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Posts posted by bangkokburning

  1. Honestly, I am here because of two reasons: Diving/snorkeling that can't be beat for cost, ease and beauty and a lovely lady cum girlfriend I met while on one of these trips. Other than that, I would be happily in Malaysia. I did not look or ask for the latter, the relationship fell into my lap, but she is an absolutely lovely person, so until we can move about more freely, I'm pretty much stuck. I do limit my stays to about 9 months a year. I had it down to 5-6 when we met. All I need Thailand to do is to give me a few TRs a year - but this has become an impossible grubbing session. I do not want an annual visa.

    I have deleted some of my comments here >

    For what its worth, I do support the National Park system. I pay about B5500a month + our food. Please note that not only do I support the park, but I pay 100% over the Thais. I would also argue that via VAT I pay more per month than the vast majority of Thais into the system that gives me nothing. In the US, a Thai would never be charged double for not being a US citizen nor anywhere else I have visited. This appears to be a "Thai thing"

    If you want to help, help individuals through a (your) family. You will see the fruits of your hard won cash move someone to a better position in life. Personally, I do not support wats and especially monks. That's just me. We are after all only long-stay tourists here (hence your "extension of stay") no matter what sort of life you have built or illusions of permanence you harbor.

    Ask the guy supporting some washed up 40++ bargirl and her two kids what he is "doing for Thailand" when they will not give him a visa to live here. All this guy does is drink himself silly in a small house in Issarn and gives every baht he has to the family and childrens (not his) education. They will not allow him back in the country. We have read this story 1000 times. So, not only does the govt directly harm the farang, but it in this case has ruined the opptys of the children and made that family potentially homeless. Because the guy only has a B40K pension. So please - give.

    Every nation has a right to set its own immigration policy. We have a right to reject that policy. I just do not understand how given this nations policies can ever really call it home. I have been in and out of Thailand for 17 years and it has never felt less like "home".

  2. Amphawa is great, but we should clarify the experience. Its loads of Thais walking about eating and drinking Thai food. Its a great time and a great party. Things to do you can take a boat around the area and also look at the fireflies if they are out (they are a different specie than in NA). They also have many homestays,

    If you are looking for a fake experience of shooting women "trading" food and goods out of boats - this is not the place.

    Not only would I go again, next time we would do a homestay I think.

    PS: I think its much farther than 45 min outside BKK.

  3. If you are laying by the side of the road, no one will do anything. Eg, they will do nothing. You have obviously not been in Asia very long. This is if for no other reason than if I die, they read you will be blamed for the death.

    I did this last week, knocked off my m/c

    Some young Thai ladies (in their 20s), in a car (nothing to do with the accident), stopped, picked me and the wife up, picked up and tested out the m/c.

    If we had needed hospital treatment, they seemed quite willing to take us, but we didn't need further assistance.

    You were not lying bloody and dying on the road. BIG difference to my statement

  4. Numerous hoops to jump through to procure a visa, even TR - but especially in any long stay capacity. This includes but is not limited to all sorts of reporting nonsense. Including I am now reading - having your landlord show up at the immigration office.

    The visa could be as simple as this: Do you have B400K to support yourself for a year visa. Enjoy Thailand and have a nice day.

    Thailand could even force us to take insurance out that blanket covers emergency medical and a ticket out. tickets out not even needed.

    I don't mind having to give my pp at hotels nor do I mind having to register where I "generally" stay when not traveling.

    After that threshold - its just a police state.

  5. If you are laying by the side of the road, no one will do anything. Eg, they will do nothing. You have obviously not been in Asia very long. This is if for no other reason than if I die, they read you will be blamed for the death.

    But you knew that already.

    wise up

    You have mistaken my take on reality as a lack of empathy for the poor. Could not be further from the truth.

  6. Thai immigration policy in no uncertain terms says - We Don't Want You Here

    And to this you give a big dopey smile and open your wallet.

    As for HIV orphans. Why isn't the govt doing more for them and to curb HIV? Why can't you donate to some HIV cause in your home country and feel as good? Or to Haiti? Or wherever....Why does Thailand deserve your donation when they treat you like a criminal?

  7. Other than what I spend monthly on living and traveling expenses nothing. I am a "tourist" on a TR.

    When and if I do apply for extension or O-A I plan on doing even less.

