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Posts posted by NaiGreg

  1. บารมี is defined as 'prestige; influence; grandeur' (thai-language.com) and is normally associated with esteemed monks and the like.

    But recently a friend of my wife asked her (in a serious tone) if he could "tap into" her บารมี in order to be successful in acquiring some Buddha images at an auction. Now, my wife is truly wonderful but it never occurred to me she was a person of 'baramee'

    SO there must be a new definition that covers this scenario. Something about personal qualities of regular folks. Perhaps those that are devout?

    Any ideas?

  2. Long time ago (just married)

    wife (calling out): "Time to eat(dear)!" เวลากินข้าว

    me (entering the front door): "Great!(I'll) fry my shoes" เยี่ยม ทอดรองเท้าก่อน

    wife: giggles knowingly

  3. Great picture. Did we misunderstand the question. Birds flying in line abreast was it?

    Guess I misunderstood the question also as it appears a flock in formation is what he wants. This is a flock of geese in standard migration formation.


    Yes, nice photo! Still not sure about this one since birds never fly "abreast" as soldiers would form ranks.

  4. ลุ้น is defined as "to push forward; promote; support; cheer" (thai-language.com)

    but this does not fit the usage I see. For example "ลุ้น grand prize trip to Singapore and a pot of gold!"

    Something is missing. Colloquial usage, perhaps? It seems to be associated with the anticipation or hope/expectation of winning.

    Thanks for pondering-gan.


  5. Can't make this one as I'll be in the US for a few weeks. Too bad.

    But in the holiday spirit, I'd like to donate my pass to the poor Ahka lady on Chang Klan road with the cranky attitude and 3 chin whiskers. You can't miss her, she carries around an annoying little wooden frog. I imagine if you give her a few beers she'll demonstrate the little frog croaker to you.


    -NG :jap:

  6. I would like to try the SangSom Blue label or their International label (Similan ... export only ?)

    This stuff is not likely to be found in the local shops around my home. Any one know of availability and prices in town?



  7. Ever heard of building DIKES ?

    In the Netherlands we started a 1200 years ago with it. Since then improved and improved and constructed over 17,000 km of dikes. In Jan 1995 the rivers came at much higher levels as ever expected. Over an area of 60 km wide and 150 km long over 250,000 people, their lifestock and everything else they want to move, had to be evacuated in just days. 30 juni 2000 problem was solved by increasing all dikes along 4 big rivers ( Rhine, Waal, Maas and IJssel) till some places 16 mtr higher as normal water level.

    For the Thais: as so many things: to stupid and too lazy. What can you expect from a nation, which sells their votes for a 20-100 baht to any croock, who wants to plunder the country? From a government, who even shoot-to-kill on a protesting crowd ?

    Wow, another Thai hater on Thai Visa. Where do they all come from?

    Yes, we have heard of DIKES. But we thought they were only for really tall, arrogant, white Euro pricks.

    Thailand has large networks of dams, levees, dikes and irrigation systems. Ever heard of "Monkey Cheeks" ?

    Thailand can teach a lot to the Neverlands (never stupid and never lazy ?) about flood control AND graciousness. Do some research. Get your thumb out of your ... (dike?)


  8. Thank you for that #3. I was not aware of the 2000 Baht conversion-to-Non-O option.

    I read in another thread (regarding slary documentation) that a 12-month extension could be extended an additional 60 days (or 2 months?) under certain circumstances.

    Would I qualify? If so, could I get the 60-day extension, then walk over to the next counter to get a travel document (1,900 Baht) ?


  9. Normally I submit my TM7 the first week of November and pick up my extension (get the stamp) the first week of December. However I will be traveling out of the country this year from mid November to mid-December.

    Can I submit my TM7 earlier (more that 30 days remaining on my stay) ??

    If so, would I "reset" my original permitted-to-stay date?

    What happens if I just lapse my extension and wait until I return (on a tourist Visa) --- would I "break-the-cycle" ... any downsides ?

    Thanks for your answers.


  10. The OP is right. Mae Jo road seems more dangerous because of the body count.

    I drive on the Mae Jo road almost daily and it has always boggled my mind how such a well-designed, well-lit, well-marked, multi-lane road can have so many freakin' accidents.

    Soon the white paint outlines at accident sites are going to blend together to pave the entire road deadly-white! I'm not exaggerating! (well, actually, I AM exaggerating, but you get the point)

  11. Four Seasons (Mae Rim) "The Rice Barn" . . . This restaurant, about 400 meters from the main kitchen, has a single table and accepts one party per evening. Advance reservations required but include a personal menu consultation with the executive chef. They will arrange special imported items/ingredients if necessary to make your meal special.

    * * * * *

    (credit cards accepted ... better yet, just hand over your chanote!)

  12. Air hostess special treatment depends on the monk, his stature in the Sangha or by reputation.

    How can you be sure? If the older Thai ladies are swooning then he is quite revered.

    Most monks get no special treatment at all by the airlines except for the reserved seating in the terminal area where you will sometimes find a farang with feet resting on the pillow. (They really need to use bi-lingual signs for these spots)


  13. interesting propoganda war launched by usa, hmm how did such a populous and obnoxious cuntry avoid the top 10, me thinks sumone is telling bubus, come on, you don't just invade countries for idealistic reasons not mentioning a small country to the east of this without generating some sort of idealistic people who will get themselves arrested, I mean just think of the nutta who went swimming and casued problems for that woman in myamar, and the one in korea taking a walk

    I think I smell porkies

    It must be your diaper. (Oh, sorry "nappie")

  14. ha, both of those are great

    Yes, I agree. Thank you guys for your responses.

    My wife feels the "duck" idiom is a little bit obscure but the "japchai" stew is a good fit because it has a bit of everything thrown in, but no one ingredient stands out.


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