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Posts posted by bangkokburning

  1. I am taking my gf to Bali (Sep30-Oct10)...If there are any similar couples. I will stay on and try to make a trip to some very remote parts of Indo, returning mid/late Nov out of Jakarta. Banda's, Flores or Manado. I can speak bahasa although the island speaks Balinese. We are active, semi-sporty, both been to Bali prior (she 1x, me 4x).

    We are struggling with what to do. Kuta and Ubud nightmares, Lovina and Gili's over-hyped and done. Narrowed it down to snorkeling north Bali or Penida (which is cold and has currents). both look $$$.

    Our fall back plan is a few days Kuta (apply TH visa), few days Padang Bai (Blue Lagoon) and few days Kuta. This is after all a glorified visa run, not a holiday...but I want it to be nice for her and a bit of adventure. Trouble is Bali is so tripped out anything remotely adventurous takes a huge effort and time.

  2. Ok, so my girlfriend buys a condo. A great way to save that rent money into something that might be considered an asset. Condo is already 5yrs old. What will become of this place in 30years? Seems like after the 10yr mortgage is paid up, all that can be hoped is to move out and rent it (yeah right) or live in it until it falls apart. Am I correct to assume that owners will recv little or nothing when that bldg is sold or torn down?

    So, is this an investment for life?

  3. There are so many ways to prepare it and it usually is pretty standard.

    Here is a tip for all those living in Pattaya. On soi Bukhao, across from the two gold shops and next to a new gold shop, down from the ever popular cheap restaurant ("May"? no sign) is Chinese lady that makes the best noodles in Thailand. She has a great recipe and doesn't cheap out on the ingredients.

    Nam is great in a light broth but the heng is outstanding?

    Only open mornings till 1pm

    Not in Pataya for many years, about the only thing I miss about it

  4. You might catch one in the station but that is hugely doubtful. Why don't you call Cathay GH and get their schedule?? Whatever you do you wil have to be across the border by closing (8pm?) so bear this in mind.

    FYI: Better to take the mb from in town as it is less hassle and the moto taxi will charge you nothing less than b40++ for a b20+ (1.3km) ride. Another alternative is to take the train all the way to Butterworth, it is no longer cheaper to take the fan down to HY and a mb from there. Well, it is but only B100. So better to go direct and not hassle with those <deleted> old broken mb's.

  5. You are quite correct, and what about the guy who has 65k a month and 60k of liabilities? Many, many pensioners have mortgages abroad, alimony, kids college, loans and leases in Thailand, business liabilities, family obligations in Thailand - the list is endless.

    As opposed to the guy with 25k monthly free and clear.

    Who gets the visa?

    Thailand needs to not concern itself about money - only that we are not a burden. And how many foreigners in good stead are a burden to the Thai gov't? None.

    We are not emigrating, in fact for many the annual renewal is pretty much a crap shoot. This is not an emigration visa, it is a glorified tourist visa, in fact it is not a visa at all - merely an approval for you to extend your visit. Don't lose sight of that everyone.

    800k in a bank which you earn scant interest which is taxed which cannot be held in a CD and a mountain of paperwork and a government that assumes you to be a criminal before they assume you to be a gentleman.

    • Like 2
  6. That run is easily done by yourself. Hop on a bus and get to Ranong and simply make your way down to the pier. You will find a small office. Stamp out. Get a boat (B50) shared and x to Myanmar - pay US10 in a pristine, new bill and return. Stamp in. Be on your way.

    That bus must be full of all sorts of riff-raff. I've seen it crawl through Kuriburi, I just snickered. Are people that lazy? Yup.

  7. Yeah, that is quite interesting. Staying here in a third world country has become a very expensive hassle for me. On the other hand, my girlfriend has all sorts of friends with ten year visas to the US. I had made a number of inquiries here on TV and many think she is a good candidate as well. Make some sense of that one.

    On another front, I have a ten year visa for India and Brits can get five. I just can't stay in the country more than a few months or I will go crazy.

    I often wonder when people will really wise up and find another place. If I did not have my girlfriend, there is no way I would spend more than five months here a year.

    When will guys wise up, not that a bar in Pattaya was ever profitable, but these years less so add to this the bureaucratic hassles and police scams and its just folly. Some guy getting arrested for shaking hands..we all know the washing a glass in the bar urban legend.

    I have no problem with doing what a nation requires of me (a third world nation) to stay for prolonged periods. Its just abundantly clear that so much is motivated by sheer greed (keep us away from business investments, ANY investment - even a house!).

    No doubt there are some bad eggs, but Thailand has always, always been a shady place for shady people. TAT boasts millions and millions of visits, sur ein this age you are going to get some baddies. That is not the fault of the good people.

    No problem people checking on me. But all this reporting in/out and the inflexibility and some guys driving hours. This is the Thai government saying we simply do not care about you. They simply do not care how inconvenienced we are or what it costs to meet their frivolous and usually arbitrary demands.

