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Posts posted by bangkokburning

  1. It surely does have my passport number on it. It is a matching document - identical info in every way to the passport itself. If an official were to use this to access my pp info - it would be identical. It is not a second pp, it is an identical document meant to be used in electronic manner but has all info my pp has incl pp# and photo (identical). I would think if they used the info on the card they could easily tie it to my visa.

    I don't want to use it for entry - although it might work for Canada, Mexico and possibly Europe. Just ID in BKK.

  2. Last passport Reup I got a biometric PP card for US20 and good for ten years. Anyone know if this is sufficient as ID in BKK. My hunch is no as...

    It does not include visa/stamps/departure card - that cops may want to see (and think you a forger if you would photocopy such things)

    Have not a clue what it is

    It is very official looking and bears all the security of a modern ID card/passport. Has same info as my passport.

    I am sure if I ask at immigration, the cops if stopped would think otherwise anyway...

    -really dislike carrying around big fat passport in cities!

  3. I think where you meet a person has a great deal to do with your future forward. Aside from "meeting her in a bar" meaning..."is she a (ex) prostitute"? There is a saying in the US - you never want to meet your love in a bar. It will never last. I tend to agree. I think the question was legitimate. Many, many bar girls ARE no dam_n good. This by my experience proves true now more than ever. I left that scene because I was really unhappy with all of them and came to few the lot as no dam_n good. This is not 1975 or 85 or 95.

    My girlfriend and I met in a nat'l park, camping. She's perfect for me. Find an interest and you will find your girl. Sadly if your only interest is drink, that is the kind of girl you will get. One that is OK with that scene and one that will (possibly) tolerate excessive drinking.

    For some guys here (here) a woman out of the bar is a perfect match in so many ways and if it works - great. Me, never.

    There will always be ignorant people smirking and what not - but maybe some of it is deserved. Did you come here for a year or two and find a girl in a bar and take her back? Worse, a long holiday. This would raise even my eyebrow.

  4. The visa is a hassle

    It may require her to leave Thailand and front up with you

    How long have you been in Thailand? Do you see your life here?

    Has this woman ever work in the "entertainment" industry????

    I have a girlfriend - who I love, we have now been together six months. Neither she nor I are in any rush to marry.

    I had a friend of 7 years, she is trustworthy. Everything was great when I was a butterfly. When I became attached (above) she was not happy. We now no longer see one another - and had strong words. She was jealous (but married to another guy). Moral: how well do you really know her.

    Will she later extort money out of you? What about sin-sodt?

    I think its a bad idea personally. Then there is the fact you are legally married - and all that brings.

    my 2 baht. Had the chance - did not take her up on it.

    If you are hard pressed for visas, travel to other countries and spend 4-6 mos here each year.

  5. Working the 300 backward: If you eat in the markets only there is about US125-150. Add another 50 for food you keep in your room, maybe ice as well. Utilities about 25. Then you have the mobile/Internet. You might need transport (moto/songtaew) around city if you are going to places you can't show up sweaty. That is all roughly US200.

    So 3200 or less for everything else and for a noob? Not likely.

    Alcohol is as expensive as the US when purchased from the store. You only see "value" when consumed in f/b environment. For me, there goes the balance! :-)

  6. It is a good idea for a tourist to use the queue. You'll get a slip with the destination written on it.

    I have no objections, those guys sit around and wait for a fare. I am sure some of it goes to places youd rather it not.

    I was caught out at DM one time. The cop let me go and did not hassle me, but it was clear I wasn't with the program and not do it again. It is for your safety and I have noticed in last year how many drivers try and take detours and hit traffic pockets to run up the bill. It was never like this yrs back.

    If you want a pick up - it's B20 and does go to the driver is my belief.

  7. I have no idea what power consumption is like for those small immersion heaters - but it is VERY difficult to think of places where they use central hot water. All use those little heaters. They are cheap and last forever. Personally, I think a big black tank on the roof is plenty. In fact, it will be too hot in the day. Currently in my gf's flat we get the water from the roof and I have to let it run (wa$te) becasue it is uncomfortably hot. Not even warm - hot.

    Your ROI will be hard won. Keep it simple.

  8. Did you ever consider doing dorm rooms? I can't stand them any more because the kids are so messy and have so much gear and then there is the snoring. But If you might consider, have a look at Inn Crowd in SNG. It's been years since I'd stayed there, but it was packed. AC dorm. Just have lockers, really good idea. Security/safety.

    Many young people are quite alright with communal showers and toilets. At 49, I may or may not take a private and it often depends on length of stay.

    In regard to water - you can have a look at a bunch of high volume small guesthouses in Penang off Chulia (Munti/Campbell) to see how backpackers roll out of bed and use showers communally. Incidentally, in all 3-4 Ghs they are all cold water. I'd forget the hot water completely unless I was doing this in a place that gets a hard chill.

    My 2 baht -

  9. I prefer lighter (white) skin. My girlfriend's skin is "light golden brown". She darkens to night when we are tripping on the Andaman's.

    Thai's pretty much are very into the white skin thing - I know this from personal experience and all the whitening products and promotions. Ask any Thai.

    Girlfriend's young relative is named something like "darkie" or bad and its related directly to her skin.

    Scandinavian's love dark women and the darker the better.

    Where does this get us?

    Wasn't this thread about pattern of speech?

  10. Firefox 3.6.4 - although I seem to have had save issue prior to FF update.

    W7 Starter on Asus Netbook

    Issue: Right clicking mouse pad (bar) pastes what is in the cache.

    Right click pastes cached word(s) into field or inserts cache in middle of word being spell checked.

    seems it may even paste a double cache (saved?). I pasted the above sentence and this is what it did?!?!?!

