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Posts posted by emancipationthailand

  1. I'm surprised PM Abhisit just hasn't just said <deleted> it, and walked away. he's not a bad or corrupt person from what I cans see (and I am no supporter of this government). His hands are tied and he has a balancing act that prevents him from getting anything accomplished. if he pushes the Reds too much, he'll have bloodshed.If he pushes the Yellows too much, he'll have bloodshed. If he upsets the men that like to wear uniforms, then he may find himself out of office. No win, thankless job. I am sort of begining to feel sorry for him. He's too decent for these people.

    Ohh, he's sure enjoying the enormous profits under the table as of now. For instance, do you know that to deal with the southern-most problem, far bigger portion of the budget has poured into expensive advertisings, compare to the portion to carried out the local operations, which, perhaps, there hasn't been a single day that the seperatist couldn't kill a victim. Now, dig for your own for fishy details.

  2. I am sooooooooo glad T got pushed out of power several years ago!

    Imagine if he's stayed in power, he'd be every much as horrible as other SE Asian thugs who molded their countries to become their private fiefdoms: Sukarno, Suharto, Marcos, et al. ....all for bloated self-enrichment at the expense of the downtrodden. We'd have people like Oak (T's spoiled brat, thinking-challenged son) in positions of authority. We'd probably have had one or two additional massacres of young Muslim men in the south. T would have continued prancing around the region, giving loans (from the Thai treasury) to other governments to facilitate them buying T's telecom items and other products/services/properties he peddled. Continued to avoid paying taxes, and stuffing his ill-begotten billions (most of which taken from Thais) in overseas accounts.

    He would have continued to act tough towards resident farang (ridiculous visa requirements and no real properties in their name) in order to gain favor with nationalist Thais, and to show that Thailand doesn't need outside influences ('the UN is not my father').

    He would have continued to shirk responsibility, whenever one of his initiatives failed (Tak Bai incident, 30-baht hospital scheme, war on drugs, etc etc etc).

    Thank you, Thai military brass, for booting the scum bag out! ....and you did it without bloodshed.

    Hmm, in the last biggest gathering of around 200,000 red-shirts (peak), the Defense Minister (A Major) said he consider mass-killing 100,000 red-shirts to keep Thailand in peace.

    So, what do you know about Taksin's opponents, both the high-profiles and the medium-profiles. What damages has been done by them, NOT AGAINST TAKSIN?

    Thai Millitary need to stop staging coups. If it can't, then there should be no Army (or Royal Army). Let's start with turning into self-defense force like Japan. I remember that the Army/Dictatorail organized Militia clash with protesting citizens (often killing, including raping, lynch and mutilate) far more often that neighbor soldiers. FACT, Thailand has the most coups in the world. Is it around 17?

  3. Airports were ordered closed by the authorities not the yellow shirts who were protesting outside the airport but were forced to go inside after grenade launchers were used against them. Recession in Thailand may have been hastened by the airport closure & subsequent tourist cancellations but the current recession is truly due to the financial crisis which originated in America & from which most of the world is now suffering.

    Red shirt rioting in isolated parts of Bangkok made dramatic headlines while the rest of the city & the country continued to enjoy Songkran. The antics of the red shirts in CM portray them as thugs because everything they do is totally anti democracy. They are responsible for at least one death, closed down the gay parade while the police looked on, prevented the health minister from performing his role in checking on influenza 2009, & tried to stop the finance minister from performing his role.

    I think the red shirts have a deliberate campaign to stop the government from performing their governing role in red shirt strangleholds & they refuse to engage in any meaningful dialogue.

    As for double standard I read almost everyday about yellow shirts having to surrender to the police to face charges resulting from the airport closure & have yet to see anything about fast tracking prosecutions against red shirts although they too have surrendered to face charges apart from Jakrapob who has fled the scene.

    LIES. What about Thairath Newspaper? They published some articles around that time to condem the yellow shirts, and some bombs were throw at them too? What about the Yellow shirts caught with hand grenades?

