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Posts posted by NaiGreg

  1. Headline is not correct. In civilised countries an accused is alleged to have committed a crime until proven in court.

    This is a common myth. For normal citizens and newpapers free speech trumps the restraints placed upon the government (libel considerations aside.)

    If informed people with good reasoning skills find the evidence/testimony to be conclusive, there is no need to hide behind the "A" word in a public forum.

  2. When I even think of dual pricing I get a major eye twitch and my knees wobble from internal rage. I spit a lot when I try to vocalize my outrage. I can barely type this message my hands are shaking.

    Especially when I see Luk-kreung kids getting the Thai-Thai price. They should be charged according to the percentage of Thai blood in their family.

    Proposed prices for mixed-race children:

    Thai-White - 300% of all-Thai price

    Thai-Japanese - 200 % of all-Thai price (they look more Asian)

    Thai-Chinese - does not really matter since grandparents own the attraction

    Others based on whims of park attendant.

    Fair is fair. I just needed to get this off my chest. Thank God for this forum.

  3. The official poster says "6 AND Under are Free!

    But in other postings it stated "Kids 6-12 are 200 Baht"

    My daughter is six and she really wants to know . . which is correct?

    By the way, I asked the staff at Dukes and they did not know.

  4. My wife and I were enjoying a nice meal in a garden restaurant near our home when the last malaeng-mao attack commenced. It was disturbing. The staff scrambled to turn off all the lights and we finished our lovely meal by moonlight. The soup did seem a little more crunchy after that but as we could not see anything it was still delicious ;)

  5. The topic is about Sonthi who committed hight treason by toppling a legally elected government. He later changed law and constitution to avoid prosecution.

    Oh, dear Dorethy & Totto. You might be tall but have no clue, do you.

    In Thailand, toppling a legal-ish "elected" government is a lot of things but it is not high treason. Your other choices are:

    1. Blood sport

    2. Reality TV

    3. Keeping old traditions alive

    4. Revenge

    5. Mandatory interference

    Do try to remember you are not in Kansas anymore.

  6. From a recent topic, it appears that there are two types of farang here that make their homes in Thailand.

    1. Farangs that are treated well, if not adored.

    2. And the second group, farangs that feel resented, oppressed, and (dare I say it) HATED.

    Clearly this calls for a wardrobe policy, as my Thai family and friends have problems distinguishing the two farang groups without some visual clues.

    Staring on July 1, those farangs that are hated will wear Homer Simpson jerseys. Color BROWNISH-PINK to conceal the puke stains.

    All others will wear clothes that are appropriate for normal people.

    ** We have evacuation plans for a third group of farangs that apparently have been singled out for persecution by novice monks. They should continue to wear Speedos with matching black socks until the human rights task force completes their investigation.

    have you nothing else to do?

    Yes, I'm busy organizing my Speedos and socks drawers. The maid won't do it. She hates me.

  7. From a recent topic, it appears that there are two types of farang here that make their homes in Thailand.

    1. Farangs that are treated well, if not adored.

    2. And the second group, farangs that feel resented, oppressed, and (dare I say it) HATED.

    Clearly this calls for a wardrobe policy, as my Thai family and friends have problems distinguishing the two farang groups without some visual clues.

    Staring on July 1, those farangs that are hated will wear Homer Simpson jerseys. Color BROWNISH-PINK to conceal the puke stains.

    All others will wear clothes that are appropriate for normal people.

    ** We have evacuation plans for a third group of farangs that apparently have been singled out for persecution by novice monks. They should continue to wear Speedos with matching black socks until the human rights task force completes their investigation.

  8. It's interesting to see how most of the above British terms have worked their way into the Thai vocabulary (in both Thai language and English spoken by Thais), such as "plaster" and "lift," to the exclusion of their American counterparts. And yet, most Thai students prefer to learn and speak with an American accent rather than British.

    I would add "rubber" (pencil eraser) to that list. This gets tricky because of the American idiomatic use of the word rubber (condom.)

