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Posts posted by Detox

  1. In some books I have read, many say curry is great for the mind. I cannot remember the exact figures, but they mentioned something about India having a ??% lower rate in Alzheimers than any other country... I have not supplied much info, but maybe you could research a little on what I alluded to.. Im sorry, Im a tad lazy to do it today.

  2. to the OP.

    IMO, Many times a Thai spouse thinks they know how the law works, but they really do not.

    Your company owns the land. Unless you signed a lease agreement leasing the home to her in those papers you spoke of, she has no rights at all.

    The blue book as many have stated in this thread is just the tabian baan and means little in the scheme of things.

    If your bought the house prior to your marriage to her, this will also strong point in the divorce in relation to dividing of assets. (just an point that has not been mentioned thus far).

    In my limited experience, I think you will be fine. Karma catches up on us all.

    I wish you well Sir.

    Let us all know how your get on.

  3. Why do people who do not believe, post so much?. Why try and change people minds? no one who has stated they saw them, has tried to push their beliefs onto you. That is what is good about the world.. we all are not the same, which is a great thing! Some follow blindly, some lead and some are curious.

    edit.. terrible spelling and diction. :)

  4. It is quite alarming reading this thread that people have no clue on what is happening daily. To actually think that a chemtrail is a conspiracy story? Wow it goes to show a lack of reading and to much trust in governments.. Next thing you guys will be believing that chemotherapy cures cancer and the FDA are looking out for everyone's health.

    to the OP. My friend has taken many photos of chemtrails in the south of Thailand.. Only 2 months ago, he took a heap of chemtrail photos over Kata Beach.

    Look up sometime, you might be surprised.

  5. A very sad day for the King of Pop fans. This guy was the best at his craft. No one came close.

    The other side of his life I make no judgment. I do not know him nor did I ever see him personally do anything to kids.. To many people are judge jury and executioner - all from reports made by people unseen and unknown.

    I bet he fought many scandals as most stars do.

    RIP Michael Jackson - you will be missed.

  6. So what about the rest of you? are there any sure fire strategies to keep her on the radar. How about GPS?

    Buy a simple Bike Flag and attach it on her back...post-13995-1245883036_thumb.jpg

    .....that'll teach her :)


    Great idea but Thais copy each other so fast that within a few weeks everyone will be wearing Bike Flags and having no idea why.

    lol.. how true! :D

    It will be the next big thing.. a dif color for everyday.

  7. Norxacin seems to kill quite a few things including gonorrhea.

    Im always worried about drugs prescribed like this as many stomach conditions stem from over prescribed antibiotics and other "anti" type drugs.

    If you do take this, please let us know the outcome.

    I'm not clear why anyone would take an antibiotic for IBS. IBS is chronic and not an infection.

    No Im not saying they would take an antibiotic for IBS, Im saying that many stomach complaints stem from antibiotics being over prescribed. The antibiotics kill all of the good flora. If a person has had 2 courses of antibiotics within 6 months, that could mean problems.

    The medical world call everything a Syndrome (IBSYNDROME) when they don't have a cure. Im not saying the over prescription of Antibiotics is the cause, Im just saying that alone is major problem with stomach conditions - Of course there is also other many other possible reasons.


  8. Hello to any farmers or land owners out there. Looking for a bit of advice if I can.

    The wife is currently over visiting family in the Ranong area and is keen to buy a 10 rai piece of land next to her brothers farm. The land currently is growing durian and other high end fruit. Not realising its full potential tho I am led to believe.

    The land is on the road, currently has a shack of a house on it, cant say about the utilities but shouldnt be a problem.

    My question is, they are asking 800,000 baht. Is this the going rate? Obviously I have said she should negotiate. Her family seem to think it is a good price. The thing is it's next to her brothers land and would be very convenient for him if she bought it. Also she is living in London and that would I imagine affect the price if anyone was to know.

    Call me an old cynic but I thought i beter check with you guys just in case you know any more than me.

    Thanks in advance for any advice you can give,


    It depends on the chanote - the land's title deed.

    ^ Im sure his wife and family have that sorted out. :)

    It matters not if the land is chanote or not.. It could be (tax paid land) Tor Bor 6, Tor Bor 5, sor kor 1 or Nor Sor 3, Nor Sor 3 Gor..

