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Posts posted by kotsak

  1. I take the expressway home every night. The only place there is "grid lock" is the one place a police officer is "helping" the flow of traffic. Stopping the merging lanes for 10 minutes instead of letting them zipper into traffic does not help the flow the flow of traffic.

    I would say bad things about the design of the loops.. but then I understand who designed the roads and what happens when you question the man at the top. wink.png

    I think the worst of all is when these SOBs are driving on the shoulder lane and then they encounter a car that has actually broken down and stopped on that lane. Then those morons will try to get back on the proper lane and start causing bottlenecks.. No hope :>

  2. Maybe ..for new yellow shirts and surely for more dead people on the roads .

    I'm looking at the calendar ;

    saturday 5/12, sunday 6/12 and monday 7/12 are holidays ;

    tuesday and wednesday 8/12 & 9/12 are working days

    thursday 10/12 is a "Bouddha" day, I think; it's also red on my calendar so another holiday day

    If friday 11/12 is a new holiday day; we have saturday 12/12 and sunday13/12 as holidays again..

    Prepare to have a 9 day free for banks and civil servant offices and correlatively 9 beautiful days for killing other people on the thai roads .post-4641-1156693976.gif

    And me shutting myself up in the house .whistling.gif

    10/12 is Constitution Day, which under the current conditions makes it a joke.

  3. Oh I wish Spitting Image would appear in Thailand. Can you imagine what fun they would have with the "float away" statement !!!

    Wasn't there a similar political satire show here a few years ago?

    Spitting image worked so well because everyone [in the UK] is considered 'fair game' no matter how lofty their status, also we have a long history, through Pope, Hogarth, Thackeray etc of making fun of the 'establishment' and of being able to laugh at ourselves and our culture.

    Exactly the reason why it may take another century (being optimistic here) before its equivalent appears in Thailand. :>

  4. All surgery carries a risk, vanity surgery is no different.

    Particularly when it involves small, cheap clinics in a country where there is little if any oversight or fear of disciplinary action from the professional body and the customer is far more focused on the price than doing any research on the procedure and its risks.


    p.s. if I was the 24-year old totty, I would be asking Paveena where she gets her surgery done. She must be around 80 now but still looks not a day over 51.

    Based on the birthday from her wiki page she should be 66yo..

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