    So when my young (Thai-American/American-Thai) children refer to an eraser as a rubber I remind them that is okay to use the term eraser. Daddy, look! I have a new rubber :D

    Also, I must mention the word proper. In American English it means appropriate or suitable. Apparently (for some) in British English it is a euphemism for British :)


    Don't be a dubber, wear a rubber!

  9. Not sure if this is true for all international schools in bangkok, but most international schools have both english and american teachers, most of them teach both and are fine with either, with the exception of a few though (one of my teacher is an Australian and he despises american english, he always says "ITS al-lu-mi-nium NOT Aluminum"

    not sure what thai schools teach though.

    I have noticed that most English-Thai dictionaries written by Thais for Thais use American spellings except for a few "entrenched" British spellings.

    aluminium, draught and yoghurt come to mind. But always see color, labor, tire, etc.

  10. 19:17 "So here's a big thanks to webfact & the team for the news, the links, the info."/MHM

    19:51 "The daily updates, especially in the recent troubles, were prompt and very usefull, I also applaud you."/Scorecard

    19:53 "Agree. It's great to just read the "essentials"."/Deke

    21:03 "Ditto"/NaiGreg

  11. Yes, the vote would be expected under ordinary circumstances, but the times are anything but ordinary. The attempt to topple the government by triggering violence and then blaming the government didn't work. The coalition held, although a month ago it didn't look like it could. Aside from expected partisan alignment, today's vote expressed no lack of confidence in Abhisit's government, in spite of all that has happened. Remarkable.

    The real turning of the tide though is in the reaction of the people, many of who have turned away from the red cause. This is understandable considering how Thai feel about violence, but it also means they have seen through the smoke screen, not surprising since it's their country. I think mostly foreigners would have trouble understanding the plot.

    This is all a bit amazing if you look back at the situation in mid April with the government in shock and the reds running out of control. This turn arround, inspite of the government and even people like Kaset, is due to one man's effort. A real tour de force. No, all is not well, this is still Thailand and problems are stacked higher and deeper as usual. But, the direction has changed, or the tide has changed, whatever.

    It is unfortunate that the red cause has been so damaged, but in the end it was damaged by the one who sought to divide and destroy for his own power. Maybe now the rural cause (forget the color red) can find better footing and participate in some real reconciliation. The Thai's also don't like division.

    Thank you for saying this in such a clear and concise way that even the most severely reasoning-challenged members here can understand it. Your assessment/summary is completely congruous with what we have watched unfold over the last few months and years.

  12. Okay this is it. The last post about the word "farang" ever to appear on Thai Visa . . .

    farang = caucasion (not pejorative 99% of the time) may also mean "westerner" in some circumstances

    khun farang = Mr. caucasion, Sir

    farang-ruay = rich caucasion

    farang-law-maak = handsome caucasion

    farang-kee-nok = low-life caucasion

    farang-khee-niow = stingy caucasion

    farang-men-dtua = smelly caucasion

    farang-khee-mao = drunkard caucasion

    farang-j'mook-yaao = big-nosed caucasion

    farang-poong-yai = pot-bellied caucasion

    -------- but the one that seems to apply to everyone is . . . . .

    farang-ngong! = baffled, confused, perplexed white guy can't figure out what's going on!

    -NG :)

  13. If I met a Thai in England and he called me a farang I'd smack his teeth in and then tell him clearly that I know big polit, and will make big ploblem for thai kee nok! then I'll sell him something he doesn't need

    You shall not be called farang anymore. We (collectively) have a new name for you. Einstein the Benevolent. Hope that will not be a big ploblem for you.

  14. The word on the street is around 500 were killed not 88.

    Regarding Abhisit I think the only way reconciliation will take place is without him anywhere near the table.

    No-one on the red side would want to do anything with him.

    That's not too bad considering you red shirts had over 3 million of your 20+ million in Bangkok at the time.

    In last night's debate the soldiers were described as being "blood thirty monsters (demons)" ... in light of that "fact" we can safely amend the rumor to be 500,000 dead babies and children and pregnant women in wheelchairs.

  15. When looking up lèse majesté online I get เขย่าราชบัลลังก์ but it does not seem to match.

    Is there a Thai word or is a loanword appropriate?


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