  4. I'm afraid you guys would miss out on thai news on Korn and his wife taking their leisure skating in the new minus-2-degree Panda Dome (budgeted by the govt), while the police / green uniform / blue shirt are laid the violent seige on the 'fugitive-would-be' red shirts.

  5. In many superstores like Tesco/Lotus where it's more difficult to prevent merchandise thefts, why do they bother putting the theft-prevention tags on the milk powder for babies? It's not something small like cell phone, afterall. As a Thai, i think it's indicate that the welfare quality here is really mess up if the mothers has to steal milk powder to feed the babies. (Labour-working mothers can't rest enough to produce breast milk)

    If this is not so, please assure me so. I'm starting to think that we are really deprive on wellfare, among other things. (Also, i think the true figures for the baby abandon rate in Thailand is high.)

  6. Not sure which topic to put this one under, but as it's slightly pardon related figure this one is best....

    Police station under siege as red shirt held

    Minister says Thaksin pardon bid is futile


    Published: 17/07/2009 at 12:00 AM

    Newspaper section: News

    Chiang Mai - About 200 red shirt protesters surrounded a police station last night demanding the release of a radio broadcaster who is facing a charge of carrying a gun at the airport.

    The supporters of convicted former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra blocked the Phu Ping police station where Niyom Lueangcharoen of FM 92.5 was being held.

    They called on the police to release Mr Niyom without any conditions.

    Mr Niyom was arrested after security authorities found a gun in his car at Chiang Mai airport and taken to the police station.



    -- Bangkok Post

    The world according to red-shirts.... :)

    The live broadcasts i saw definitely had more than 400, just as many non-govt controled sources says.

    Also, the news miss the part about the first and only 5 minutes warning before the polices rush in to beat the protestor to the pulp.

    BTW, the Minister of Justice did stated clearly that he'll have all the people signed in the petition, in jail. (strongly implying that)

    Wow, this is no common 2.4 propaganda. In a few years from now, I wish to see more and more lay offs among the media houses, especially the newspaper.

  7. Ho Ho Ho

    I'm here to fight the propaganda! Nothing more.

    Also, I'm here for the representation of the extreme rising of the sentiment of the deprived Thai people, all over the country.

    Do you honestly believe that the bangkokain are all happy with the current govt and the never-ending political problems and could not analyze the flows of past events over the last 70 years? We won't let the media and the dictatorial networks keep crushing us forever and ever.

    "Absolute power absolutely corrupted"

  8. Again, in order to truly broaden your perspectives (the flip side), you need to do lots of research on ......... past and current speculations / accusations / convictions / court's rulings against all of the major opponents of Taksin (both medium and high-profile and easily more than 100 people) for the crimes / unethical actions, which has/had cause sounded and significant damages to the society, economy and to individuals. (other than Taksin)

    farang hua ku......

  9. EC resolves to disqualify 13 Democrat MPs on shares holding case

    Article link (July 16, breaking news)

    The Election Commission resolved Thursday to seek a court ruling to disqualify 13 of 18 Democrat Party MPs found to have shares in media firms and firms which received state concessions.

    I can explain .... Usually, EC may seemed to rule outs in favor to the Democrat Party. It actually does not answer to the Democrat Party. Both EC and the Democrat Parth are just parts of the legal arms and the political arms of the true xxxxxx (much more complex and powerful compared to Cali Cartel), which does things as it please, but never to address the concerns of the deprived citizens. Let's hope the rumor i heard'll came true. Another coup is looming and new appointed PM would be either Somkid Jatusripitak or .... now i remember the Mr. Ferrari name here. Again, this is to kept Taksin out of power and may eventually the safe face to the Democrat Party. .... If the rumor became real.

  10. FACT >>> The current Body of Election Commissioners (The third) was elected by the Supreme Court on September 20, 2006 ... one day after the Sept 19 coup. As of now, the Third Body is not expired yet. It's just that the Secretariat to the Commissioners has aged 70 and was replaced automatically by the decision of the Senate House on May 1, 2009 . .... I don't think i have to explain how the Senate House is under the direct command of the dictatorial juntas again. ^^ Cheer!

