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Posts posted by emancipationthailand

  1. Please tell me if there is a country where the military heavily intervene with politics and the freedom of rights, economy and wellfare of the citizens still relatively fine.

    Don't bring on Gross National Hapiness for one thing.

    Also, i don't get it why the moderator isn't neutral, considering he use the word Toxin.

  2. On the contrary, since the Democrat Party assimilate the new government body, the daily basis of most southern's victims had been rising steadily. Its unethical that the same NGOs which heavily condemn Taksin had never come out to criticize on Abhisit at all. I am very skeptical on this very fact.

    For one things, some of the above NGOs are headed by publicly known 'personal and hardcore' enemy of Taksin, of elite backgrounds.

  3. Thailand is one of the 30 (rough estimated) countries in which you can open oversea account, one of the major mechanisms to launder proceeds from illegal activities. The AMLO Office also didn't gave enough supports on suspect's database (For instance, OFAC's List on individuals), so it's pretty easy to keep illegal international operations while staying low.

  4. 'The former prime minister had announced his plans for a big surprise because he was afraid that the people would forget him now that Prime Minister Abhist Vejjajiva's popularity had risen after his visit to Buriram.'

    Just about says it all really. He must be feeling very lonely being on the outside looking in.

    Cheers, Rick

    I disagree with you totally. In fact Thai people has never forgotten Thaksin, especially people who has received or benifit from many good things he has done for the country.

    The longer Abhisit is in, the clearer people can see who is the better priminister. Did you think that Abhisit's visit to Burirum was a success? With nearly 5,000 police and army protecting him against 500 protester, what a pathetic!!!. :)

    Actually those 500 protesters were held at bay by Blue Shirts,

    and the Red Shirts apologized for invading Buri Ram to cause trouble.

    Considering the levels of violence historically done by the minority Red Shirt mobs,

    it was prudent to guard Abhisit well. As ANY politician would be when going into

    potential hostile areas. Not that ALL persons in thatb area are hostile towards him.

    But enough VIOLENT ones are to take precautions It was a success,

    but not for you because you only want Thaksin back,

    not what is CURRENTLY best for Thailand.

    As to what Thaksin may have done in the past, 3+ years past, may or may not be true,

    you are living in the past and not looking towards the future.

    What he has done for the country recently is foment insurrection and street violence.

    And create the greatest divide this country has ever seen. After he stole from all

    the THAI PEOPLE via policy corruption and the worst levels of cronyism.

    The longer Abhisit is in, the clearer it becomes to many people, that he is on the job,

    and moving forward in spite of great masses of problems invcluding an world economic collapse.

    He is doing not just talking. And raising 43 million baht to PTPs 12 mil.

    Well you come in with a scathing first post, wearing your heart on your sleeve.

    Obviously the only reason your joined was to defend Thaksin against the dastardly farang harangs.

    Too bad your passion isn't coupled with open mindedness, and logical extrapolation from todays facts,

    rather than solely from wishful thinking about days gone bye.

    I used to like Thaksin, but his own words and actions turned that around...

    not the media commentators, but his OWN QUOTES AND DEEDS.

    Can you explain why so many farangs dislike him? Why is this so?

    Do you think we are ALL too stupid to have our own minds

    and are ONLY lead around by some "English language media'?

    So far, i have only seen news from the royalist Nation and Bangkok Post on the News Clipping. To make it fare, i insist that this forum need to see the news in Thai politics from WashingtonPost and Asia Sentinal, which are the opposite from Nation and Bangkok Post.

    Now, only let's the time slip away to see the emancipation of the deprived nation.

    Also, i'm totally don't believe that the opinions in this forum (news clipping on political news) alone is the sole representation of farangs' sentiment against Taksin.

    It's also very weird to not being skeptical as well. Why can't a country infested with coup as Thailand be secretly contolled by the dictator's network, considering the junta always got away from punishment in Thailand.

  5. Again, thank for letting the deprived Thai citizens to understand the deep hatred among foreigner (mostly living in Thailand) toward Taksin, the only elected PM ever to survive a full term in the wretch 70+ years since Thailand proclaimed itself as a 'Democracy'.

    IMHO, i think it's very important to look back at the political history in the last 70+ years before making hard serious judgements/statements on Thai politics.

    - I bet you do not care about how many appointed PMs Thailand has had so far.

    - I bet you do not care about how many elected PMs Thailand has had so far.

    - I bet you do not care about the fates of each of every single elected PMs Thailand has had so far.

    - I bet you do not care about the 60-years history of the oldest political party still surviving and active. The Democratic Party.

    - I bet you do not track what has-had happen to all generals who staged the coups and had been granted immunities and awared.

