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Posts posted by lumply

  1. I try and avoid IKEA like the plague where I live in Dubai. Problem is that once inside I can't bring myself to be dictated by them as to which route to follow, ie follow their big foot prints on the floor, Not. Then, being windowless and totally disorientated I have to find someone to tell me how to get out! My fault I know but they could make it easier for those of us who are not escape artists and only want a bundle of place mats. Unfortunately I'm being tempted to go back soon to buy something. Maybe I should take my Garmin or a bucket load of patience; not forgetting the wood glue for those pre-drilled holes that don't marry up. Otherwise the quality and choice seem OK for the price.

  2. Date or worse still, marry a Muslim, it will be more her (interfering) family that you end up with, not her. Admittedly this happens in all faiths, up to a point. Best left well alone and go with your own faith or at least one other than Islam. It could still end in disaster of course, as many of us can testify, but at least you're giving yourself a fighting chance of a successful marriage which will give you a few years' of happiness. Marrying a Muslim girl, then having things go belly up whilst the kids are still young, be prepared to say goodbye to them, probably never to see them again until adulthood. Be warned!

    That's not the experience of my colleagues who have married muslims, but presumably you have married more muslims than they have.

    Born in an Islamic country and spent most of my years in Iran and Saudi. Still in the Middle East. This does not make me an expert but it qualifies me to state a pretty informed opinion. Your friends have been extremely lucky and I wish them well. Alhumdullilah

  3. Date or worse still, marry a Muslim, it will be more her (interfering) family that you end up with, not her. Admittedly this happens in all faiths, up to a point. Best left well alone and go with your own faith or at least one other than Islam. It could still end in disaster of course, as many of us can testify, but at least you're giving yourself a fighting chance of a successful marriage which will give you a few years' of happiness. Marrying a Muslim girl, then having things go belly up whilst the kids are still young, be prepared to say goodbye to them, probably never to see them again until adulthood. Be warned!

  4. The 1,000 per year graduation rate seems to have been inflated when you consider that it takes over 250 hours to get a CPL (Commercial License) and I/R (Instrument rating), normally in piston twin engined aircraft.Plus degree level ground school and exams. That's before you even get to sit in the First Officers seat of a jet. Then the hour building and simulator type rating training starts. No first line Operater would put an A380 or any wide body in the hands of a Captain with less than 7500 hours and F/O 3500 hours. It's a worthy profession and certainly not a cake walk to qualify and stay qualified. Good luck to TG and all who fly with her.

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  5. Bound to be Bikers, the pedal variety. I've never figured out why serious ones' always shave their legs. Maybe by doing so it increases the passage of air around the legs(?) But why in Suk? I have to stop there now 'cos the thought of it is conflicting with the gorgeous legs of the chick I am meeting after work. Time to pop a Bluey in preparation.

  6. The only thing that is missing is the sea, there is a seasonal beach though, should be available very soon now!

    Don't hold your breath 'that's the thing you lot call wheezing' on the beach bit that is, as they are letting the water out in Tak big time. That's to try and help you lot out when it N/S flood's this year as sure as egg's are egg's it will do.

    I read several time's exeter's post. All I can say is it's very sad but I think he's lost the plot, He's not the Farang peep's that was on the front page of the BKK Post yesterday that was sitting on a curb clad in a strait jacket dribbling & muttering to himself by any chance.

    N/S Utopia, I happen to know of a good Doctor in BKK that might be able to help out but I think exeter is past the point of no return. Oxygen might help out give it a try Dave, it's either that or in a few month's N/S could be down to only one Farang.

    Thank's for the laugh anyway going to put your post in the K.P.P news under the heading N/S peep's crack's up big time.

    Where were you thinking of putting the advert about N/S next to the one that's already there that show's the air quality that by the way always read's - something. Please correct me I'm wrong but not to long ago according to Thai spring News was -7 the worst air pollution there is. Even Bang Na BKK the worst place for same in BKK has never had it that bad.

    We the Upper Crust's are all having a rethink on the food parcel's we normally send there every year, seem that they are not helping one jot, Oxygen tank's now there a though.

    H/M. K.P.P.

    Heritage City.

    Which roughly translates means?

  7. Cor Blimey! That's enough to put you off drinking for good. Here in Dubai it's zero tolerance. A whiff of alcohol is enough to get you banged up for the night, minimum. Problem is now a small beer makes me feel unwell, so any suggestions on how I can get off this darned wagon and start enjoying beer and red wine again? The deadline target is 24 May when I visit BKK for R&R. Sorry if this is slightly off topic but by the sounds of it there are some voices of experience out there!

  8. I have to say guys, as much as I would like to take something to put me out when doing long haul, (and yes, I do my fair share flying) I just can't do it, nor can I, as seen every time I fly people kicking their shoes off before the plane leave the ground or pop that seat belt the second they hear that 'Bing' after takeoff.