    BTW, the current body of commisioners are publicly well known as Taksin's dire enemies and has their share of mischiefs as well. (The media again failed to pick up on that ^^)

    Also, the Chairperson of The current Body, Aphichart Sukhakkhanon is well known among the public as a close friend to the junta Sonthi Boonyaratkalin.

  11. Nothing absurd or hidden about it.There were pictures of the men with the cameras aimed at open to view voting booths.

    Those cameras were out in the open making sure bought votes stayed bought. I saw a picture of same.

    Hence the decision to annul the election AND the jail terms for ELECTION COMMISSIONERS. <<< FACT


    December 2007 (ANFREL)

    Thankfully with the Election Commissioners receiving multiple jail terms. The 2007 General Election was held ensuring total privacy for every voter.

    So you purely believe that the new body of Election Commissioners appointed directly by the dictatorial junta is much more honest and capable to prevent voting/election cheatings better? Tell us why is it then that

    1) The new body of Election Commissioners bluntly refused to allow westerners to officially/unofficially observe the latest General Election?

    2) There are so many frauds reports which were proven to be result of extremely inaddequated pre-checks on documentations of the running candidates, in particular, the massive denounces to the vote winners on Taksin's Party?

    3) Why there are some ballots casting boxes in Bangkok which ware reported missing for a couple hours, just before the end-of-day vote counting, resulting in the extreme come-back wins in favor of Taksin's opponent candidates?

    4) What about the well-documented deployments of troops to cast the ballots earlier, results in total dominations of the Democrat Party for the pre-votes. .... LOL ... it turn out in many provinces later that, dispite the accused pre-vote cheats, the Democrat Party still loss significantly in votes in the end. Recent example? Goes read on what happened in Sri Saket recently.

  12. IMHO .... Unless, you are directly working under the dictatorial junta's english networks of intelligences/PR, it's the most appropriate times for you guys to do lots of research on ......... past and current speculations / accusations / convictions / court's rulings against all of the major opponents of Taksin (both medium and high-profile and easily more than 100 people) for the crimes / unethical actions, which has/had cause sounded and significant damages to the society, economy and to individuals. (other than Taksin) Since these information aren't too difficult to find for a Thai person, it'll be more difficult to find them translated though.

    And yes, feel free to ignore my post if you'll find yourself insecured/uncomfortable.

  13. Do you know how Thaksin came to power?

    After failing badly with Palang Tham who were trying to create a party of clean politicians, he bought the whole of Kwam Wang Mai, 80 or 90 MPs, with the exception of one MP. He then bought Chart Pattana, Seri Tham and a few others.

    Big money bought those greedy MPs, Chavalit couldn't afford them.

    Then Thaksin realised he had enough MPs to gain power, and to his credit was the first to propose policies.

    But he was never a democrat.

    Once he won the election that was the end of democracy.

    He prevented further decentralisation, MPs had no freedom to vote, appointments were based purely on quotas.

    Have you ever seen film of a cabinet meeting with Thaksin as chairman?

    No one dare oppose the emperor.

    All TV programmes questioning the government were removed.

    All newspapers that published anti government sentiment had advertising withdrawn, both from government offices and from AIS.

    Thaksin realised the votes of the poor in Isaan and the north were enough to keep him in power indefinitely- if only there were no checks and balances.

    But there are and he ran away- a man with a lot to hide.

    On the whole your portrayal of Thaksin's time in office is fair.However the cure (the criminal coup) was far worse than the disease.Furthermore the elite's hatred of Thaksin was based as much as their fear of vested interests being threatened as any love of democracy.The checks and balances you mention were in many cases as fraudulent as Thaksin.Finally whether you like it or not in a democratic system the North and the North East are going to dominate Thai politics.Get used to it.

    One thing getting lost in the mix is that

    Thaksin was ONLY Care Taker Prime Minister at time of coup.

    He himself had called a snap election that was anulled essentially

    by his Election Commissioners being over zealous in helping his party win.

    They went to jail.

    He called the snap election to validate his dodgy sale of Shin Corp.

