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Posts posted by lumply

  1. This is hardly a new topic apart from maybe the 3/4 months p.a bit, but perhaps interesting enough to many people who are looking for an interim retirement solution.

    In a couple of years I start drawing my UK state and private pensions and am planning on renting in Hua Hin to escape the UK winter. I have been a regular traveller to LOS over many years, mainly on business but recently on vacation which I know as a long time expat elsewhere means didley squat. But at least I do know that I like Thailand and detest the period Oct-Jan in the UK! How do these numbers stack up (Baht)for the first stint in Yr1?

    A modern 1 Bedroom furnished rental at 15-18K pm walking distance to beach area

    Pocket money at 50k pm, mostly food.

    Contingency Credit Card funds say 300K at any one time, rtn air ticket UK already paid for

    No booze, women, or fags to even bother budgeting for (boring I know but that does not exclude the bar scene which I do like now and again and which may become more regular as friends made). Motorcycle maybe but not Yr1. Occasional trips down/up country not budgeted for but probably paid out of contengency pot when I need a break.

    Visa runs not budgeted. Maybe a non 'O' would be best(?), but runs would still be necessary would they not?

    One thing for sure, I would not consider such an idea if I wasn't able to look forward to a reasonable lifestyle without having to worry about where my next meal was coming from! On that basis, do the above numbers look sensible? Back to the drawing board if they don't but at least I have plenty of planning time to tweak finances if necessary.

  2. Ever notice that the people from countries who have the best standard of living in the world never brag about it?

    You don't ever (or very rarely) hear any Swedes, Norwegians, Finnish, etc..., or anyone else bragging about how amazing their country is.

    So who in your opinion brags about their country. ?

    My country of birth is Iran, so nothing to brag about there! Although a Brit I've spent most of my life in the Middle East (not Iran), so there again that makes me a sorry loser in the bragging stakes. In fact although I have had a good life and still do, If only I could find a train to throw myself under, I might just do that. Crazy response but I'm smiling to myself already.

  3. Thank you NanLaew although the mention of the old 747's still makes me nervous!!

    The oldest a/c I ever flew personally was a 1935 Tiger Moth, and many others over 30 years old; survived for three logbooks no probs. The age of the equipment is irrelevant in most cases but if you need whistles and flutes then you need to pay more, generally speaking, your choice.

  4. I can't add anything other than a pretty negative aspect of HK (sorry), and that's the atmosphere. I'm pretty healthy but the pollution really got to me whilst working there and because I did not wish to 'get used to it', and for other reasons I left after two months to work in BKK. Talk about frying pan and fire! Lots do to in HKG however and you are sure to enjoy your stay. Take plenty of cash!

  5. I agree that this liquids rule is rather superfluous now-3 years on. Undressing (or virtually sometimes) is crazy as well. During his commercial training a pilot learns every piece of emergency equipment concealed in the cabin of an aircraft, normally for use in emergencies. You can bet your bottom dollar that a person who has done that portion of the groundschool and intent on compromising the safety of an aircraft in flight really does not need to bring anything on board apart from some knowledge. An explosive device guarantees 'success' I suppose. To think, these crazy ideas stemmed from the Jordanian desert in 1973 or thereabouts-Crazy world

  6. One may feel a little 'boxed in' by the individual seat bar but I cannot see how anyone can complain about lack of comfort. On my first flight Biz class on the A380 I wished that it was a 10 hour flight and not just 6 (BKK/DXB); didn't want to miss out on the luxury by taking a nap! The public bar area is not to be missed.

    • Like 1
  7. I have just returned from Hua Hin having stayed at the Hilton which is pretty central (beach, bars, restaurants etc).There are plenty of places to eat, too many to name even if I could remember them. One thing that struck me was the abundance of Italian restaurants, and as I prefer to eat Thai when in LOS I cannot comment on quality etc. of these. The piers nearby the fish landing are a must. All in all during my three days there I never had a bad meal. I'm sure that goes for HH's less central areas as well, typical Thailand. Enjoy!

  8. I am always surprised that there are many satisfied customers willing to promote Thai/Indian tailors. I have used 6 over the last 19 years and they have all been poor. I will never use any of them again and buy shirts off the rack in Bangkok and pants and jackets off the rack in Singapore.

    There are plenty of charlatains around waiting to pray on tourists, but there are good ones too. Mine is always busy with (mainly) Americans from the nearby embassy and also has numerous photos/business cards/letters from high profile Americans including both presidents Bush.

    I know the store that keep a photo of Bush and I am pretty confident that no Bush has ever worn or paid for a suit made up by these tailors, it just doesn't make sense at all. For Christ sake, go to Saville Row or Jermyn Street and you'll get a REAL suit by a REAL tailor. Or why not fly to Italy and get fitted.

    I have seen the suits made by these so called Presidential tailors and compared to a REAL suit their work is a laugh, a joke, complete shambles.

    ....or, along the same lines, stop off in Duabi and buy extremely good quality 100% cotton long/short sleeves at Marks and Sparks and/or Debenhams for about B1900, although this option may not be possible for some in a hurry.

