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Posts posted by bangkokburning

  1. I don't want to post a link here but I have found a great mobile comparison website called esato.com. You can compare specs on up to three phones at once and they have many of the latest phones. Some even have more detailed reviews. There is not a lot of spamish nonsense and the site is easy to navigate. Even gallery of photos from phones from contributors. Really nice - and fast.

  2. After six mos I've moved in with my gf. She lives in Huay Kwang, few mins from MRT. It's convenient enough, but I need to get out and explore the street food a it more. Nothing seems in real walking distance save for a 7 and a Tesco Express. But there is Fortune Town and the malls one stop away. I'm really ambivalent toward big cities and BKK especially. Sprawl, hot sprawl.

    So, anything to do about here??? Small farang pub or drink shop type thing perhaps?

    Driving range looks appealing,

    I have a good relationship with my girlfriend. I am not interested in P4P scene or spendy karaoke joints.

    Counting days till November and South monsoon clears out. Until then, I am stuck here if I want to keep the relationship intact.


  3. HEY!

    i had the 6cell and it was really a boat anchor. i love this little asus and the adapter is half size. yeah NOTE: as i recall the mfg info says that the batteries have a really short lifespan. I really freaked out when I read that. For all i know - same true for asus but unstated. but i have had both and id go with the asus. their h/w is truly superior after you get over the cosmetics.

    fortune town is fine, i live in the area now. it is more civilized and if you can get the same price - id go there. i think in some ways its better than panthip. except it doesnt have a hardware house :-((

  4. Tax incentives. Glad the problem is solved - NEXT!

    Why doesn't Thailand allow the 1000s of people the ability to have 10mos stay with hassles. This will do little for th emafia tourist industry but I am sure far more money will trickle down to the poor and angry mobs seen rioting these last two years.

    GDP is not the issue. neither is helping common Thai's. Supporting big money is.

    Forget investment - That's finished.

  5. I'm going with a bad laser although that is very rare. It can burn CDs so we know the mechanics work (and presumably driver)

    Many cheapie discs will give some burners fits. Buy a god quality straight up DVD and give a go

  6. I'm jones'n for a new phone. Wifi would be very cool - but is it worth the expense? Free connection points in BKK? Seemingly scarce.

    3G seems like a dream and I am sure that will not be free. he last thing I need on my phone is a fast connection, but it would be worh paying for if it's out there as a freebie. When its out there...

    comments pls

  7. I purchased one last year - so comments about this years model may be far different given new processors and battery life but I found it quite acceptable. I did though dislike the weight and the glossy screen. reviews stated that the wifi was weak - seemed ok to me. I sold it up.

    This year I have a lovely asus netbook. Its the tits. Small ac adapter, lighter, matte screen, "11 hrs battery life", nice keyboard and a nice shell. its running W7 which I am very ambivalent towards but i would not buy a dnsaur operating system XP. I a partial to Asus products and whould have bought one year prior but read some poor reviews and back out last moment.

    When iTunes runs on Linux - I'll be there.

    I'd go with the asus clamshell, matte screen. I've had both

    Panthip of course, but review prices on Amazon prior. I think I pad about uUS325 and fifty more for a 2GB upgrade RAM

  8. I might add that some newer posters may be interested to know that during the past several months there are many new TV members who post and are from the United States. Those of us who for some time have battled uphill in small company against endemic US bashing at TV have noticed this and are welcoming of the seeming flood of posts which take the pathological US haters to task, often causing the bashers to bash less often and less intensely - indeed causing the bashers to think twice before they make their compulsive and mindless anti-US posts. A small comfort but a comfort none the less (irony and eccentric foreign cultural idiosyncratic 'humour' not withstanding :) ) .

    I am an American who happens to be back in the US for the next few weeks; but don't look to me for comfort - I seek truth whatever flag it flies over. I am not uncomfortable with criticism as long as it is analytical and reasoned. The W years...we have a great deal to account for and a great deal of trust to win back.

  9. I think a golden opportunity was lost when this protest was not stopped at the first signs it was getting out of control. It quickly changed from preaceful protest to cult like and even reds who started thinking they wanted to go home were forced to stay. They were definitely just pawns in the game who no longer had the choice to fight for 'democracy' or not. Ironic indeed. I think this lot will become like Islam extremists but within their own country. There will be tremendous peer pressure in Isaan to join the cause or be ostracized by your friends and family. It's a shame that what seemed like a good cause has degraded to a band of zealots who will not listen to reason and now want to fight just to get attention and to feel powerful. They have become worse than the wrong they condemned. They will become more zealot like and militant than the government they accuse of being corrupt.

