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  1. I would seek some kind of therapy if I were you--i simply tell you that you need not be the teacher of 7-11 staff and you go all "bonkers"--u definitely have some deep-seated hostilities that need attention. If all there horrible things happen here, then don't let the terminal door hit you on the ass on the way back to wherever you came from.
  2. Oh My Gosh, are ever fortunate to have you here to teach the 7-11 works--the "worst of the worst" you declare, how to properly behave! What is actually obvious is that you should return to wherever place you came from, but I am guessing they really don't want you there, either!
  3. Overall not tagged at 7, and i have shopped at Tops, various branches, and never noticed anything tagged--which would have to either be removed or scanned to "unalert"--maybe i have just missed it--now, at Big C, items have been "tagged" which then are "untagged" at the cashier.
  4. I believe that good manners are typical of the vast majority of Thai I interact with, but like so many who visit here or expats that live here, you expect things to be as they were when you were young or like where you came from--and the reality is, if you were back in the US, or Uk or anywhere, my guess is that a disinterested teenager in a 7-11 could well behave exactly the same.
  5. i think you are correct--it just wasn't a big deal--of course, they have cameras all over and especially the safe and camera area, but who really monitors those--even if they pay a service, so many 7's and so many cameras, and i am sure some of the teenager brains understand that--i have been in 7 when they need bills for change---am assuming it is the "shift manager" (often not much older than the rest of the staff) opens a locked drawer or a small safe in the floor, and pulls out wads of 20's, 100's, or coins--who tracks this cash exchange? Of course, impossible.
  6. You didn't receive any compliment from a teenager working at a 7-11==she wasn't nasty or rude, just didn't praise you saving her, potentially, 40 baht, and since no parades were held in your honor, you think this is a reflection all "Thai people" rather than perhaps a distracted, uninterested teenager (what's new there anywhere in the world) working at a 7-11 and probably too thrilled with the way things may be going in her life that she forgot to compliment you. Best not to look for gratification from cashiers at a 7-11, regardless of where it may be.
  7. thanks for the update--when i last knew someone who applied it was only 100 dollars but that was many years ago.
  8. Sorry, so as not to raise false hopes--it takes a lot more than that--there are a number of categories that are looked at in qualifying for a US visa---money in the bank is one--but it must show a lengthy record of deposits and savings from a well-paying job, that she has held for some time and will be allowed to return to, Other categories include, previous travel outside of Thailand and evidence of her return per those travels, does she own property, her education, her family ties (does she have children, elderly parents, etc) all things that would compel her to return to Thailand. And, often, from reports of friends, even with satisfying many of these categories, the visa is still denied--as it is at the discretion of the visa officer --have read that even those applying for a fiance visa find that the process and evidence needed can take 6 to 9 months, or sometimes longer. not an easy or pleasant process at all--but, nothing ventured, nothing gained---but, one last mention--if you can realistically look at the above and understand that she cannot present evidence of those things, please know that each application used to require a non-refundable fee of $100--it may be even more now and many hours of waiting to even submit an application, then they give you a date, often weeks or more into the future to return for an interview or decision.
  9. unfortunately, it appears it is just a troll--looking to spike meaningless and angry responses--seems this is what this page has become!
  10. You say they will all do the "full test"--what does that consist of? Might you go from an outside machine one stares into independently to a backroom where you can stare at an eye chart, but i have never seen here any shopping mall glass shop have a certified optometrist or the types of testing equipment utilized by professional, certified, trained, optometrists at CM Ram, Vision Center or ones i have seen back in the US.
  11. "I bought these progressive specs from one of the BIG high street retailers in CM" wow, I didn't know CM had such retailers--to which shops and where?
  12. Yes, i have used the one at CM Ram and she was good--Vision Center also, but as you said, they will do the testing for free but expect you to purchase glasses.
  13. What type of testing did they do--are you talking about the shops which have the machine that you look into for a brief period of time and then it spits out a "prescription"? there are few actual trained optometrists who have the proper equipment and are trained how to use it---i know one is at CM Ram--it was the only testing i have seen done that resembled professional testing back in the US, by a certified optometrist.
  14. Wow, if this bothers you about living in Thailand, then you are in store for some real upsets. You don't understand that Thais, for the overwhelming majority, do not use "toilet paper", but their "bum sprays" and what you see is not considered "toilet" anything, but only paper tissue, to be used to clean like paper towels, etc--and the rolls, for some restaurants, are cheaper and easier to use than supplying bundles of paper napkins.
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