place, you cannot miss it.

    Vidhyasom Co. Ltd also has a place in Surat Thani

    Phuket: available at Supercheap.

  6. Where abouts is Vidhyasom Co in Prakanong? Near the BTS?


    yes, they are close to BTS.. if you get off the train at Prakanong and then walk towards On Nut way.. you turn left about 3 streets up.. its a fair way down though.. a motorbike taxi would be a better option.. It is a very big place, you cannot miss it.

    they have lots of other stuff also..

  7. Having suffered severe Heavy Metal Poisoning, I have always thought that is what CFS really is... Remember its a "syndrome", which basically means no one has a clue what it really is.. so keep an open mind and throw away all these "titles' they give it.. grade 6 etc.. its just bullsh*t.

    I couldnt walk some days, I slept 20 hours a day, I couldnt think and had problems with low level noise. The sound of water lapping at the beach or a

    plastic bag being scrunched would turn me crazy.. It was 100 times louder than usual on my ears.

    I would also be over emotional and felt like I was dying some days and then the next day I would feel a little better and gain more hope... then the next it was back to hel_l.

    It was only last year that I finally found a way to "cure myself" and would advise you to look into this also... I purchased Detoxamin, which is a suppository EDTA. I purchased 3 tubs from the office in Bangkok and took it over the course of 6 months.. 30 suppositories, one taken every second day.

    Im not sure what you did for work or where you lived when you contracted this, but look at environmental reasons that could have poisoned you.. That being said, you can eat fish and get mercury poisoning or a tooth filling can also poison you.. It can even happen living in a smoggy city.. so there are to many reason why.. but.. I think Detoxamin will help you.. Its 8000 baht per tub, so for 24,000 baht, you really can start to feel better.

    I went to many Dr's and was prescribed many drugs... none of them helped!

    Autism is also being helped with EDTA therapy and has had some incredible stories come out on the net..

    Ofcourse you can have EDTA via IV also and a place in Bangkok does that.. Id have to find out the Name though if you need it.

    I wish you well, I actually thought I would die last year, I set my will in place, sold my house and business and moved to the farm... It is then I found a post on Thaivisa about Detoxamin and thought it worth a try.. Im super glad I did and I really owe my new quality of life to Thaivisa and a member who posted... Im just passing it on.

  8. Hi again.

    Firstly, the results of my second Barium swallow, three months after the first show a 2cm decrease in the size of my tumour. .....

    Anyone else experianced thse problems with Upeer Eosophagal Shpincter pleas can you post. Or best still a doctor that has covered these problems.

    By the way, my Tendonitus has reached a peak where it is so painful every morning when I get up it reduces me to tears.

    Yours Martin ( Farang Connection)

    If you want advice you need to provide more information.

    What type of tumor and how was it diagnosed?

    All the hospital results are on an earlier thread from about 4 months ago on this. Might be posted under Farang Connection.

    Another update. Last night at 16.30, everything just cleared, and I could drink milk and water and other soft drinks normally again.Still ok this morning. I'm on my coffee injection now.

    Im not sure why you would be drinking milk and soft drinks? Surely the Dr has not advised you to drink that crap?

    Drink coconut water and just plain water... It aint that hard to understand that "produced liquids" are not normal to the body... If you want to get well, you have to eat and drink properly.

    Go to your fridge and cupboards and throw anything out that is in a box or in a can or needs long term refrigeration to keep it fresh.

    You need to go as natural as you can to fight any disease.

    Look up gerson dot org and buy the PH Miracle cure.. start listening to your body and not to Dr's and drug companies.

    I wish you well, but you need to help yourself here also...

  9. IMO, all the antacids on the market are full of aluminum, which can give bigger problems down the line.

    Stomach problems are mainly because of bad diet in a general term.. You have to get your stomach PH to the right level.. Eat properly and get cured. Its that simple... What happens if a fish tank is not looked after? the fish die and the tank gets full of bacteria.. Its the same with the stomach, its all about PH.. want to get rid of acid... fix PH, want to lose weight?... fix PH, want live longer?... fix PH

    Do you really think the human body which evolved over thousands of years, cannot cure itself?

    People are to quick to grab a pill or see a Dr. Put the right "stuff" in your body and live a long and healthy life.

    Good Luck.

  10. I wish I had the answers for you.

    I once had bad Esophageal ulcers (in my bad habits life) and also duodenal ulcers. I cured myself by blending only raw vegetables with an avocado for breakfast lunch and tea.. Only green vegetables.. It took about 4 months to stop the acid completely, but you will notice a difference immediately.

    Prior to going this route I was over medicated from Dr's and the amount of drugs I was on actually made me far worse in the long term.

    It might even be a good thing to take some probiotics if you have been on huge courses of antibiotics.

    I wish you well and like the others on this thread have stated, get yourself fixed first and worry about the visa later.

    Good Luck.

