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Posts posted by kotsak

  1. QUOTE : In reaching the decision to maintain the rating, S&P explained that it saw an improvement in Thailand's political situation.

    What have they been drinking at the S & P.

    I'd like them to explain that statement. Maybe a Single Internet Gateway is an improvement to them?

    I heard this on the radio while in the car and I went whatdafuq..:D "improvement in Thailand's political situation"?!

  2. I don't understand the mindset of some people. There's a vacant shop in my condo in lobby area. It's been vacant for 2 years. I was interested in seeing how much rent is because my gf wants her own business.

    I talked to the manager and she said that owner wants like 60,000baht rent and that nobody wants it.

    So, instead of lowering the price like anyone with a brain would do, this numpty has been missing out on 2 years of income because he won't lower his price. How do these people survive?

    They fail to realize that 1% of something is far better than 100% of nothing.. :D

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