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Everything posted by kotsak

  1. And all locked up if a member of the family comes up positive.. That would be a great holiday..
  2. Right, what they worried is a positive result and imagine if you are a foreigner.. Hell no..
  3. I would imagine the people feeling stressed are the ones who need to stay in Thailand. Correct, because they haven't visited all the temples and beaches yet. *wink wink nudge nudge*
  4. Correct, it's about being accepted overseas. I tried mine with an European web site (I think it was Irish) that could recognize the Thai QRcode and confirming it's valid. Edit: This is the website: https://app.digitalcovidcertchecker.gov.ie/
  5. OR ..... family house robbed of 1.4mil baht . Or worse, someone pulls a John Paul Getty III
  6. as usual, "load in back of pick-up blamed", not the person who put it there in the first place.. God has lost hope for this lot..
  7. Maybe they expect them to kick the bucket and leave all their assets for grabs.. ????
  8. It will not go away (like the rest of the viruses before that) but the planet needs to move on.
  9. It benefits the continuous state of fear.. that's why some call it a media pandemic..
  10. I think the correct hashtag should have been #She is my girlfriend, not my grandmother
  11. I agree, those guys must be loaded by now, probably charging superinflated prices for every piece since it's government money..
  12. Moving up the social ladder. Plus the clock is ticking and the looks will be gone..
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