    My personal assessment from the local native POV is from analysis on comments in almost all the past news clippings here pertaining to Thai politics.

    An I bet you're doing some PR for a fugitive who keeps holding the entire nation

    at will and random Hostage - for his very own gains and egoistic Megalo-Mania...

    he could fight it all in court - as mr. ungpakorn claims "I didn't run away...!" :)

    ....sure he was "made run away, by all these injustices...!" yep!

    ...and yes the entire Nation lives in poverty and in labor camps is ruled by a military junta...

    all are opressed... and this ousted man is the only one who ever wanted to free this Nation...a

    nd make all rich, give 'em "edible democracy".. yep, not a pence for himself, no cronyism, no more corruption, had all vanished under his soft handed angel style ruleership!

    ...seems there are 2 Thailands..

    When did Father Christmas or the Easter Bunny came to see you?

    "...seems there are 2 Thailands.." .....

    Totally agree. I'll firmly stand on the opposite site from where you're standing, as long as the time elapse and no matter how stupid/bad i seemed to be in your eyes.

    Please keep your good faith that Thailand is better off with the Democrat Party compared to Taksin.

    Please stay deaf on accusations against the clean Democratic Party, as they are all Taksin's conspirations.

    Do yourself a favor by reveal you deep hatred against Taksin in the Thai public, since you seemed to be extremely passionate so. In regard with Thai politics, stay truth/don't lie to yourself wherever you are, both on Internet and in real life.



  6. Again, thank for letting the deprived Thai citizens to understand the deep hatred among foreigner (mostly living in Thailand) toward Taksin, the only elected PM ever to survive a full term in the wretch 70+ years since Thailand proclaimed itself as a 'Democracy'.

    IMHO, i think it's very important to look back at the political history in the last 70+ years before making hard serious judgements/statements on Thai politics.

    - I bet you do not care about how many appointed PMs Thailand has had so far.

    - I bet you do not care about how many elected PMs Thailand has had so far.

    - I bet you do not care about the fates of each of every single elected PMs Thailand has had so far.

    - I bet you do not care about the 60-years history of the oldest political party still surviving and active. The Democratic Party.

    - I bet you do not track what has-had happen to all generals who staged the coups and had been granted immunities and awared.

    My personal assessment from the local native POV is from analysis on comments in almost all the past news clippings here pertaining to Thai politics.

  7. Argh, failed to quote .....

    1. I guess nobody here saw didn't see the live broadcast around 3 - 4 am in the first morning of the military assult on the red-shirts.

    2. So, condemning on Taksin and praising on Aphisit will never be consider as a waste of bandwith? The Oxford-educated PM already has enough formal/informal coverages/PRs on him in Thailand. So why limited our harsh disscussions to be against Taksin only? May be it's time to start getting the news clipping from oversea sources that aren't citing from local medias or by some of the known foreign medias owned by Sonthi Limthongul? I hope the Nations's Board would allow freedom of speech as long as there aren't dissussions about the revered and much loved royal familiy.

    3. To see the extent of the extreme Internet propaganda. I suggest you to go to Manager website and try to put the good words on Taksin or condemping the PAD (Recent case is where Jumlong Srimaung brought up 4th grade kid on the stage and claimed him the leader of the PAD and taunted the police to arrest the boy). All the people i came across has never be able to post such comments. (in Manager, looks for any political news and start posting news' comments)


  8. Nothing subtle at all,

    they got more money legally donated, and reported, by far than your favorite poster boys.

    Spin it all you like, but some larger percentage of Thais obviously like them.

    Maybe because, for a change, they see somebody actually doing something besides

    bring back Thaksin any way they can.

    Actually to compare countries PTP is much more GOP than the DEMs by far.

    Both currently on the ropes from not understanding the public mood in general.

    I'll wait for the next general elections to see the truth public sentiment.

  9. The new government has stated that they are going to clampdown seriously on any website/person that is even border-line lese majeste (an academic has just been charged, Giles Ungpakorn). Even indirectly, Jakhraphop was indirect in what he said about the monarchy, same Da Torpedo - they've both been charged though.

    I would advise therefore that the moderators here get more serious about some of the comments here about the rumoured owner of the Blue Sapphire (not diamond).

    A trend started during the Thaksin regime, when there was far more persecution of press and academics.

    Not convincing. Please compare statistics related to your argument to back your point.

  10. Since the ousting of Taksin, I notice that Thailand has been giving generous supports to the Burmese dictators in the oppression of Burmese's minorities, especially the Hmong. (less for Rodhinya)

    Sorry,i think you are wrong,the fact is that nor Thailand nor the PM have enough power to change this situation,and if mr.T was PM it would be exactly the same.If not even worse..