    I hope I am wrong and it goes back to being LOS but I think once people without purpose get a taste of being important it's impossible to take away.

    Of course it will give many a disillusioned young Thai northerner a feeling of importance and a cause outside of looking for a lousy job or growing rice. They are legends in their own mind and potentially dangerous because of this.

    WARNING, WARNING. Possible intelligent conversation about to break out in TV forum. Wishiwashi where are you?

    What is incorrect with the statement? Should Thai youth of 2010 be content stuck in Nakorn Nowhere growing one crop of rice a year on some shitty cracked and barren land? Have you been to issarn and seen the lack of opportunity and back breaking work for chump change?

    This is the crux of the problem - The "elite" have far too much and they are simply unwilling to share. What is worse is that upward mobility is the exception rather than the rule. It usually involves everything except hard work. The question is - where does Thailand go from here. Answer: Philippines

  10. Pattaya has for years had one of if not THE highest per capita murder rate outside conflict zones for years. There is nearly a murder a day in a city that has a population of something over 100k.

    We have already seen Reds do hugely destructive actions against the Thai people, the state and their interests. Acts of terror against tourist centers are simply the next tantrum. I can't have what I want NOW, I am going to hurt you. Looks more like the Philippines every day - literally.

    Can someone please remind me what this was all about anyway? Oh yeah Democracy.

    One thing we won't see is the Elite of Thailand budge one inch and they don't need to. The Reds have created such a poor image of themselves (and no this) - that they can be dismissed out of hand as insurgents, thugs, criminals, etc...

    I would virtually guarantee that reds are using safe houses, few if any are harboring them. Far too visible.

  11. I have not seen any of the coverage, international or local but given what I have read and the photos of the current situation - the divisions of the nation, the politics of the last five years > I think that one could use the term "civil war" sparingly. Failed nation is a bit of a stretch, but all the hallmarks are there of a nation that cannot produce a government and in time this very well can lead to a failed state. Look at the Philippines - It has had stable governments for decades, yet it is truly a failed state.

    Habitually broken and unstable governments

    Threatened underground armed insurrection

    Terrorism directed at foreigners - how cowardly and how Thai

    Endemic corruption that will only fester with a broken state

    Decreasing revenues from Tourism and that downward spiral

    I do not think the language is out of line. Also please recall the airport fiasco and Bangkok in flames last year. At what point can you call it a failed state?

  12. Nothing more that Thai's would like is to blame their next door neighbor for the ills in which they, the Thai have brought upon themselves. This is classic and historic.


    Thai's are a truly a petulant people. Thailand has unresolved border issues with all its neighbors and local tribal people (from Mokken to Montanyard) born within her borders they will not recognize as Thai. Then there are the farang Luk Krung and the near inability to obtain Thai citizenship. Thai rak Thai.

    This is disinformation to get out in front a potentially explosive issue: A Thai insurgency targeting tourism - just blame it on the poor savages next door! Next problem.

  13. I am an American and I think it is very cute that so many people bad-mouth my country. I have recently watched the history channel and read some books and wonder, what language would the detractors of the US be speaking if the US had not gone to war during WWII. England, France, and Italy on the short list would be speaking German. The Aussies would probably be speaking Japanese. Bad-mouth us all you want but without us, you would have a different native language.

    Yes, countries make mistakes and not just the US. The reasons for the US being in Thailand years ago are on record. Whether it was right or wrong, we helped open this country up to major tourism, assisted in the development of the middle class and in the end, helped foster nationalism when the war was over as we were asked to leave.

    All the countries having embassies in Thailand have a major stake in insuring that they assist Thailand to resolve the past events. All the countries should assist, not lay blame for these past events.

    Oh dear. Another misinformed American!

    The Russians won the war in Europe with help from Bletchley Park. You Americans arrived late and with the UK footing the bill. Please spare us the history lessons.

    As far as Vietnam is concerned, surely the lesson is to do the history first. The locals just wanted their country back. Communism was a secondary issue.

    Anyway, well done creating Pattaya!

    As an American - I have never (personally) been groping for gratitude in regard to the Great War. I am not a student of such ancient History, but I am aware it took a great deal of pressure from Britain to get us on board. We were hardly a willing partner on the European front. It was in fact Russia that suffered hugely and arguably "won" the war - they had little choice.

    If in fact the UK did "foot the bill" it was because the UK was quite fine with that. You state it as though the US wanted to be in the thick of it but somehow lacked the resources. The opposite could only be stated as truth. Your nation at the end of the war was broken and bedraggled.

    Got chocolate?

