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Posts posted by Emster23

  1. I see a Monet, or Manet (I get them mixed up). When will PM rail against this rampant plague of graffiti?

    Years ago went to Ramses tomb in Egypt. There was graffiti on the passage leading down. Original Greek graffiti (it is a Greek word after all...). A few thousand years old at least, it was pointed out. Bet they wished they had spray paint cans back then...

  2. Primo example of a "Victimless crime".  Watch out if someone comes up with sex toy app for smartphones (maybe already have....). Compliment I got when young from lady friend "You're better than a vibrator" (she had no reason to lie, was a "friend with benefits" before that phrase was  coined).

    National Lampoon has some little sidebar line: "For children, a woman. For pleasure, a boy. For ecstasy, a melon" -old Arab proverb

  3. I thought this was going to all be on free TV, and usually dual language. Hopefully second language will be English commentator, not Russian. I'm American and much prefer English commentators, not yanks. Somehow yanks just not right.... like Italians calling major league baseball

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