    I don't know why foreigners contribute often wads of money, hard earned while the elite of this nation could care less about the poor and disenfranchised. Better they give it back to the nations from where their "wealth" was derived.

    As many people on TV, plenty of Thai's around us/me that we could give until we were broke. Families first.

    Whenever I see any farang giving money or time I am always struck in my mind by a number of images:

    Some overweight immigration officer hassling me over some petty nonsense

    The absolutely insane number of bureaucrats in this nation

    All the Mercedes in BKK

    New, ugly and expensive airport

    The PAD sit in at the airport

    Bangkok burning, an annual event now. A clarion call from the poor to the elite

    The arrogance coming out of the ministries

    The absolute lack of interest Thailand has in educating its population

    The high number Thailand ALWAYS rates on the world corruption stage

    How I am indirectly made to feel unwelcome and unwanted through the media, ministry pronouncements and haphazard immigration policy.

    So - what have you given and done. Just so I can have a laugh....

    In time, I see myself and my girlfriend spending six months a year here. We will chase the cool weather throughout Asia and stay in US for a few months. Thailand - so yesterday....

  8. I've not done this runner for many years. First when this point opened and second when the immigration office was still up on the road. Could use a bit of help here.

    I will arrive from south, later in the day. I can stay either in town or perhaps at the Kiwi which is convenient to both bus and port.

    *Any decent newish hotels in town? Place I used to stay while visiting Ranong is pretty dire but only a few hundred.

    *Kiwi looks OK, seems very service oriented. Location suits my needs as a visa runner. It has a good restaurant near by as well as a minimart.

    In the early a.m. make my way to the port where a small office is located on opposite side of the boats running to Myanmar. I've seen this place while going to/fro Ko Phayam I think. Songtaews are #2 and #7 I think. Can anyone confirm? At B7 or B15??

    Get stamped out. Go over to the boats and insist that I get a group boat for the runner. The mafia there will try to push me into a private boat. B50/B200 respectively as I recall.

    Im at the dock now.... I don't need to get out of the boat. I hand my pp and my US10 and the deal is processed. I return to Thailand.

    Back to the immigration office. I produce my pp where I have a visa. But no matter, they still want a photocopy and maybe even a photo. At least that is how it was.

    Get stamped back in. Grab a songtaew out of there. Pick up my gear and head back south to Andamans on the first bus.

    >>>How far is the tesco/bigc out of town? How much by moto?

    Im off to Lao so thanks in advance.

  9. I was just perusing this thread...One thing not mentioned that the pool of punters willing and able to buy has diminished and will not return due to simple economics. That would be most of Europe and America. So...who are you selling to? That pool of buyers is gone and never to return. Further, Asians know better than to buy in a country they cannot hold title.

    Smart people have homes and condos that they are willing to give to their spouses upon their demise or - rent.

    Anyone else holding property in this place at this juncture is basically a sucker. The market is and has been in a bubble for years and the places at 1-2m are in worst stead although I could easily see the places +4m taking huge hits as well.

    It's not just Pattaya. Its all places farang hold property.

    Hope you are not waiting for the GBP/USD to rebound guys...

    Malaysia has rule of law and land ownership. Save for alcohol, its about the same price or less for consumables. Property is a bargain.

    HAH > it costs nothing to keep a staff of smarmy real esate agents and a staff girl in a B8k office on comiisions only. Best 95% dont even have work visas!

    PS: I'd love a house and a garden but unless you like having your home broken into weekly no matter where you live in Thailand - better go with the condo. ESPECIALLY being a farang home yours will be watched for the moment you simply go out to a restaurant let alone to Singapore for the weekend. Bank on it!

  10. A liveaboard is not a must. It is a must for those that want to force you on the boats or that are too lazy. The Sililains are a lovely island group, well worth staying on. Far better than some crap leaky boat.

    Don't use any boat that brings you into Mu Ko Surin group.

    The large boats usually moor at Ko Stoke. The engines are kept running. They disturb the snorkelers from Surin and often chase away the turtles and the sharks. These people are very annoying. They come, they make noise and they leave. Looks like a total rip-off. I don't know what they pay to get out there but I pay B80 for the afternoon from Mae Ngam in Surins.