    The US had played a major role in the stability of Thailand which you apparently no little of. It worked actively with the Thai government to root out and destroy its Communist insurgency, it built the roads you may drive on today. It built huge amounts of infrastructure in Thailand. It provided stability to a nation that was a bulwark against the "Communist" Pathet Lao and Khmer Rouge and Red Vietnamese elements in SEA.

    Every country has a right to its own self determination, but I think we can look back on History and see that America was correct - that the governments of Lao, Cambodia and Vietnam are nothing short of tragedy. The war was misguided and paranoid - It wasn't our fight.

    But to diminish what the US did in fact accomplish in Indochina (which it inherited from the French) and reduce it to some flippant remark about Pattaya - where you no doubt reside when you can escape your council flat is pathetic.

    Sun never sets?

    A century ago mate. A century ago.

  14. The United States still has great abilities in mediation and arbitration. To dismiss this based upon what occurred in the Bush years only shows a rather juvenile world view.

    An offer to mediate BEHIND THE SCENES is hardly meddling.

    DOS employs thousands of career diplomats, then there are other quasi government players as well.

    The huge reason that America is so disliked by Europeans is that it is an energetic nation that sees itself, its role as the sole superpower as a source for stability and good in the world. Europe and Europeans - nothing more than a talking shop. This has been the case since the first great war.

    The US has been hijacked by the military/industrial/financial/pharmaceutical/energy complex. This explains Vietnam and the Bush years. There is little or nothing individuals can do to stop the machine, especially when half the population believes the lies it is fed. bad on us.

    But to think that the US does not have the ability to assist, to mediate at some level - well, that's European thinking.

    All true but I modified your post just a bit. Good post.

    Thank you, your addition is duly noted and acknowledged as fact, I was pulling the comment from historical context

    Military-Industrial Complex Speech, Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1961

  15. To suggest that there was an absence of mediation and arbitration during the Bush years only shows a heavily biased political viewpoint, rather than an objective one.

    Obama has no time or concern for mediation and arbitration in Thailand. He is too busy conspiring with the Mexican president in subverting US law and keeping the flow of illegal immigrants coming to the US to get on the dole.

    At best, Thailand is a distant afterthought to Obama. He despises the free market, so he has no interest in fostering import/export business between the two nations. He despises the military, so he has no interesting in helping Thailand militarily. He despises democracy, so he has no interest in seeing Thailand become a mature democratic nation.

    All Thailand has gotten from the US during the Obama administration is a smattering of broken record, patronistic diplomacy.

    And what WAS (note I do not state were those) that accomplishment(s) of said mediation and arbitration?

    Your ad hominem attack on President Obama shows petty bias and cable news paranoia. I am absolutely certain that any/all resources are at the Thai governments disposal - from a huge number of nations, not merely the US should they choose that road.

    Presidents choose to focus their foreign policy objectives for their term based on a number of factors. Thailand had been doing quite well economically and its human rights record has been acceptable. There is no reason that President Obama would or should be be meddling in this nations affairs. In fact, Thailand has a seat on the Human Rights Council.

    Further, the "diplomatic corp", DOS in particular, as well as those working at the pleasure of the (US) President (i.e. Ambassadors, Secy's /Under Secy's) are part of a well oiled machine of career diplomats that specialize in issues and nations are always available for such causes.

    Obama has an agenda, everyone has one. You obviously do - but 90% of any Presidents agenda in any given term has more to do with current events and inherited cock-ups than some fox news tea bagging conspiracy.

    George Bush had a plan. A very flawed and failed plan - that is clearly self evident. A plan that was unreasoned and irrational. A plan that is/was hugely costly in blood and treasure. A plan that History will show - was the beginning of the end of the US' preeminence due largely to an unfunded war(s) of choice and a boondoggle of a tax cut to the least deserving.

    Your tirade is petty and has nothing to do with the events on the ground. Don't go away mad - just go away.

  16. I don't really know but I have read numerous news about the US of A's concern in what is happening around Bangkok recently. So far, if I may put it correctly, the US of A is one country which seems to be acting so panicky (or involved) in what is going on. I am not that surprised about this coz America, as what I've heard, is one of those countries which has supplied information to Thailand about terrorists mixing with the protesters. That is a little bit something to consider; and that too might be the reason why America is always in the picture lately. This makes my mind twitch from disturbing thoughts…

    Then, I have also read somewhere that the US of A has been visible in almost all affairs of Thailand – especially when Thailand has started to take heavy tolls in their political bickering since the Thaksin brouhaha way way back. Have you ever wondered why those associated with Thaksin have had the nerve to ask for US assistance? Have you forgotten how they've marched to the US embassy and deliver a request letter asking Hillary C. to meddle or become an arbiter of some sort? Our outgoing president does that too. As per the news, she even has thrown a lavish 1-million-peso party in New York for her friends in Washington while most of my countrymen have been starving almost to death. Yeah, what a nerve! And so, we, Filipinos, seem to know the little whys concerning all these.

