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Posts posted by jackdawson

  1. i like the part near the end where the "reporter" is still wearing a military helmut (and maybe flak) as he walks through the squatters empty "campground" (rajdamri) AFTER they have been routed and retreated back to the rice farms .

    what a blowhard .

    (gee, what a surprise)

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  2. i know what i wanted to say .

    issan is like totally red right ? and a few months back they came down to bangkok , were allowed to camp / squat in the city center for two months (even provided w/ mobile toilets) and then on their way out to say thanks to the good citizens of the nation's capital the issanites burned down the malls .

    when they got back to the farm , the gods , angry from what the people had done , directed the rains clouds to stay away .

    the northerners MUST do penance and make big time merit for their "sins"

    so far , haven't seen it

    only then might the skies open

  3. Absolutely, CRES has the responsibility to provide security for the people of Thailand and the emergency decree is doing an excellent job at that. The emergency decree is not a problem for anyone except those who wants to break the law or create other problems

    Please leave it until the end of the year or longer even

    may i say ur thinking is flawless

    personally i vote for the "longer even" part

  4. as I feel I will drive it into the Mekong & watch it go to Cambodia before I give it to her

    did u ever c the movie "war of the roses" ?

    if not , do .

    seems errors in judgements may have been made re: marriage , acquiring a car .

    but that's DONE . the money's ALREADY gone . what r u gonna do , spend good money after bad on a lawyer (in a country where 99% of judges would never rule for a farang)

    i'd think about letting it go .

  5. to get a loan in her name for the sin sod amount

    who says romance is dead ?

    ps please let us know how ur beloved and more importantly her mom react to this idea (paying their own sinsot w/ interest over time)

    pss DESPITE what you read here , they do do sinsot here . and in the grand scope of things , 200,000 is peanuts (for the privilege and pleasure of living with a young thai woman AND making her mom happy--for a while at least). if ur brain / soul is telling you that privilege and pleasure is not worth 200,000, well, that' something different .

    personally, i'd hate to pay sinsot and have that be the only thing i think about when i look at it's recepient

  6. why the reds were there in the first place

    i don't know how i could have made my reference to their 500 baht a day payments any CLEARER .


    is it that unclear ? who want's reconciliation ?

    re: wat pathum . maybe the monks will think twice next time about their letting their "sanctuary" being used as a refuge for arsonists, thieves and looters (or didn't u read the piece about booty from central world being found there?)

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