    If you wish to see the Surins, you can camp and enjoy the park for a fraction of the cost of a dive boat. Don't dismiss snorkeling vs diving in this area. There are many dive boats (too many!) that pull in here as well as a few boats down from Ko Phayam.

    Another spot outside the group Richeleau Rock is another favorite. Possibilities to see large pelagic in season but despite many boats mooring here, I don't know if the place is any good outside late Mar-May.

    You may consider looking into camping on Similain islands. Its a bit of a scam, but far less of one than taking boats. May be a challenge getting your tanks filled and out to some of the spots but I think will be far cheaper and better quality experience than staying in Khao Lak. Similans is expensive, last I heard they were forcing you into a camp tent and that was B500 a night. Plus park fee and boat trip out.

  11. There was some commotion some pages back about the reason behind getting a new passport and that for some bizarre reason - just wanting one was not only illegitimate but a flag for Homeland Insecurity. I totally disagree. It's a total money spinner. What would it matter to "Homeland" what passport you are on? In fact, the more the better as they scan each one and are more up to date as to where you are coming and going.

    The US govt could care less about your (my) silly visa problems.

    If nothing else, simply a concern of your pp becoming full while traveling is sufficient, I have a 48pp passport from April 2010 and it's nearly half full (only 1 double TR). I am certain the US govt would gladly have you apply in the US than all the hassles one contends with issuing outside the country.

    Mutilating passports - now THAT is illegal.

    I will be in Vientiane for what I was hoping would be my last TR but I am so sick of reading of the hassles and expense related to annual extensions, TRs look about the same hassle and price. Still considering applying from US I think the best option.

    I wish we all just go away for 2 years. Thai govt has had it too good, too long. That fancy building in BKK was built with OUR money. Don't forget it.

  12. If you arrived at a reasonable hour you could have taken airport link. Yeah it would have been tedious but you would have saved money and not had the feeling of being scammed

    I dont know why people have an issue with the taxi rank. If you call a taxi to your home or flat, its B20. Of course its B50. You get a paper with the # on it and can report them. With all the paranoia about this and that for people to go to Departures, I think unwise. Maybe at DM, not here. Never take a taxi/driver standing idle unless he is in a queue.

    Don't talk to anyone offering anything inside the airport. Yes, it is getting VERY scammy. It goes to the heart of how corrupt the nation is. You have a brand new airport, perfect oppty to clean up all the nonsense and yet...there is more.

    My advice - do not smuggle anything. Bring in your duty free and have a nice day. Think about how exxy your fix is back home and how you are still saving here and be happy for it. Get out of Thailand once in awhile and see Asia. While you are at it, bring in a new quota.

    Finally, if you are a smoker - I would recommend you night light up when you exit the terminal. Just another flag.

    If you are cornered by fake police, demand badges and to be taken into the office or back to customs. Unless you are guilty, do not settle anything in the street. Do not allow your bag to be searched in the street.

    I've never had an issue with the taxis. You spoiled guys - whinging about new taxis (OK, the point about bad meters is valid, I like it). Why don't you help the guy in the old taxi buy a new one by supporting him? As if it matters, really. It's a 30min ride for me.

    Use the airport link

    Why are you traveling with more sh*t than I even own. That's YOUR problem and so is every problem you encounter because of all your crap you drag around the world. It just amazes me the stuff people seem to "need" to support themselves on a holiday.

    Do not be in a hurry, think before you act. I know this sounds simple - but you are tired and have done the trip many times. You may act impulsively and the con artist or thief is waiting for you.

    If you have big cash - get in the queue, get the slip.

  13. I just x'ed the border from Malaysia to Thailand (after a stint in Indonesia) - it was no picnic. 8+ hours for the usual 4+ hour run. We could not cross at any of the normal points (we tried 3). We were up in the mountains and even tried the new point @ Durianburung in sik. We came don off the mountains thru a backroad and crossed at sadao. there was no one going either way.

    Xing into Thailand, the roads were quite dry all the way to HY. I grabbed the first bus north as I had heard trains were flooded out. My gh is central HY so thought better to go and come back and waste a day - so I moved on.

    Roads were very dry all the way north with pockets of water on the sides in places.

    So, I cannot speak to local issues such as closed roads and inability for you to make it from A to B - but I doubt that at this juncture any grace to be given. They are also in fact Immigration flunkies so why would they want to give you the benefit of the doubt.