    This is agricultural land, they aint building a 7 storey condimimium block. :D

  9. It sounds a fair price at 80k a rai with fruit. It depends on the area of Ranong ofcourse, but at that price, I think it would be an ok buy. Its 50 k per rai in remoter areas with nothing on the land at all.

    good luck.

  10. balo, just one thing about probiotics. Check that you do not have diary intolerance, if you havent checked already. If you have, then you are best finding a non-dairy probiotic. I know its available in capsule form in the UK from a main health food shop, but i havent seen in Thailand. Im not sure of an alternative in Thailand, maybe someone else has info. Wish you luck in getting this under control.

    As I already posted, Probiotics under the brand name of Infloran capsules are sold in Thailand by good hospitals and pharmacies. They are non dairy based. You won't see them on shelves as they are kept refrigerated.

    Thanks for all the tips , I will try Infloran and then look at my diet again .

    I have been told that any food that is high in fat, insoluble fiber, caffeine, coffee ,carbonation, or alcohol is problematic so I will avoid them if I can.

    Have already tried veggie shakes in the morning , I'm not sure if I can be a 100% vegetarian every day.

    But I love fish and rice , I have less symptoms when I eat that kind of food for a few days.

    You dont have to become a vegetarian or a vegan, just make sure you eat 'wet food" with "dry food" and that will help. If you have a burger, have a salad with it. If you have a roast dinner have steamed veg on the side (dont over cook). It is simple things like that, that aid digestion... Its not the perfect scenario, but its better than fish and chips or burger and chips etc.

    If you love rice, eat brown organic. It tastes better anyway and your not eating bleach and the other chemicals. If you love fish, make sure Its steamed or bake it in the oven in foil... less frying the better.

    you wrote:

    "I have been told that any food that is high in fat, insoluble fiber, caffeine, coffee ,carbonation, or alcohol is problematic so I will avoid them if I can."

    Yes to all of the above and trans fatty acids.. Get rid of the crap oil and use virgin olive oil. This will also help. Try and not heat any oil and drizzle your olive oil over steamed food with some sea salt.. sensational flavors.

    If you go to macro, you can also but frozen aloe vera, which wouldnt hurt also.

    Its up to you how bad you want something. "to get the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain"

    I will suggest it again.. reread my "menu" in my last post and try and get as close as you can. You will change the way you live after 1 month of it. The other food will never be as nice again and you will start to crave vegies.. really!

    Remember IBS can lead to worse problems.. get yourself fixed up now, probiotics on its own will not cure you. Food will.

    when you get a minute, search "raw for 30 days" on google.. They took about 10 diabetic people away to a retreat and only fed them raw food for a month. All came off Insulin and all were cured of Diabetes. All lost vast sums of weight and all felt great aterwards.

    if then your still interested, read up on Gerson protocol, that has cured cancers with food.

    and so on.. read Dr Young on the PH Miracle.

    The father of Medicine, Hippocrates said, “Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.”

    I wish you well.

  11. With all the current uncertainties: poor exchange rates, rising prices, high crime, anti farang centiment, police shakedowns, road chaos, poor service, agressive Thais, constant change in visa regs, uncertainty if you have any rights to your house - even if you bought it in your wifes name, etc. etc. etc. - - - -

    Are you close to throwing in the towel?

    I think the majority of what you posted could be in any country. The world is in uncertain times at the moment.

    Poor exchange rates - is not just reserved for Thailand.. Are you English? The pound / Baht is not the best.

    Rising prices - I dont see much change in prices myself. My wife and I eat for about 20 baht each if we like or free if the family drop food in :D Fruit and vegetables are next to nothing compared to western countries and I can buy a whole snapper for about $4.. Id say things are still pretty cheap.

    High Crime - crime will worsen globally. Poor people have to feed their families to. Its a bad situation no doubt.

    Anti farang sentiment - I dont see it that much. It depends what your lifestyle is I think. Im liked here where I live and people go out of their way to help me and I do them.

    Police shake downs and road chaos well, they have always been here and always will.

    Poor service - thats a difficult one to comment on as it depends where you go and what you expect. I dont expect much service to be honest, the Thai way is to help yourself in many restaurants / shops etc.. then tell the shopkeeper what you want / have and pay... I watch my wife eat her noodles at the local restaurant sometimes and what she gets for 10 baht in service and quantity is unparalleled really.. 10 condiments, water and some vegetables as well as the noodles and sauce for 10 baht.. and the service is great.

