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Posts posted by watcharacters

  1. 3 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

    Who or what is this "Donny John" you keep banging on about? Most forum users are forced to use proper and correct names for public figures.



    Please share where you came up with this nugget?


    "Most forum users are forced to use proper and correct names for public figures."


    To  add:


    Oh yes, if Donald trump graces the wedding with his presence, he should be paid handsomely  for doing so.



  2. 2 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    The woman opposite me has a food stall , which is left in a place where rats roam free at night .

    Last week she was drying mean out on the balcony in the sun , someone upstairs threw some dirty water out, which went all over the meat .

       Flys regularly feed on the meat  , sometimes the whole tray of meant falls on the floor .

    As she was selling the food , a old guy who lives on the street , pisses and shits without washing his hands , came up and picked up the food , which was there without any wrappings




    Sounds tasty, indeed.


    Stall food.   To eat or not to eat.






  3. Robotics is  certainly likely to be the next  major field to explode with development in the coming years, but that being said, I'd tend to question how durable a few thousand baht robot vac would hold up and work.


    I'd be curious as to your results as I'd also like an easy  and reliable cleaning solution.



    I don't understand how a person can enjoy a meal which can be a Russian roulette situation regarding food poisoning.


    I'd love to eat street stall food but that awareness prevents me from doing so.


    I once new a fellow who claimed to be sick for three months due to the food poisoning he contracted.


    Once Bitten I think your mate needs to brush up on immunology.  



  5. 10 hours ago, Happyman58 said:

    Russell yesterday the wife came home distressed Just witnessed an accident down the main street Ubon She had stopped at a red light In front on her was this Thai Guy on  a high powered motor bike waiting for light to turn green ( Unusual for Thai motor bike rider to stop for red light but he did) The  road was 2 lane and they were on the outside lane The light turned Green and this motor bike rider gunned his bike to take off To powerful for him and he fell off the bike and hit the bitumen In the other lane a bus was roaring through and ran straight over this guys head Dead as a maggot he was Imagine the site to see that was Just awful way too die 




    How many time have I posted "always let another idiot be the first through the intersection when the light turns green" :smile:







  6. 7 minutes ago, Morakot said:


    Surely the video clip is not really offensive. But selling dubious cosmetics that claim to do miracles, that are inadequately labelled, and very likely contain poisonous substances, is not only highly offensive but a serious crime.


    As such it should be pursued by regulators and enforcement agencies. Sadly nobody cares about this, as long as you don't show your big booty.





    I agree with you regarding questionable products and false claims but the government issue appears to be one of "offending the culture".


    "might encourage legal or moral violations which might lead to cultural degradation in defiance of Cosmetics Act B.E. 2558 which carries one-year jail term and/or a fine of 100,000 baht."




  7. On 1/12/2018 at 3:49 AM, bodymassagemyfriend said:

    Not an end of story. You file a complaint in Germany or maybe to the German embassy in Thailand and this guy is gonna have a surprise when renewing his passport or going back to Europe. Sue him in Europe for assault , after grabing evidences ( ThaiVisa screenshot , local newspaper , Thai police document). When a 'Farang' assault you , just sue him in his home country. That wont be the same story ;-) Not a 500 bhat fine...

    Are you claiming the long arm of the law   of Germany extends all the way  to thailand for things such as battery?

  8. 3 hours ago, phkauf said:

    I have more issues with the poor selection of food vendors and the quality than the prices. I travel a lot and every airport vendor has inflated prices, it's just something to deal with.

    I truly hate DMK for international for so many reasons, but if I'm there an need to grab something to eat, the selection is horrible. Swampy is only slightly better. 

    Why does't the braintrust that runs the AOT fly down to Singapore and spend some time in Changi Airport - the best in the world!! They could learn a thing or hundred from a competently run airport.




    To come  marginally close to the Singapore airports  could   possible be more than Thailand can afford.


    Singapore is first class as in top shelf.

  9. 47 minutes ago, newnative said:

    Umm.  You don't need to be Thai to feel that where you live is 'your town'. 



    Sorry I guess I simply don't consider residency in any particular place a designation of  ownership or permanency..


    We should agree to disagree.   Other than those falangs who have gone through the process of citizenship, I   find  a claim of "my town" to ring  pretty empty.