  9. As bad as it may be in Thailand, the atmosphere in Hong Kong is atrocious and one of the main resons I decided not to stay. The Gulf countries in the Middle East are learning fast. More and more people in Dubai are observing No Smoking signs in public places for instance, even work places. Abu Dhabi is way behind in actually implementing the Federal Law but they'll get there eventually. I've been driven away from the pubs there, and bars in Thailand because of the smoke but as well as saving me loads, it's almost entirely got me off the booze! I'm not at all displeased about not mixing with the walking dead. Unfortunately there's little that can be done about pollution in a country like Thailand, but there other more attractive features to compensate.

    The best thing about not smoking is simply feeling better in mind and body. But then a reformed smoker is bound to rant a bit about those who are misinformed enough to wish to continue smoking and are not bothered about their health. Live and let live I say, I just steer clear of those who have such disregard for their own lives, why should they be bothered about mine? End of rant.

  10. Maybe you could extract some help from my experiences.

    I was a heavy smoker for about 10 years. It helped in the bars in various parts of the world when I was alone, travelling on business. I found that my smoking was linked to (moderate) beer drinking. I became very concerned about the health issues, particularly as my hobby was flying and I needed annual medicals the results of which went off to Gatwick Medical Crew Centre. The checks were more regular when I obtained a professional ticket and became very stressed way before my medicals.

    On one trip to Turkey about 20 years ago I caught a cold and it went on to my chest. I thought I was going to die, alone in an hotel room. I picked up an unfinished pack of 200 and straight into the bin it went. From that day on I never handled a fag or lit one for someone else, or indeed bought any 'duty free' for anyone. It worked, not because I was particularly self disciplined but because I wanted to get my sense of taste back, I didn't want crinkly skin through lack of oxygen, I hated the feeling of that heavy chest, and it made me cut down drastically on my visits to smokey bars. It boiled down to how healthy I wanted to feel and not wanting to abuse my body any longer.

    Was it easy? Not particularly but boy! After a couple of months I felt so much better as my lungs started to take in more oxygen and I knew that my heart was also benefitting. After about 7 years the damage I had done to my heart and lungs as a smoker had been eradicated. My advice is to focus on the health issues i.e really understand to what extent your smoking is damaging your internal organs and your appearance. Do some research

    on it. Try and see some organs extracted from a smoker, then compare them with those of a non smoker. Not easy to arrange but the shock factor was extra proof that I needed to pack it in, not cut down, but pack it in completely from that day onwards. It also helped me to cut down on my drinking because I no longer wanted to stand in a smokey bar for hours at a stretch. Crucially, get to know your body.

    Will I live longer than you? Maybe not but for sure my basic health and quality of life will be far better for feeling well and fighting infections. Hope this helps in some way. Try it and good luck

    • Like 2
  11. i feel like bangkok is just getting too fuc_king busy for me. i think since they expanded the bts and the airport rail the central area is just being more and more overrun. it gets to the point where you ask yourself <deleted> is the point? obviously if you have to work in bkk u r stuck but for the rest of us bye bye.

    i am curious what the inflation rate in bangkok it seems to be growing rapidly. just recently we add terminal 21, the gateway, central rama 9, emporium 2 coming, platinum 2, new shopping malls to siam square area.

    it is a shame because places like hong kong are very busy but at least you can walk around and the weather changes. also more cultural things around than shopping malls.

    right now i look out my condo window and ask if it is worth the trouble getting to fight with 16m other people.

    Your comment about walking around in Hong Kong amused me. I lasted 2 months in HKG because I couldn't take more than 5 steps without having to avoid unhappy, overworked Chinese people. So I stood my ground after a while to let them bounce off me. Not nice I know, but by then I had already decided to leave the place and be faced with the same problem in BKK, but far more fun!

  12. I was always a responsible drinker, pilot, export manager travelling the world on expenses, many opportunities to over indulge but the job came first, and then there were the regular medicals to keep my license. Now I'm unable to have an alcholic drink, not even one, without feeling unwell, albeit for a few minutes at a time. So, the nearest I get to having a regular drink is red wine sauce with a steak.

    I feel like the odd beer and glass of wine (especially when I visit LOS on holiday!), but dismiss the thought. I am very healthy for my age,63, or so I've been told by my medic. Has anyone experienced these symptoms? How do I get back to enjoying a drink without feeling ill?

  13. Agree to her demands and after a while she may become more realistic. When she really falls deeply in love with you her requirements will diminish. If not then at least you get a couple of years out of it. Be prepared to be hurt and if/when that happens, move on. Best of luck anyway

  14. Anecdotal, but today (Feb 17th) seems like the worst yet. No sign of the sun until 8.30 and as I write the scene outside has a sickly dull orange glow that reminds me of countless post apocalypse movies. Your reporter in Nong Hoi.

    ...or Hong Kong

  15. I was an Export man for more than 30 years for a UK company. Rule no. 1, never let your company choose your flights, times and routings for you. If you're lucky enough to have a division that do the bookings (a luxury nowadays) then nominate the flights and hotels yourself, that way you have control over your itinerary and airlines, and not some dopy girl in the office. Good luck with your travels.

  16. What exactly is wrong with sex tourism? It's a business, just like an Air Operator eager for bums on seats. I'm sure that TG will do just fine with their A380's. BTW why none on the LHR sector, at least not yet? Maybe the sex tourism sector is still not strong enough out of the UK(?)

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