    Totally agree, If taxsin had continued to be PM, his disgraceful ordering of the Thai EX/IM Bank to loan money to Burma (so theat the thug generals could buy products from taxsin's company) would have been just an opener.

    Come to thin of it, taxsin has a very nasty human rights record anyway - 2,500 Thai men women and children shot down on sight.

    Abhisit is just being realistic and rightly or wrongly PM Abhisit has a lot of other very urgent / very critical priorities on his plate right now.

    "2,500 Thai men women and children shot down on sight" >>> Strange? Please varify with some credible sources.

    BTW. It's ironic that the Takbai's case which the media/NGOs keep pounding Taksin to be at fault while hardly discussed about the army general directly in charged (Pallop Pinmanee), was proven very difficult to find concrete evidences linking back to nail Taksin, and it was during Aphisit's regime that the judicial process came to a hault and the charges hearing against all directly involved personnels, especially the army were dismissed. (Again, not a souls came out to comment on what had happened eventually) It's also Pallop Pinmanee who was appointed major posts and was heavily promoted by the dictatorial junta, whom later was discreditted and make official apology to Taksin .... As i could recalled.

  11. Since the ousting of Taksin, I notice that Thailand has been giving generous supports to the Burmese dictators in the oppression of Burmese's minorities, especially the Hmong. (less for Rodhinya)

    Remind Thakys excellent contacts to the junta.....I only say mobile phone.....

    Interesting, your avartar is the main symbol of the PADs. ^^

    I am also lack of enough information to adequately reflects on your comment, as of this moment.

  12. About the biggest name was later removed and was make silenced? How about extremely quickly to deals with lottery/liqueur?

    English translation please!!

    Okay, i'll fix the problem then

    .... About the biggest name was later removed and was make silenced? How about extremely quickly to deals with lottery/liqueur? >>>

    In the earliest days after the September 19th coup, the dictators had dubbed the commanding office a different name, then changed the name later to CNC (as i recall) and also remove Gen.Prem Tinnasulanonnda out of the key member's list. I am amazed with how the yellow shirt deny this fact in outrage even there were numbers of official announcements broadcasted on all TV stations/radia channels. Also, the first things the dictators had done which aren't rationnalely logical at all, are promptly changes of regulations for the local tradings of alchohol and lottery products, instead of focusing on issues that they used to claimed justifications to stage the coup.


    Good post!

    This man knows what he is talking about.

    Thank you very much.

    Also, i'm sorry for the hard toning of my posts, as i just got a warning from a fellow mod.


  13. Bit of a pointless discussion. You're a foreign guest here. You cannot participate in local politics. End of story.

    Can't we agree that, to truly discuss on a delicate topics such as Thai politics. we'll need to see the POVs from the local native too, minding that there won't be much problems on the communication. I also insist that being able to read Thai is a great attribution to make any fair judgements in disscussions, as there are more than a thousands folds of local documents on Thai politics.

  14. About the biggest name was later removed and was make silenced? How about extremely quickly to deals with lottery/liqueur?

    English translation please!!

    Okay, i'll fix the problem then

    .... About the biggest name was later removed and was make silenced? How about extremely quickly to deals with lottery/liqueur? >>>

    In the earliest days after the September 19th coup, the dictators had dubbed the commanding office a different name, then changed the name later to CNC (as i recall) and also remove Gen.Prem Tinnasulanonnda out of the key member's list. I am amazed with how the yellow shirt deny this fact in outrage even there were numbers of official announcements broadcasted on all TV stations/radia channels. Also, the first things the dictators had done which aren't rationnalely logical at all, are promptly changes of regulations for the local tradings of alchohol and lottery products, instead of focusing on issues that they used to claimed justifications to stage the coup.


  15. Since the ousting of Taksin, I notice that Thailand has been giving generous supports to the Burmese dictators in the oppression of Burmese's minorities, especially the Hmong. (less for Rodhinya)

    Sorry,i think you are wrong,the fact is that nor Thailand nor the PM have enough power to change this situation,and if mr.T was PM it would be exactly the same.If not even worse..

    Please search for past news on Thai govt, both during the latest junta's administration and the current administration, about the alarming treatments against the Hmongs.

  16. I was always wondered what the red revolution would look like
    May be let's start with executions...

    Now I have no doubts left.

    Don't you frame me by half-quoting. The full sentense is "May be let's start with executions of all the past dictators well proven to had masterminded the mass killings of peaceful protestors 15 - 25 years ago?"

    Well, judging from your uniformed mindset, you probably worshipped the Thai dictators like Sujinda who is well known to be awarded with lavish estate/guarding soldiers in Lopburi and still come out in public occasionally to give supports to the current dictatorial body.