  10. On 1/9/2018 at 6:06 AM, whitemouse said:



    Why not move there? 


    If not this quiet beach, there are ton of other quiet beaches  just a drive away from Pattaya. Move there, and be happy! 


    But you're not moving there, are you? Because once there, you can't count every hole in pavement, can't post  how Pattaya is SO bad, and  how it is  going to hell.  No fun, is it lol. You dont want to be content with life, you want to complain.  And counting pot holes in Pattaya gives meaning to your day.  It gives you a purpose. I just wish you didn't badmouth my town, didn't  disparage Pattaya.


    Why not find new target?  Concentrate on Chiang Mai, there must be a hole somsomewhere in a sidewalk in CM. Find it, and open a thread, but at Chiang Mai  sub forum, please!



    Your town?      Are you a Thai? :smile:

  11. 14 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    My mate flew out to Sydney on Monday night, while I was talking to him on the mobile, he being at Phuket International, said, mate, 2 pieces of pizza 440 baht, an instant noodles, you know the one in the pack you open and throw in hot water, 150 baht, he said it was even more expensive that Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport.


    So when my daughter fly's back next month, will make sure she has enough food to last her till she gets on the plane and home.


    I do not eat at airports if I think the food is too expensive, taking into consideration they do have high rents, but not to the point of extortion, i.e. bottled water 40 baht, <deleted>, I can buy 12 bottles of Nestle for 49 baht, like someone said, water should be free or 10 baht the most as they don't allow you to take it through with you, worried someone will make a bomb out of it, had it ever occurred to the genius who came up with this, that there is plenty of water on the plane, der ! 




    I suspect the concern  is that what may appear to be water is actually something else.





    • Like 2
  12. 3 hours ago, Senior Player said:

    As others have pointed out, The Sun reports possession of the gir’s phone, so he’s a thief as well as a coward. Another overstayer giving legitimate visa holders a bad name. Stole a motorbike as well. The report also includes a packet of Kamagra oral jelly which was found next to her body which gave the first clue that she wasn’t alone. I mention this as there are some here having difficulty understanding the report of erectile disfunction drugs. For such a young stud this guy must have psychological problems not to get it up without the aid of Kamagra. Clearly he wasn’t that drunk that he couldn’t scarper immediately after her death and check into another hotel.


    I’ve also just had a look at the photos of the balconies at Cosy Beach View and they are modern, high and have a glass facia. These aren’t some cheap, rickety old balconies we’re talking about here. The couple would have had to have been standing on a chair or table for the girl to have tipped herself over. Sorry, but I can’t see how it was possible to accidentally fall off this balcony, certainly not without the partner falling closely behind. The logistics of this look impossible. Unless of course he lifted her up and helped her over.


    Even if we take the death of this young girl out of the equation, the suspect still comes across as an unsavoury character, being a thief and all. Not that we can take her death out of the equation, that is.


    This will probably upset a few of the degenerate brigade that frequent these boards, and that have a perverse sympathy for this particular individual (god knows why), but the signs don’t look good for Reece Vella. Even if he is somehow found innocent of this poor girl’s death, he’s an absolute bounder and a cad for running away. Either way, I hope he gets his just desserts.


    RIP Wannipa Janhuathon 





    No,  friend.   He's accused of being a thief.    Or has he already been tried?


    "The Sun reports possession of the gir’s phone, so he’s a thief as well as a coward".

  13. 5 hours ago, Jeremy50 said:

    Why would a 26yo man need to be anywhere near bargirls [prostitutes], and on Viagra too? Poor girl probably refused unreasonable sexual demands and things deteriorated from there,[ it's amazing how fast the 'girlfriend experience' can turn nasty], violence resulted, girl gets thrown off balcony. If this is the case I hope he gets 50years in Bang Kwang. 





    Good god, you just leap right into it don't you.


    First theory and then  conjecture  followed  quickly by  a sentence.


    Do you believe all people arrested are guilty of a crime?





  14. On 1/5/2018 at 1:01 PM, SABloke said:

    These "journalists" are a big part of the problem.








    I see you posted a photo of the PM surrounded by several fellows and a bunch of ladies, but  what's that supposed to actually mean when you say "part of the problem"


    Are they journalists and how are they part of the problem if so?







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