    Does anyone read the safety instructions any more, or take note to the safety brief? Or take the time to track their escape route to nearest escape hatch? If you do…..I think you're a rare breed.

    I don't berate anyone for doing the above, Pop a pill at the airport, rock of to sleep on take-off, and snooze and cruse till you land…..Sweet! But I just can't do it, just like I won't wear shorts or sandals, (even with fire retardant socks) when I fly.

    Now here's a guy who has spoken some sense. I used to fly aircraft and although it's not in any Ops manual, it is common sense not to kick off your shoes during take off until in the cruise. Likewise on the descent and landing always have your shoes on. Being fully alert during the critical phases of flight is essential. Likewise, people who travel by air in flip flops and shorts are idiots, including women. Always be aware of your seat in relation to the emergency exits (count the backs). In any survivable impact accident there will be nil visibilty in the cabin How does this relate to knocking yourself out on long hauls? Well I'll leave that to you to deduce!

    Not all air accidents are fatal you know and when things go bad, they go bad fast. OK, falling from 50,000ft……..being sober as a judge in a bomb disposal suite is not going to save you. However, so many people turn into Hindus or fatalists when they fly and hand their lives over to the airline.

    As said I wish I could let go, pop a pill……or go 1st class! But I can't. Don't misunderstand me, I am not a nervous flyer, I used to jump out planes for a living, and having walked away from one air crash, (helicopter) I can positively say from my experience, sleeping tabs or too much alcohol will play a major factor if you get out alive, (if your crash is survivable)………..Another reason for not drinking too much or crashing out….is drooling…….It's not cool!

  9. I was in this situation in 2008 when a company move (from the Middle East) 'threatened' a BKK expat housing package of B100K p.a. I viewed many properties in the mid suk area but on the point of signing my UK company ratted on the deal (downturn etc. so disappointed as I was, I did understand the company's point of view.....eventually). The point is that at even 60K I could have picked up a very suitable 2 bed close to the BTS, or a little further away 3 bed fully kitted out at the time.

    Apart from having the comfort of your own stuff around you, backed up by at least a 5 year safety clause in your contract (probably wishful thinking these days), shipping all and sundry out with you is a non starter unless it's a full blown immigration jobby. The wife would disagree of course but look at the practicalities and the end game, the latter too few people do consider until they're booted out of the job or for some other reason it comes to an end, and left with a full house load which can be a real headache.

    Views based on 24 years expat existence and three 'moves' I wish you all the best, however you wish to play it.

  10. As a countless times visitor to Thailand, mainly BKK on business and Pattaya for a long weekend, I thought that I should be more adventurous and less boring by going outside my comfort zone. So, Phuket came up as a possible chill out destination mixed with a bit of fun and games. A week's what I've got with Chinese g/f in May. If it's that good then I may return with my Brit g/f later in the year. I need a little more convincing though. Any unique points?

  11. I would love to be able to remmember what Payyaya was like when I first visited in the 80's for a days' meeting from BKK. Ended up staying for 5 days! I do recall the bars. I've been back 20 odd times since, a little wiser

  12. Its great fun, just dress for the occasion and get on with it. Its also easy to avoid, normally speaking you will be able to get out and about in the morning without getting assaulted too much, and you can retire to your hotel until darkness falls, when things tend to quiten down again.

    I think you should come and see it.

    I'm afraid that if you consider seeing the pathetic antics of 'adults' inconveniencing most other people and motorcyclists by shooting water sometimes at high velocity, as fun, then you have a serious problem with the true meaning of fun. In the 30 odd years that I have been visiting Thailand, I have never met anyone who has admitted to 'liking' the festival or even wishing to join in.

    To the Poster, my advice is to steer clear and review your dates. Bath time with the kids is fun.

  13. well you truely lost me on that one Darrel <deleted> sort of reply was that - hardly helpfull

    not sure all the gold shops would accept gold from just anyone and hand over cash, expecially 9crt gold of a distinctly western origin,

    I'm not sure either but it brought a smile to my lips and after a hard day at the orifice that's what I needed

  14. ^

    Yes you're right.

    Depends a bit on the type of contract you have.

    Some folks have to do 6 months straight and then a visit to Bahrain every couple of weeks does wonders for the soul.

    I'm doing 2 months on, 2 weeks off and can't be bothered either.

    In the past I used to go Diggers in Bahrain which was ok for chinese food.laugh.png

    Are the Chinese working ladies still doing the rounds at Diggers?

  15. The USA through their embassy and the UK FCO have posted warnings. To anyone who might still be enjoying the delights of BKK (in which case they are hardly likely to be tapping the keys admittedly), the soon to visit BKK fraternity eagerly awaits current updates. Take care all.

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