    Agressive Thais ? now that is such a general statement.. Why are they aggressive? did you upset them? :)

    Constant change in Visa regs - roll with punch. It has always been like that, it always will be. Get yourself straightened out and side step change.

    Uncertainty re property - sorry but this old boring, same ole same ole.. always has been, always will be.

    Life is to short, go and do a good deed today and see what life brings you in return.

    I wish you well.

    edit: spelling

  12. As you drive down the beach road on "Cabana Beach" you turn left just before the small hotel (name alludes me at the moment) and you will see about 20 townhouses and half are still for rent. There are a handful of foreigners down there. One German guy has to beautiful rotweiler dogs and walks every morning on the beach.. It really is a wonderful place and the people are friendly and accommodating. The food choice is also varied and tasty.

    I lived right on the edge of the beach there for 3 months. It was sensational.

  13. ask: where to get tshirts printed / embroided ? and where to buy tshirts in bulk? (same shop would be ideal)

    add: wheel barrows sold at Home Mart ( between Lotus and Robinsons on same side).. down the left hand side of building in ware house area.

  14. I would recommend changing your diet to pure veg for 1 month at least. Detoxing your system is certainly a major step in curing stomach problems.. your stomach has problems due to putting the wrong things in it. This is a soothing easy slow detox below.. Your not starving yourself by fasting, your just getting the right stuff down your gullet. You are also tackling a very important part and that is getting your PH right in your body

    breakfast. Shake. (forgive my phonetics...) blend and drink.. you will be surprised how nice it tastes after a few days of getting used to it.

    broccoli (broc o lee), cabbage (calum pee), spinach (pak com), avocado (ava car do), wheatgrass (if avail), cilantro (pak chee), parsley (pak chee falang) kale (pak kana), cucumber (dang qua) and then a cap full of coconut oil (namun maphrao), which you can buy at tops in all cities... All of these veg are great for the stomach and also have detoxing qualities. The Avocado is natures butter and is a superb fruit with so many great qualities.. worth doing a google on.

    Lunch: steamed vegetables and if you cannot go pure veg, steamed fish if you like..(try and make sure the fish is an ocean species).. snapper (pla kapong) is ok, and tuna (tun na)

    dinner: same as breakfast or lunch... eat smaller at night and 4 hours before bed.. also dont drink much water while eating as it water downs your stomach acids.. sip if you have to take water.

    supplements that are good:

    morning: probiotics ( at least 1 billion count, non yeast variety), there is an Italian import called Infloran that I recommend. take this with your shake and have with every meal 3 times a day.

    Vitamin C in large doses is also very good. I would suggest 4000 mgs a day.. you might get the runs if you take that in 1 go, so over the day duration will work..

    Vitamin B, B12 and B6 and a multi B once a day.

    If you want to go that little bit further, Glutathione, Alpha lipoic Acid, Selenium and Niacin are also a great once day added benefit.

    Hope this information helps you.. Drink lots of water, dont drink or smoke and you will be sorted in 1 month.. you can test me, if you follow the "menu".. Ill still be here. take good care.

    edit: never drink milk.. why do people drink the fluid from another animal? beats me.. anyway dont drink or have any dairy products. It is not a natural thing to do!

  15. I thought this might help us Nakhon crowd to find things easily.

    Please add your experiences and recommendations on products we want and use.


    Im looking for the best shop to buy the latest DVD's (master copies), where do you recommend ?


    Avocados from Tops (Robinsons) are the best I have had and are currently 49 baht each.

    thanks. :)

  16. Hello,

    I have been a user of this site on and off for a few years. I never joined due to not having my own internet connection, because I live in a very remote part of the Kingdom. I used to drive 15 miles to use the internet shop, but now I have purchased an air card that lets me connect ok.. so I feel like I have entered the right century at last. :)

    I hope to meet some nice people and if your from the south (Nakhon Si Thammarat) area let me know also as I am about 40k's outside Nakhon.

    My wife Jittra and I (Dave) have a palm farm that we have been nurturing over the last few years. We sell the oil for bio diesel.

    Ok, well thats me in a nutshell, we live a nice life and we are planning to develop some land soon into a detox retreat (hence my username).

    Thanks Thaivisa for the information you have given out as it has helped me a few times over the years.



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