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Posts posted by lumply

  1. " prompting the pilot to dive 8,000 metres (26,000 feet)".

    I seriously doubt they dived 8k meters.Probably descended IMO.

    Loss of cabin pressure means they have to, the passengers and crew be passing out otherwise.

    Spot on. During pilot training (emergency procedures), it is standard to dive the aircraft down to 10,000ft in the of rapid depressurisation of the cabin. The pilots don oxygen masks. However this would not be possible whilst over a mountain range! I rehearsed this many times but never had to use it for real

  2. With so much bad press lately involving Thailand may I be excused from becoming slightly concerned over my decision to base myself in BKK shortly for business purposes? However the decision is now made and I hope that my 28 years in various parts of a turbulent Middle East will provide me with the necessary survival skills. In the many albeit short visits made to LOS over the years I have met with nothing but courtesy and respect from the Thais themselves, but unfortunately not always from my fellow Brits. admittedly in the bar scene. That's the way of life. So here I come BKK and I look forward to the challenges.

  3. Are all men having trouble with their sex life? What's with all the ads for Viagra and Cialis?

    Maybe it's just the sports channels I watch on TV but there seems to be an over abundance of advertisements offering sex pills for men. I see ads for Cialis, Viagra, something called Extends and a few others I've never heard of before. Is there some problem with modern men? I thought that is what beautiful women were for... to keep men interested. The men's sex pills ads seem to have taken over from the ones about women's monthly problems. On top of that there seem to be ads for all sorts of pharmaceuticals to alleviate some imagined or real problem that people supposedly have.

    Are the pharmacy companies taking over the world?

  4. Sorry to barge in on this thread but on the subject of Thai taxation, I have a similar question someone may be able to help with. Assuming a non imm B visa using BKK as a base only with no income derived directly from activities in Thailand, but time in the country exceeding 180 days per year, will there be any liability on money sent across from outside (UK)? I'm talking about B100K pm max. a proportion of my income and expenses. Housing already prepaid. If so what is the starting amount on which tax is liable and what is the percentage of that amount? Would an O visa be better to remain under the radar, although as it will be a company posting (UK) one would prefer to remain strictly legal (or am I being foolishly naive?).

  5. With all the 'bad press' appearing in some forums is this a good time to consider a move to BKK? I've been living/working in Dubai for many years and I too could come up with some pretty scathing remarks about the place. It's almost an expats prerogative to bash their host country although to do so in the Middle East leads almost certainly to a spell in the slammer followed by deportation. Anyway, I now need a change of scenery and a lower cost base from which to work and I've made up my mind about BKK. Some reassurance would not go amiss from you more battle scarred(?) Thailand experts. Brit with Brit GF working for UK company. BKK many times on short working trips, but of course that's different to living in the place. Any advice to a Newbie? :)

    Does it have to be BKK ??...if you are trying to lower your cost base then going to find BKK comperable with any "big" city" to live, if you moved out futher a field your cost base would reduce, except of course if you set up in Phuket or somewhere similar...

    You have to bear in mind there are a lot of bitter individuals on this forum, so scathing remarks are expected, a lot of these people have lived their lives in their own countries, decided they have had enough of their own country, retire here, and then complain Thailand is not like home...

    Someone who is used to the "expat" lifestyle and has made a go of it over the years, should not have any problems in Thailand, Bearing in mind Bangkok is not Dubai

    My opinion, been here 8 years working..have things changed over the last 8 years..?? certainly, very little for the better...crime has increased, it has become more expensive, immigration requirements more restrictive, but provided you dont try and play the "old Colonial" here you should be ok, and you are generally left to your own devices..

    Not trying to be nosey but if you give a few more specifics, then you might get better advice...

    In summary...I have worked as an expat most of my working life, have I ever regretted moving to Thailand..No...have I had to adapt to Thailand...yes..

    I think you've summed it up pretty well in your last sentence. Adaptation is the key. It has to be BKK because of business contacts and having access to an International Airport as there will will be a great deal of travelling-up to 35% of my working time. I looked at Pattaya but my employers were not keen on the stigma. It's only for 3 years (famous last words I know-who knows I might stay/retire). Best to approach it with eyes wide open and not to be too proud to take advice. Thanks.

  6. With all the 'bad press' appearing in some forums is this a good time to consider a move to BKK? I've been living/working in Dubai for many years and I too could come up with some pretty scathing remarks about the place. It's almost an expats prerogative to bash their host country although to do so in the Middle East leads almost certainly to a spell in the slammer followed by deportation. Anyway, I now need a change of scenery and a lower cost base from which to work and I've made up my mind about BKK. Some reassurance would not go amiss from you more battle scarred(?) Thailand experts. Brit with Brit GF working for UK company. BKK many times on short working trips, but of course that's different to living in the place. Any advice to a Newbie? :)

  7. I must be one of the oddballs being second born. Did Public School (UK) no uni. but made it into management and have never been unemployed in nearly 40 years of working, mostly in international commerce. So I guess I qualify for a Masters in the Uni of Life. I do however have utmost respect for people of my age who made up the 5% or so Brits who got basic degrees, and even the 50% or so nowadays who go on to graduate. Well done to all of you.

  8. I have found that the miserable, whingeing, whining, grumpy complaining farangs would do exactly the same thing no matter which country they were living in. It is just the type of person they are. Never happy with whatever they are doing or living and nothing will ever change them.I personally just laugh at them as they are really sad people. Stand in any bar back home and you will hear the same old crap! No! the country is not utopia and is far from perfect but my quality of life here is far better than working my butt off for 12 hours a day 7 days a week in London! :)

    I was most interested to read these views. I have lived in Dubai for 17 years and now plan to move to BKK. Us Oldies in Dubai also have little good to say about the place probably because it turned from being a town into a city in double quick time. Not the same as Thailand. Now, as a 28 year expat I realise that wherever you hang your hat there will (eventually) be lots to whinge about. During my new posting to BKK I really hope that I will have learnt lessons, and be more positive. Fascinating subject though.


    Hi Pete, I've been travelling to BKK on and off on business for the last 20 odd years. Just a few days at a time. That makes me far from expert but I've never been bored and have always struck up a conversation with like minded people in bars, restaurants etc. So will you. Now I'm looking to move there from Dubai to finish off my expat perambulations. I am looking forward to it immensely. Work must come first though....then play. Good luck with your new job. Len :)

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