    He was not the elected PM because he had removed HIMSELF from that office

    by calling a snap election.

    The coup reset the clock, on an election fiasco.

    Later Thaksin was convicted while


    NOT during the coup junta period.

    .................. Misleading may be ???

    "One thing getting lost in the mix is that

    Thaksin was ONLY Care Taker Prime Minister at time of coup.

    He himself had called a snap election that was anulled essentially

    by his Election Commissioners being over zealous in helping his party win.

    They went to jail. >>> FACT >>> It was fear that the Election Commissioners's dicision to turn backward the cover partition in the ballot-casting stations so that the claimed local Thai-Rak-Thai vote buyers could possibly use the hi-tech hidden camera to peek on to see if the paid voter actually vote for other political parties. This is the obserd accusation which the court easily adopt and extremely swiftly to gave verdict in favor of other political parties, specially to the Democrat Party. The mentioned rational alone was stong enough to convinced the court, let's alone there are absolutely no evidenses, except of an infamous village's leader/mafia known to be registered as a member of the Democratic Party who gave testifys against the Thai-Rak-Thai Party.

    He called the snap election to validate his dodgy sale of Shin Corp.

    He was not the elected PM because he had removed HIMSELF from that office

    by calling a snap election.

    The coup reset the clock, on an election fiasco.

    Later Thaksin was convicted while


    NOT during the coup junta period" >>> Through its legal arm, the junta has all the mechanisms under its direct command to convicted/extorted all its opponents of both the past and the future.

    Hmm ... I'm not here to convince the dazed & confused farangs. I'm here to fight against all suspicious forum's dwellers seemed to be the english intelligence/PR of the bloody junta and its partner-in-crime, the Democratic Party. ... Actually, i'm also here to practice my weak english skill. ^^

  14. The question that is not being addressed is why did Malaysia help Mr. Thaksin out? Why is it that the Chinese an Singapore governments have not pounced on him when they had a chance and why none of the foreign governments has done anything to hinder him. Face it, when the UK, U.S.A, Australia etc. want to get at some political figure, they can make life pretty difficult for that person with asset seizures, interception, sanctions etc. And yet, there has been nothing. Mr. Thaksin travels the world and passes through the airspace of nations that could stop him if they wanted. They have grabbed others far wealthier and more connected than Mr. Thaksin.

    I believe the reason is attributable to the genuine sympathy the major western nations have for Mr. Thaksin. No matter how imperfect he was, and he has plenty of failings and faults just like other leaders, he was still the duly elected leader of a nation overthrown in a military coup. The fact that the junta did not take action subsequent to its return to power against the PAD leaders who held tourists and a nation hostage to their demands served to demonstrate the tacit support of the junta for PAD as a junta proxy in the eyes of the foreign governments. For the other countries in the region, it's not about democracy, but stability. Under Thaksin, warts and all, the country was stable and there as an emphasis on economic development and education. The empaphsis on these two items was good news for regional development and trade partners because it meant that countries like China would have opportunities to participate in Thailand's growth and devolopment and to sell their goods and services. Now, there is nothing. No significant trade opportunities and no chance to sell expertise.

    I do not think anyone presumed to be a defender of Mr.Thaksin on this thread would outright dismiss some of the allegations against him. I'm sure some of them have some validity. However, in the context of past and present power players in Thailand, Mr. Thaksin was certainly no worse and I believe was significantly better. Thailand's neighbours probably share that view as well. Hence, there is no stampede to lynch the man.

    Mr. Thaksin did not antagonize neighbours like Malaysia and Cambodia with wild allegations. The idiots that made a mess out of the Cambodia border situation by not letting experienced diplomats and the PM resolve the matter only made other countries less willing to help the current government. Does anyone think that the regional neighbours are overly thrilled by Thailand's threats of military action against Cambodia?

    The odd man out in this dance of the vested interests is the current PM who I am willing to bet wishes Mr. Thaksin would just go away and not come back to cause him grief.

    Great writing! I believe that a whole lots of deprived citizens of Thailand including myself, are much appreciated of this very opinion coming from a foreigner.