  14. Camping in Andaman Natl Marine Parks. I live in the parks in the cool season and my girlfriend comes down ten days every month by coupling two weekends with a Thai holiday (or two) in between. That way, she gets 11 days and only takes two-three off from work.

    Camping is a great get away, the place we favor is pretty packed out but the daily snorkeling makes it all worthwhile. The other parks are lovely and great for a romantic get away, but we love the coral and fish. Won't be there forever!

    Nat'l Marine parks cost anywhere from free to B80 per night for foreigners. Most have good Thai canteen (far better than backpacker crap food) and the grubby backpacker factor is low. In fact, many marine parks in the highest part of the season many parks have scant visitors as people go to dumps like Samui, Lipe and Lanta. Well I hope they continue with that!

    Sadly, I have found BKK confining, not met any people to hang out with. Not interested in go-go bars and such (my gf would not be pleased and I am bored with that scene anyway) Find the places gritty and polluted (air). Not really anything to do - Really bored.

    Would like to find somewhere to have a drink during happy hours or a nice park in the day (above Sukhumvhit on MRT line).

    • Like 2
  15. Id be interested to see a poll:

    How long is Asia <5, 5-10, 10-15, 15+

    How long in Thailand <5, 5-10, 10-15, 15+

    then stay or go?

    if go, when?

    go when THB still 26>

    go when THB hits 26<

    go next 12 mos regardess

    really eyeing up a move out

    go if and when can sell real estate

    if go, then why:

    currency bubble, no end in sight

    tired of visa/ immigration hassles

    backward slide of the nation

    feel of disrespect that is unique to Thailand among Asia and much of the world

    lack of concern for environment

    seen it done it, just bored

    out of money, did not plan wisely

    met a lady, trying it back "home"

    bad business or gf - im busted

    health issues will drive me home

    pension issues almost solely will drive me home

    im a life long monger and the p4p scene isnt what it used to be

    have a good job offer back home


    then have a few combo answers

  16. I wouldn't step foot in Ban Phe or on Samet. Hua Hin might be OK to live, but I'd never holiday there.

    What does it for you?




    For me....the only option anymore is camping in the national parks. No guesthouse hassles, touts, sour workforce, scammers and you get the best beauty spots of Thailand. I love camping in the Thai Andaman and other than a few well packed out spots - no one does it. Not only that, its more or less free in most places and many NPs have restaurants with value priced food.

  17. you don't state how many days you have but Siem Reap would be the logical choice if you have never been. Sad if you have not seen it already. Bali can be cheap on AA if booked ahead. Singapore has lots to do. Sumatra has some things going on but now I imagine its pretty wet. I would NOT go to AC! Myanmar - but just do Bagan and return unless you can get way off the tourist track. If you have time 3 weeks - try Himachal Pradesh and better up to Ladakh. Jet Air to Delhi is cheapish.Luang Prabang - just for a walk and relax and perhaps a bit of time in N Vietnam before the rain really sets in.

  18. TAWP - I totally agree. It fully coincides with the mood - overstayers will be jailed! Foreigners we hate you! That's what that jail/fine thing says to me...pure anger, hate and arrogance.

    This was the point of my initial post. There was no need for such threats. She was like it or not going to do EXACTLY what Immigration had planned for her. She entered the country w/o the correct paperwork and now she has to leave. Why could not these Thai officials said just that with a smile on their face instead of threats?! Those sorts of threats are really verbal assault -maybe they were fishing for money AND IT WASN'T COMING?

    Overstayers will be jailed - solution: Two weeks free (no jail), three months amnesty @ B500 a day. After the 90 days, b1000 a day over XX days not in hospital (calculated from the time you entered) - and you are persona non grata - period FOREVER. No jail. Pay the money, go and have a nice day.

    Working without a visa - solution: sixty days amnesty to sort your paperwork (no jail). B500 a day for every day you are in country on that particular visa. If you are caught working ... mandatory two months in jail AND persona non grata FOREVER.

    Only exception: Children in country. You will be allowed one TR a year. If you screw that up, you are finished forever!

    The solutions to many of Thailands problems are so simple Western High Schoolers could solve them. Thailand just swirls in manufactured controversy and mayhem because if it actually had a rule of law - it would cut out opptys for corruption and graft. Mayhem and chaos creates waste and opportunism.

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