    The 65k baht has always been a rubbish amount to ask of a single person. A well educated Thai working a standard job is lucky to make half that. And pls explain why someone married only has to produce half that to support at least 100% persons? A retiree could easily live in a little house outside Hua Hin, Pattaya and esp upcountry for 30k. Then we have the "currency crisis part deux" - many major currencies have dropped dramatically. SO instead of being clever and pegging the amount to pension income (maybe a basket of the currencies). Thailand in affect raises the financial requirement for RETIREES to stay here by 25%.

    I recall an article some years back in the WSJ about the lack of retirement visas made in Thailand. It was at time when many TRs were getting legal and some just starting to up and leave. But it was a shocker compared to other countries that had far better terms. I forget the stats but Thailand was about last in this regard although the offical stated he expected the number to increase yoy.

    Many, many are leaving these days - they are gone so don't post to TV. Its past story for them, ancient history in their book of life. Retiring? Try it first before you plunge in here. Keep track of ALL your visa costs to stay here, you will be shocked and the expense and hassle.

    If we are THAT bad...why have us here at all? Really. I think that question should really be put up to the government. This si sort of a last straw that says we are all nothing more than a gaggle of criminals. Why does Thailand have an absolute inability to sort the good from the bad? It seems so easy.

    On a final note - Phuket has now erupted into murder heaven along side its sister city Pattaya. You'd think they'd try to get a handle on that.

  8. try malware bytes and hijackthis (but you have to know what you are doing here). post a log to a tech group and remove items as needed.

    if you have broadband, you may just want to reformat.

  9. Annual Visa

    Agreement signed applicant will not work under penalty of 6mos in jail and B50k fine

    Clean criminal record from which ever is easier for applicant: local, state, federal authorities

    Check in to ANY immigration office every 90 days, no mail ins

    Insurance policy covering emergency treatment and a o/w ticket back home (offered by Thai govt [cash cow] )

    250k in a Thai bank per annum

    A. That may upset the jobs of the army of useless bureaucrats

    B. They simply just do not want us here.

    With all these computer systems going online to track us, why is it they are not also used to streamline and add continuity to the process?

  10. This is what has become of the Thai expatriate. With all the luxury that Thailand now affords, for many it still is not posh enough or fast enough.

    So many people want to live in Thailand without living in Thailand.

    Maybe you ought to force yourself to do the trip rough, learn from it and be wiser for it.

    But what do I know, I'm just a tool. Right Tropo?

    Now, where is that guy selling queue tickets for 200B??? Hmmmm, must be around here somewhere...

    PS: I'd bet that new TG/SQ airline will have a BKK-VNE route. I'd bet on it.

    • Like 1
  11. I just spoke to my girlfriend about this. She stated she rec'd a similar call. When my gf stated she had no cc, they did not let up and stated that someone had obviously used her ID - so....fork over the info!

    She then stated she would go to the bank and clear it up - they were adamant that was not necessary.

    I imagine this is a very successful scam. The people working this sound quite adept and agile.

  12. Thanks to you both. I cant really afford to fly Star and I fly only 1x a year. Booking is cheaper here in Lieland. Booking w/ a return to US would also solve a problem or two if I were to fly more frequently.

    So, appears there are 2x stops in both your accounts: NRT and somewhere in the states.

    I've always avoided US carriers - esp after 911. I guess its mainly due to all the nightmare domestic flights, bad service (lack thereof).

    Can you compare the security at IAD to another airport? I am sure its professional as passengers are from DC metro but is it a monumental hassle?

    I don't see TG not that I can afford them anyway (maybe a code share Luft/Frankfurt).

    American and United - Argh.


    I went back to the ANA site and it has improved, I can enter the BKK-BWI flight but I cannot however search dates very far in advance. Comes up with far 50% higher than CI. Can't search next year so only offers very limited discount tickets.


  13. I have been flying a number of years on China Air but I am really hating the company now more than ever. In addition I fly via JFK and take a (free) shuttle to Philadelphia. The stor ygets even longer. I am thinking of flying into IAD or BWI as a second. The later will surely require a connection. IAD may be possible on a Japanese airline, I forget now (JAL I think). The site is funky, it quotes fares but the pull down menu is super funky and did not allow a booking from BKK to IAD. I want to avoid LAX, it was wholly broken years ago and I hear just worse now. I also want to avoid sleping in an airport waiting for the am domestic flight of which I may need two. Info on drect flights to IAD pls.

  14. Thanks very much. NOt to belabor the issue mizzi, but "ties to me" - well, we are not married, have no immediate plans and I was informed if brought up in the interview, answer is no plans. We travel a lot togther, take a trip of some type every month. We both love photography and we are building a photo portfolio of shots of us together. This is about the best and only tie. Apt is in her name until next year, I pay the rent. Other than the photo album. We are about spent on this one in regard to the "us" factor. Might be able to provide the date we met signed by staf at a national park if she is still there this November. That would make us an item for one year.

    When you say the Post Office for the Pin# -and pay visa fee at the PO as well. Is this here in Thailand or in US? Will the web site have all the info?

    So, we should be looking at months in advance....lets say online app first week May 2011 for trip in Sept 2011 (Oct 2011 if need be).


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