    Btw, nobody here ever discuss on the FIDF case? T_T

  15. Another huge difference was the comparative conduct of the two groups when they besieged Government House. Whereas the PAD trashed the place, including extensive thievery, the Red Shirts merely encamped outside the main grounds. These two groups are different type people one characterized by coercive, authoritarian, militia type organizers and operational tendencies, whereas the other can be organizationally described as a citizen's protest with no militia type elements.

    Another post filled with lies and half-truths.

    Yes, Black Songkran was indeed an event filled with peace, love and understanding from the Reds. No Violence there. Neither was there any violence when red elements attack the PADs camps during am multitude of nights last year with grenade launchers and other weapons. :)

    The problem with the grenade launchers and the weapons was one of PAD participants not knowing how to operate them, in-spite of their military training. To throw an illogical charge against the pro-democracy red shirts like that shows total lack of honesty on this board.

    Wow, to post lies like this...

    Please post proof that the ones shooting grenades from the overpass close to the camp was infact PAD-supporters that accidently shoot backwards into their own camp. A few nights in a row. :D

    You don't really have a clue don't you? The PAD leaders mentioned it more than a couple times on the stages about the sacrifices was needed. Also, there is a clearly classification among the real protesters and layers of organizing staffs/militias. The demonstration was a war zone at some points, and there are well records evidence of intended 'friendly-fires' to rough up the crowds, .... or rather the media assaulting fronts.

  16. Many Thais can be forgiven for getting hysterical over swine-flu, particularly after a 2 week campaign by Puea Thai spokesmen and MP's cynically fanning the flames of flu-fear for pure political opportunism. This culminated in the reds 'helpfully' surrounding hospitals and scaring patients in the N/NE when the Health Minister was visiting. This, along with calls by some Chulalongkorn docs/quacks to 'close the borders' (?!) has all ratcheted up a hysteria-driven public outcry for the Govt to take stricter measures.

    PM Abhisit wisely REFUSED to close borders of course. However, one presumes this would be Puea Thai's response??? It's unfortunate the Govt has been forced to spend valuable time and resources placating the public as fear has been cynically whipped up, instead of concentrating 100% on those in higher-risk groups (especially those with pre-existing medical conditions).

    Closing schools will perhaps placate some but expect shopping malls and other teen hang-outs to absolutely swell with hand-holding, nose tweaking, food-sharing teens (not that it makes much difference with the REALITY of fatalities being lower than even seasonal flu and the FACT swine-flu can NOT be contained anyways).

    The UK came out last week and admitted it's IMPOSSIBLE to STOP the spread of swine-flu, thus they would instead concentrate resources on those in higher risk groups. This is a prudent course. Still, some who are healthy want their hands to be held and illogical re-assurance they are 'protected' (fine, but this drain on Govt resources to placate adult babies comes at the expense of those who ARE ill, or more likely to be at risk...)

    To those in the Expat community who SHOULD be better informed but are still wanting their hands held by any Govt (a waste of limited valuable resources), please GET INFORMED and STOP being a drain on resources which are needed elsewhere.

    Last, some local media and websites appear to be cynically 'cashing in' on flu-fear ratings sweepstakes and it's getting a bit pathetic. :)

    It's your wise PM (Not my PM!) whom gives concent and help promote the expensive advertising campaign 'กินร้อน ช้อนกลาง ล้างมือ' or 'eat hots, middle spoon, wash hand', which had cost the fortune for the deprived tax payers.







  18. .............................

    The Thai media publications are the powerhouses in Thailand. They do lots of covered illegal/unethical activities. For instance, they held a lots of fund raising dinners and lavish and extremely overpriced PR events, to put out the good words / extorting from rich business mans. I do not have explicit evidents yet, but some of you here may know what i'm talking about.

    With regards to the father of the drown boy, the treatment packages's the matter of whose death, or how would the media saw the profit making opportunities.

    Also, i can't really start bashing the Thai medias in this board cos they are the forum's provider. LOL

  19. ........................

