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Posts posted by jackdawson

  1. I do have a Thai friend who I trust

    re: the trust part; is this ur first trip ?

    ps whatever u do, if he has a wall safe, DON'T give him ur (new) passport for "safekeeping"

    just curious? at the US embassy, they didn't tell u u would need to go thai immigration to get new stamps?

    u better slow down and take some deep breaths. ur a long way from 'frisco. dress well , speak only when spoken too and do whatever they want at chaeng wattana to get the stamps u need.

    pss nice dramatic flair but ur not teally being "detained" ; just being majorly inconvenienced for ignorance (which is no excuse right?)

    i mean, an overstay , stolen passport and low /no money in a foreign land ; that the's "how NOT to do it" trifecta

  2. buying makes sense if you keep it pactical.
    Rent is always money down the drain.

    unless , of course, u live in a country where the government lets squatters occupy the biggest city's best property for two months and then burn down the city's best malls on their way back to the shack

    note to self; renting in now third world /formerly second world countries is ALWAYS better

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