  17. You may well find with this case that the courts having deliberately procrastinated, delayed, deferred and generally time-wasted suddenly get their skates on now.

    The reason of course is obvious. The courts have been colluding with the 'elite'. If they had authorised the confiscation of the 76 Billion Baht when PPP was in power, it would have been tantamount to handing the money back to Thaksin. Now the Dems are in power, now might be a very good time to snaffle the cash from the point of view of the 'elites'.

    However, knowing Thailand, you'll probably see the case drag on for years 'cos nobody will want to make a decision as whatever decision is made, somebody won't like it and who wants powerful enemies in this country.

    Yes, very well put.

    In the world "what goes around comes around" and its why now the Democrats are in power, they are trying to offer "Olive Branches" to Thaksin and are trying to get in touch and discuss.

    All people die, and then new people come in.

    New people might support Thaksin, and he will suddenly become a very powerful figure and might return, and at that time, the vengance might be very swift and very harsh.

    So, with that outlook, you can understand why they will tip toe through things and try not to upset him too much, they will try to mend bridges and hope we mellows as time goes by. Don't expect the new government to do anything against him, apart from the public media nonsense like passports and titles etc..

    For if he does not mellow with time and holds the grudges he has now against the old power clique, and he waits for his friend to become powerful when that day happens, well, things could turn very nasty for those who presently have set him up and screwed him.

    Those presently in power now have to try to return to the old status quo as quick as possible, that is call all sides in, let them all make some money, but keep that money between just the "priviliged" and stop all this "people power thai love thai" stuff. Let the poor be poor and stuggle to survive, and let the rich be rich and enjoy.......the old status quo.

    Lovely! If things turns around. I'll gather for a harsh retaliation against Junta's intelligences/PRs/media networks. ^^

  18. If he wants to fight the case, he should return to TH and do it in person :)

    I doubt that know about a certain Phillipine's incident (deadly machine gun attack at the airport) which resemble Thailand? That's alone greatly hinder the possibility.

    May be let's start with executions of all the past dictators well proven to had masterminded the mass killings of peaceful protestors 15 - 25 years ago? (The 2 deadly breaking of protestors) Then, the Thai would felt that justice still actually hold out.

  19. Disagree. I would like to put the sanction on Burma, as their dictators are bad influences on our own. ..... Notice the mimicking human right-suppressing legislations released in Thailand and a bit later adopted by Burma. In fact, i'm not sure yet if Thai dictators are clevier than the Burmese counterparts, unless the US removed it heavy military interest from Thailand!

  20. Anyone remember the first thing the military did after staging the Coup? ... The transition of the 2 offices which were holding power? About the biggest name was later removed and was make silenced? How about extremely quickly to deals with lottery/liqueur? What about taking over all the major State Enterprises and turn most of them into profit losing?

  21. I actually find it amusing that there is all this talk of yellow shirt/red shirt stuff. It is my estimation that within 3 years all the yellow shirts will be exchanging their garb to pin stripe(prison gear courtesy of the Thai government they put in power)

    Of course this is only my conjecture and I could be mistaken. After all I am human and I could make mistakes. However, I think this would not be the case here. I would give it a 95% probability.

    Well, in the USA there are 2 things you don't mess around with. Money owed to the government from TAXES and the US military. If you owe money to the IRS in the USA, you better pay it since they will hunt you down and take everything away from if you tried to evade taxes. I gave 50% of my income to USA when I was working as a computer engineer because I was in the highest income bracket at the time. I paid $100,000 in the year 2000 just before I retired. Secondly, you do not mess with the US military as Sadam Hussein found out after they killed him and his 2 sons.

    Well, I know for sure that in the USA if you were the organizers of a mob of people who closed down an international airport and as a consequence cost the USA 3% of our nominal GDP and made our country slip into recession that you would qualify for the "America's Most Wanted" list. I think they will hunt you down like the canine you are and deliver swift and terrible justice to you and anyone you care about. They usually freeze all your assets in any bank and also freeze the money of all your relatives in concern that they might give you some of their money so you could eat. So, you have not only destroyed yourself, you have destroyed the lives of all your relatives too!

    Of course it does take time for justice to come to a head. We see that in Bernard Madoff's case where it took decades before they got him. However in the case of the PAD organizers the terrible swift sword of Thai justice will come a lot quicker. After all, everything is not only black and white it is well documented in Bangkok Post and Nations newspapers. It is just a matter of time before the Thai general population connect the dots together and want justice be carried out. At that time there will be no where for the PAD people to hide. This is what I think will happen in less than 3 years time.

    As a deprived Thai citizen, i'm glad to see your rep. ขอบคุณมากๆ นะครับ ^^

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