  11. a few home remedies I have collected that really work:

    INGREDIENTS: water, baking soda and strawberry's

    INSTRUCTIONS: First you take 4 strawberry's and cut of the stem then you take 1/4 a cup of water and 1/2 a cup of baking soda, then you throw it all in a blender and blend on low until it becomes slightly pastie, then brush your teeth with it and re brush with your regular toothpaste. !!!!WARNING!!!!! it taste horrible but works.

    INGREDIENTS: Water, Toothpaste and Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2). 33% or 35%

    INSTRUCTIONS: Add 5 drops of (H2O2) to 500 mil of water. Brush your teeth normally with a toothpaste and then swish your mouth with the (H2O2) and rebrush just using the (H2O2) / water solution. 2 weeks and you will see a major difference.

    If in Bangkok you can purchase (H2O2) from Vidhyasom Co. Ltd in PraKanong..

    Let us know how it works for you.

    Good Luck.

  12. I thought I would mention diet and environment as I cannot see anyone has touched on it.

    If you are big meat eater, maybe take a few days off and clean out using vegetables and vegetable juices.

    You really are what you eat. You can clean your system in a matter of days and reverse many major health problems in a matter of weeks.

    Also if you live in Bangkok or a polluted city and you are not working out / sweating / having a sauna occasionally, major poisons build up in your system and cannot be released... It is my belief that many illnesses like fatigue and aggression stem from toxic buildup. The thousands of chemicals your body takes in daily in these times has huge affects on the major organs.

    I have spoke to many people around the 40 age group that experience fatigue for the first time at that age... All that meat, alcohol, cigarettes (passive smokers included), mercury, cadmium, lead etc has built up over the years and the toxins need to be released.

    Fatigue is also a "side effect" of losing weight as your body loses fat and the toxins that were stored in that fat are released into the blood stream. They now have to find a new home or be expelled from the body.

    Many people underestimate the power of a good diet and regular saunas or fitness. It really is the corner stone to health.

    Before using a Dr or drugs, try and do it naturally. A drug does not cure anything, it is a band aid approach and 99% of the time (IMO) is a waste of money and does more damage down the line.

    Illness is mainly due to environmental factors, diet, and living habits, change these and get well.

    "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food," Hippocrates, "The Father of Medicine"

    My suggestion would be, take a sauna everyday for 1 week, eating nothing but vegetables and exercise daily.. You will be surprised how much better you will feel.

    PM me if you need help or advice, I would be glad to help.

    Good Luck.

  13. Re: Invitation to the "Far from home Close at Heart, Together for Nakhon Si Thammarat Party"

    Is anyone here going to the Governors dinner tomorrow night?

    I received my invitation yesterday in the mail. A tad late, but still nice to be invited.

    Seems to be a Thank You to local expats.


    6pm - 10pm

    At Piti Beach Resort, Amphur Sichon, Nakhon Si Thammarat

    6pm - 7pm / Registration

    7pm - 10pm / Welcome speech by the Governor of Nakhon Si Thammarat (Khun Panu Uthairat)

    Brazilian - Reggae styled music show by the beach.

    Ill see you there. :)

  14. I am taking that with a grain of salt.

    I am sure the Malaysian police would be smart enough to alarm the airport police to look out for Thaksin, but didn't? How could this be possible. KL airport is at least 1 hour drive from the Shangri-la (Jalan sultant Ismail) without traffic, and the Malaysian police should have enough time. KL airport is always very empty even during peak hours. Anyone can identify Thaksin across the bare immigration hall. There is no where to hide, or crowd to cover him.

    I totally agree..

    I think the story might be a story.. :)

    Also, why go to Fiji? I would hazard a guess that this info is wrong or he has lost the plot..

    its not a story...

    Malaysian Insider

    Ok.. although it still looks like the same story posted on BP.

    ty for the link.

  15. I try and contribute as little as possible to the economy in any country I am in..I would reconsider if the country was run properly and my money would be utilized in the right way... I will not pay for any bail out or gifts to the boys.

    Over the last few years, I contribute nil in the way of taxes or visa runs as I now have a Thai passport.

    I also do not work and grow most of my own food and my farm produces what I live on financially.

    Im pretty much self sufficient in many ways and I might be classed as a farang kee nok because fo it. :)

    The only money I spend is when leaving to go somewhere else.

  16. I am taking that with a grain of salt.

    I am sure the Malaysian police would be smart enough to alarm the airport police to look out for Thaksin, but didn't? How could this be possible. KL airport is at least 1 hour drive from the Shangri-la (Jalan sultant Ismail) without traffic, and the Malaysian police should have enough time. KL airport is always very empty even during peak hours. Anyone can identify Thaksin across the bare immigration hall. There is no where to hide, or crowd to cover him.

    I totally agree..

    I think the story might be a story.. :)

    Also, why go to Fiji? I would hazard a guess that this info is wrong or he has lost the plot..

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