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Posts posted by huanga

  1. I think the obvious omission is probably the "previous encounter" that the teacher had with the van driver. She more than likely did something to piss off the van driver, who subsequently maneuvered this way to vent his frustration.


    Since there was a dashboard camera, it would not hurt for us to see the 3-5 minutes before the attached clip, then we JUDGE!

  2. 1 hour ago, Deli said:

    According to Mia the local press reports about the girl having been kao shoo mak mak...

    Can't follow your logic...There is ABSOLUTELY no justification in killing someone over alleged infidelity (they were just gf/bf). He could have just ditched her and gone on his way.


    He deserves to rot in hell. 

  3. "Trump and his government deserve respect and they will get it in so far as its reciprocal."


    Hmm...let me try to figure this out. What Trump is trying to do is to get reciprocal with its southern neighbor. Mexico has a wall in its south border and very stringent immigration laws against illegal aliens that try to penetrate its border. What Trump is trying to do is the same. Reciprocal enough?

  4. This society needs to re-examine the "Thainess" that they were once proud of. It might as well start with education. Education by parents at home and also by teachers at school.


    These days parents are too busy working and it seems "materialism" has replaced "Thainess" as its central theme of life.A globalized competitive environment has really accentuated the class difference in the society between haves and have-nots. Sad reality of today!

  5. It just goes to show, if you have money and power, this is the country to be in.


    Something definitely defies the usual logic when this hi-so girl (drank her ass off, got into his car, puked herself into oblivion) accused him for rape/molest/kidnap, all in the face-saving gesture. In the US, it will be a he said-she said, and the doctor's report already gave him more credibility than her.


    If the family is so concerned with its name and reputation, they should have sent her behind to a "catholic" school long ago to learn how to keep both of her mouth and you-know-where shut! 

  6. 2 hours ago, Alive said:

    Great. Where did they buy these weapons in the first place? Hunt down the arms dealers wherever they are in the world and kill them in their homes. Someone outside of Syria sold these weapons and brought them there. Some filthy business people need to die for these arms sales. Hunt them down like you would any terrorist. Hunt them down no matter if they live in a middle eastern nation, European nation, Russia, China or wherever. Kill them all dead. They fed this war and will do it again.

    Before you jump into your conclusion, US also has a good part of their weaponry in ISIL's arsenal.... Should go back and read up on how US help created ISIL....etc.



  7. I thought that most of the policemen are riding motorcycles????


    Jokes aside. Something needs to be done with these motorcycles. Against traffic, reckless weaving in and out, no helmets, passenger limit, etc. Time to crackdown and put some enforceable traffic laws in place....ring ring ring...crap my sleep alarm just went off. Nevertheless, it was a good dream!     

  8. To save tourism industry - get this minister out of the office would be a first step in the right direction. Concrete plan with bold points on steps necessary (more lax visa rules, better infrastructure, harsh penalty for scams/cheats, etc) to attract tourists, and not marketing propaganda (inviting only the rich, clamp-down on the red light district and now the Pokémon)


    Hot air and nothing will get done except for her probably going to temple everyday and asking the Oh Mighty Buddha to realize some achievement for her for doing absolutely nada to improve the tourism.   


  9. She has addressed a couple of issues of Chinese tourists' behaviors when abroad. But a scolding to a rotten kid is just a temporary band aid fix. It will take a lot more than that...Probably a generation or two when they learn about refined mannerism, sophistication, etc.


    I can just imagine these people will use their hard earned money to send their kids to the West for higher education, and these kids will later come back and look down on their parents because of their uncouth and primitive behaviors. Maybe then, this county will advance. Sad but part of the growing pain! 



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