    Haven't you known that only Americans are allowed to own properties 100% in Thailand? Yes, the US of A has earned (or been awarded?) this favor. I am just not sure whether it is embedded in a treaty or something, but who cares! We, Filipinos, have a good taste of this American…what? You bet, American colonialism! And that sucks big time! Yes, it is true that our history shows a hel_l lot of America. We are always thankful for the influence in our English, but that is just about it! It is like America going overboard after that, sinking the Philippines down into the deeps.

    I am thinking that this MIGHT be one, if not the main, reason why this political chaos is going on in Thailand. Who doesn't know how America does politics in a highly tactical way? As what a song says (which, by the way, is American composed), "…And somewhere down the road…Our roads are gonna cross again…It doesn't really matter when…" Or, perhaps, it doesn't really matter what cost it takes…And probably, it is not just America at all, but all the powers that be who like to benefit from Thailand's grandeur. Indeed, some people just think that life is getting cheaper by the day…Duh!

    Are you still blaming a nation (the US) that left your country's shores before you were born for your woes? This is the national pastime of the Philippino (next to spending their last piso on karaoke) - blaming anyone and everyone for their sorry, broken, dismally corrupt and utterly un-salvageable failed nation state. In this case you have merely substituted your sad country for a country that has given you some modicum of opportunity - why are you in Thailand anyway? Gee, let me guess... ;-)

    You're working illegally because Phils does not have employment

    You're living with a farang who knows the score and does not fancy getting mugged, killed or simply the poor value and huge expense in Phils.

    America doesn't colonize, it never has. It builds bases to extend its influence. Its cheaper.

    I guarantee you miss that the BEST that the Philippines ever saw was during the US "occupation" of your sad little nation. the Philippines: 30% unemployment, a birthrate rivaling Africa. An educational system that is second to that of communist Vietnam. A nation where poverty is African in proportion - and the Chinese overlords and their Philippine minions could care less. You are literally born into slavery when born a Philippino and that is entirely YOUR decision and your ineffective governance.

    Then there is the national character of the people. I have never met a people so willing to seriously harm another for gain of virtually nothing.

    Were you aware that in the mid 1970s that Thailand and Philippines were in parity regarding GDP, per capita income? Look at your country and look at you - not living in that country. Wonder why...America huh.

    Why are YOU in Thailand?

  17. The United States still has great abilities in mediation and arbitration. To dismiss this based upon what occurred in the Bush years only shows a rather juvenile world view.

    An offer to mediate BEHIND THE SCENES is hardly meddling.

    DOS employs thousands of career diplomats, then there are other quasi government players as well.

    The huge reason that America is so disliked by Europeans is that it is an energetic nation that sees itself, its role as the sole superpower as a source for stability and good in the world. Europe and Europeans - nothing more than a talking shop. This has been the case since the first great war.

    The US has been hijacked by the military industrial complex. This explains Vietnam and the Bush years. There is little or nothing individuals can do to stop the machine, especially when half the population believes the lies it is fed. bad on us.

    But to think that the US does not have the ability to assist, to mediate at some level - well, that's European thinking.

  18. I had heard the tourism GDP% is about 7% GDP. But if the 15-20% is even close to correct I could easily surmise that every one of those Red's had a family member working directly in tourism.

    Yet, It is so tiring listening to the Thai government cry about tourism. This nation long ago decided not to educate its population and to build a nation on the backs on flighty and often sleazy tourism.

    They have abused their natural resources to no end

    Resort cities are ugly and overbuilt

    Owning holiday residence is basically impossible

    Consistent visa are not forthcoming and if they are they are fraught with hassles

    Mafia, drugs, thuggery and lack of police assistance or TAT assistance

    Total uncare/disregard for an army of scammers from the airport, tuk-tuk drivers, gem shops...

    THEN come the events of the last five years

    *The airport drama cannot be seen as something separate from the latest events, they are all hugely intertwined especially in the eyes of a foreign (family) looking for a easy going holiday.

    Finally - I would point out at how the government concerted effort to discourage and disallow early retirees from putting down any roots

    Instead, moneyless Asians (mainland Chinese and Indians) are encouraged on cheap package trips to keep the government coffers full with airport, hotel and fuel taxes

    I have been hassled so much over visas and I have never worked a day in Thailand. After this last childish blow out, I have scant sympathy for the entire nation. Thailand - UP TO YOU.

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