    Just on the TV .... for the massive sales of the newest Govt's bonds that flying off like mad. ... Surprisingly, around Burirum which was visited by Aphisit, none of the banks were able to sale a single Govt's bond!

    BTW, my felling is that the sentiment for the huge portion of Thai people now goes (underground), farangs' fundamental on thai politics can't be cured. So, me and whole lots of Thai DO NOT APPRECIATED YOUR PRESENSE HERE.

  20. Why does the government hate Thaksin? The answer is quite simple. He is smarter than the rest of the thieves. He shortened the BIG feed trough and gave that money to the farmers. The other thieves were NOT smart enough to share any of the spoils. The elite refuse to give the farmers anything. This government could make the farmers forget Thaksin if they would share a few crumbs. That's not going to happen.

    Yes, and now the current government have to pick up the tap for that. Paying the farmers an guaranteed price way for their crops way over the market price is also corruption my friend. and the rest of the country is paying that bill, and that's only one example of many.

    Every day some corpses falling out of the cupboard. this government inherited a financial mess. And all of this above the economic worldwide crisis. Or is the debacle of Thai airways also their fault, or the bus contract, paying back the IMF by making an more expensive new loan with his Singaporean friends, do I really have to go on?

    Thaksin robbed the country on an unseen scale. His governments where an financial disaster for the country. He just spend money that the future generations had to pay back.

    Its seems that not only the farmers of Isan and North have no clue about the bandistism of Thaksin but also many contributors of this forum; or are they just parroting their Isan neighbours or family?

    POOR GUY. The bloody Junta'd surely appreciated your attempt here. ^^

  21. ooohhhh - lets all hate taksin. Lets hope he becomes poor.

    You guys all sound a little jealous that Taksin has managed to make it so big in his life. What did he use to get there? His brain. He is a very clever man, obviously, and has made millions of dollars and also done his lttle bit of good along the way (increasing the average wage etc) So he made a few mistakes - dont we all?

    Now he has been deprived of his job and his face, isnt that enough. Let the poor guy alone.....

    Sorry can't let this one pass:

    1. I suggest you are very wrong in your assertion that people are just jealous of his wealth. I really don't buy that one

    2. Very clever man. No.

    2.a In one of his first business ventures he tricked his (farang) partner and took over the business and the case is still slowly going thru the courts.

    2.b. He got his start in the telecoms business in a dubious tie up and monopoly granted by one of the key generals in the 1992 coup.

    3.C. He made millions out of of loaning Thai taxpayers money to the Burmese Thug generals so that they could buy equipment from Taxsin companies. and this case is still slowly working it's way thru the courts and with damning evidence against him.


    3. "He did a little bit of good along the way". Well I suggest Thailand or any country expects a lot more from a PM than 'raising the average wage'. Care to offer any other examples of the good he has done?

    4. "So he made a few mistakes - dont we all?" Yes your right we all make mistakes. Massive blatant corruption, massive blatant abuse of power, massive blatant destruction of the pillars and checks and balances of democracy, ordering the police to shoot 'drug suspects' on site resulting in the deaths of many innocent people including children . Do you label these examples as 'a few mistakes'?

    5. He lost his face and his job. I hope your not complaining that he lost his and therefore is having a hard time to survive, therefore nobody should ever be 'sacked' from their job?

    Sorry but I'm waiting for the day he's behind bars where he belongs:

    - As punishment for his numerous, blatant and massive scale crimes

    - As a deterent to others. (Then we might start to see some capable sincere people enter parliament, people who have a strong and unselfish desire to help Thailand develop and become a more equal and more just society, rather than the leeches and thugs who we currently call politicians.)

    With so much hatred on Taksin, i'll guess you don't learn much at all about the opposing Democratic Party. What s shame! .... FIDF's mishandling, Miyazawa's signing date and deal, affiliation with killer juntas over 60 years, it role to help suppressing freedom movement OVER YEARS.

    5 5 5 5

    FYI, it's quite common that a Thai guru on politics probably had read related documents, from all prespective more than 100,000 pages over their lifetime.

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