    Right click pastes cached word(s) into field or inserts cache in middle of word being spell checked.Right click pastes cached word(s) into field or inserts cache in middle of word being spell checked.

    I have....

    Removed dicey AddOns

    Dumped the cache (and everything in browser (recopied a word and duplicated issue)

    Checked the menu/settings for anything remotely close to the issue

    Checked the context menu for same.

    Checked the Mouse settings in Control Panel


    Update: I just right clicked in Google search (part of the main bar) and it gave me this?!?!

    Join Thaivisa on Facebook >> ??????????????????

  11. That would depend wholly on the type of test.

    What test currently on the market will give you a 95% result in 21 days? Who wants a 95% assurance? Even Orasure will give you 98% but is not available to my knowledge in Thailand for whatever stupid reason.

    I'm asking, not necc deriding you. I think that is PCRDNA and that is to my knowledge not available in Thailand. Further, even Western Blot is not widely used. I think Pattaya only got it last year and does not always use this method. It falls back on GPA Screening Method - whatever that is and Microparticle Enzyme Immune something or other...

    Every nurse I have tested with asked me to come back - in 90 days with a smile. Thanks for checking.

  12. I am looking for an Alphabet cheat sheet - something like...a few sheets on A4 or Excel spreadsheet

    Thai letter - Corresponding sound in English.

    Even better if broken into consonants (H/L...), vowels and other markers...

    I then want to group them as the Becker book has done.

    I don't want to get kids books because they will not have the English. Anyone know of an inexpensive small book, large type that accomplishes this?

    The Becker book does hash these all together at some point n the chapters, but I am really confused starting out. I'd like to swallow a chunk of the alphabet otherwise I am just reading the phonetics.

    Its pretty crazy but I thoroughly see why learning phonetically is a waste. I can't cheat it if I really want to learn it.


  13. My experience in Thailand.

    We all try to a greater or lesser degree. If you speak Lao/Issarn dialect well you will be met with a big smile and Thais will love you for speaking Thai, even though its "Lao" - same goes for southern dialect. Although I am often derided jokingly for my "Thai" being from the north when I am tripping in the south (which is quite often now).

    Where a person gets into problems (man) is not easy to conjure.

    Swearing - Any bad words (Thai or whatever). Thais cannot distinguish if you are swearing at the or if it is an exclamation. They don't like it and it is VERY coarse.

    Bar lingo - Any stupid bar lingo, especially dubious words and phrases and euphemisms.

    I don't see how someone will judge you ill because you have not the mastery to trill your R's.

    Keep your language clean.

    Has nothing to do with your pronunciation, 90% of people speaking Thai, to a Thai I think sounds pretty bad and I include myself in that.(for now) <-- That is to say that if you are trying to speak Thai or speak we all and make plenty of mistakes, Thai's will not look ill upon you. What an effort it is to undertake. I think most reasonable Thai's know this well indeed and are very forgiving of mispronunciation. Coarse and vulgar language, learn your Thai in a bar ? nope.

    There is real HiSo and fake HiSo. Most of the time people are referring to people (women) who look lovely and enjoy all the anti-Buddhist trappings of a modern Bangkokian lifestyle as excessively as possible in a gregarious and flaunting manner as possible.These women are more often than not from typical middle class families. Anyone who has mixed with money knows it when they see it.

    In the USA it's usually not the person with the BMW and the bling unless you are in Florida. Some of the wealthiest people I know in the US dress totally understated and drive nothing more than a Lexus or Mid range Mercedes.

  14. Hey, saw your post..good luck. There is always a place for a GH that does it right.

    This isn't exactly on topic but I have noticed thru the years that many GHs that start out offering AC throughout often open up the common areas and let the guests deal with it. If you are thinking about AC in common area or cafe.

    Many Gh's in Maylasia have cold water. I'm OK with that. Usually it's refreshing.

    Do you have some place to hang the wash (roof?) ? Nix the dryer or have one for rainy season only.

    Usually B100 is added to rooms to cover the AC per day. This does little to discourage guests from closing the AC when they leave - hence you pay for what you could save AND your energy consumption concerns. Have one of those put the key in and turn everything on things ???

    Can you lower the ceiling with plastic tiles and insulate perhaps? Big help I think,

    Don't cheap out on he AC, the guests will push it hard to deliver.

    If you have room fridge, buy new. Those old fridge suck power like mad.

    See what you can do to naturally keep the rooms cool (windows closed/no smoking).

    *make sure the rooms hae plenty of outlets. Cheap Chinese GHs often have no or few outlets. Now, with all the electronics gear, having outlets is a draw. No one wants to hang about while their _____ charges in lobby.

    Finally - solid lockers in lobby. Plain view w/ CCTV.

  15. Years ago in Pattaya they were "stamping you in/out" of the country w/o leaving. They have no interest in finding out the mafia running the scam. The poor foreigner, ignorant of the law was subject to full brunt of the law.

    This is a scam as stated. If you are not 50 looking they may very well check your age upon entry and they may very well not let you in. Common knowledge its fifty BUT....maybe they are not giving a retirement visa but merely an O supported by huge amounts of tea money. That may fly.

  16. I think for most, it is less expensive to pay the additional fee -or close enough. Tat is why it is B400 and not B800 (B1200) :-)

    If you take the cost of transport into consideration, I am sure MRT/BTS + taxi will come out to roughly 400rt. You have done this cheaply so you can tell us perhaps better. I'm pretty much a cheap charlie, but I think I'd expedite. Also...its done. Not sitting on someones desk for them to contemplate or screw up the visa.

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