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Posts posted by huanga

  1. i wouldn't say it was absolute stupidity - desperate maybe. Symbolically it will be very powerful while still being non violent. It will definitely get the attention of international media.

    Symbolically powerful but also financially draining! Needles also don't come cheap. That will be another one million plus baht just for the needles so maybe they will disperse back home sooner due to the already limited budget! bye-bye.

    Abhisit should also prepare fire trucks to wash off the blood. Counter-measure. Symbolically!

  2. My GF (not Ning) sees neither yellow nor red. What she sees is how to find opportunities to better herself. I sympathize with red's ideology but detest that they choose Thaksin to represent their plight. On the other hand, last time I checked, Thailand is still a very capitalistic country. (Pattaya is a very good example of that, in so many ways! :) But on the serious note, if you are willing to open your eyes to see and has a drive to learn, I believe this country still offers good opportunities to enrich one's life here, both mentally and financially. I know of many rag- to-riches stories in Thailand and therefore do not completely buy into the shabby-background-so-I-cannot-succeed argument. In some ways (at least that is how it sounded to me), I feel reds are looking for easy hand-out from the "elite", which I cannot really side with. Of course, what the reds want is a little more social justice so things might just come a bit easier for them. But hey, life is cruel. If you want to change the hand that you are dealt with, arm yourself with knowledge and reverse the situation or predicament that you are in. Do not blame this and do not blame that. Not everyone is created equal. We all got to fight for what we want. It's a simple rule in the animal kingdom. Survival for the fittest. Not that you were born a lion and he was born a bambi crapola!

    In short, Thailand is a capitalistic country and sometimes more so than USA (where I am from). This is already a basic element for rag-to riches stories to be born. Arm yourself with knowledge and train yourself to have the kind of monster drive to succeed. Soon enough you will see neither red nor yellow. Because at the end you only have yourself to represent and be accounted for!

  3. My GF sees neither yellow nor red. What she sees is how to find opportunities to better herself. I sympathize with red's ideology but detest that they choose Thaksin to represent their plight. On the other hand, last time I checked, Thailand is still a very capitalistic country. (Pattaya is a very good example of that, in so many ways! java script:add_smilie(":)","smid_6")) But on the serious note, if you are willing to open your eyes to see and has a drive to learn, I believe this country still offers good opportunities to enrich one's life here, both mentally and financially. I know of many rag- to-riches stories in Thailand and therefore do not completely buy into the shabby-background-so-I-cannot-succeed argument. In some ways (at least that is how it sounded to me), I feel reds are looking for easy hand-out from the "elite", which I cannot really side with. Of course, what the reds want is a little more social justice so things might just come a bit easier for them. But hey, life is cruel. If you want to change the hand that you are dealt, arm yourself with knowledge and reverse the situation or predicament that you are in. Do not blame this and do not blame that. Not everyone is created equal. We all go to fight for what we want. It's a simple rule in the animal kingdom. Survival for the fittest. Not that you were born a lion or he was born a bambi crapola!

    In short, Thailand is a capitalistic country and sometimes more so than USA (where I am from). this is already a basic element for rag-to riches stories to be born. Arm yourself with knowledge and train yourself to have the kind of monster drive to succeed. Soon enough you will see neither red or yellow. Because at the end you only have yourself to represent and be accounted for!

  4. I have a friend who signed up for a combination TEFL course/five months paid work here in Thailand.

    He's trying to figure out how to get a criminal background check done for the work permit requirements. Does anyone happen to have any experience or advice on such things? The recommended method seems to be through the FBI, but that takes a set of fingerprints and probably 15 weeks!

    Thanks so much!

  5. If you are looking for a good Thai restaurant not far away from the Suwanabhumi Airport (about 7 km), there is a new one that's just opened on the intersection of Romklao Road and Chaokhun Thahan Road. It's called Maple Romkao Restaurant. It's the orange color building. Very good ambiance with private booth and air-conditioning. The prices was with VERY reasonable (only about 150 baht per head) After we ordered and ate like pigs, not counting the drinks.

    I would highly recommend their green curry, shrimp cakes, baked glass noodle with shrimp, and lemon sea bass. They also have some special Singaporean dessert like Chendol and Bobochacha. Got to try it to believe it!



  6. Good Morning Thailand

    Pfizer Corp. Announced today that Viagra will soon be available in liquid form, and will be marketed by Pepsi Cola

    as a power beverage suitable for use as a mixer.

    It will now be possible for a man to literally pour himself a stiff one. :)

    Obviously we can no longer call this a soft drink, and it gives new meaning to the 'Cocktails' 'Highballs' and the good old fashioned 'Stiff drink'

    Thought for the Day:

    There is more money being spent on Breast Implants and Viagra today than on

    Alzheimer's research.

    This means that by 2040, There should be a large elderly population with perky boobs and huge erections

    and absolutely no recollection of what to do with them. :D

    Bye Bye Have a nice day

    Watch out red Bull. "Stiff" competition is coming!

  7. Thais ask me this question all the time and i am unable to give any satisfactory answer.

    I say, "why don't thais like darker shades of skin ?" they say it looks dirty, and are amazed at why farangs are attracted to dark skinned females. truly amazed. and they seem to think or expect me to have the answers.

    does anyone have an explanation for this (perhaps false) perception ? BTW this sterotype that farangs love dark skin is huge, up there with the walking ATM stereotype.

    Tropical fever! :):D:D:D

  8. MySiam,

    To put this bluntly, tell your fiend it's a 40,000baht lesson that should teach him not to repeat the same mistake again!

    Save your effort to track her down but this incident will undoubtedly increase your intelligence about trusting people on the net.

  9. I'm going to pay for it: heroin bust man

    An Australian man charged with drug smuggling in Thailand says he has made a "big mistake" and is going to "pay for it".

    Drug trafficking in Thailand carries the death penalty.

    Andrew Hoods, 36, was arrested at Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi international airport's departure hall on Wednesday afternoon with 3kg of heroin strapped to his body, Thai officials said.

    He was charged with drug smuggling after Thai Customs found the drugs concealed in 12 packages.

    Thai police said another Australian, believed to be a friend of Hoods, is on the run after managing to escape from the airport.

    During a break in questioning at Bangkok drug headquarters, Hoods said he had been caught red handed.

    "I was caught with heroin, trying to bring it to Australia," Hoods told the Nine Network today.

    "I made a big mistake and I'm going to pay for it man, do you know what I mean, I'm going to pay for it."

    The heroin was estimated to have a street value of about 12 million baht ($A494,000), Thai officials said.

    But Hoods' thoughts are now focused on his daughter, whose photograph he carries in his wallet.

    "I've got her right, I've got my daughter here with me, know what I mean," he said while clutching the photo to his chest.

    "And that's all I've got man, that's all I've got."

    The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) said diplomats had met Hoods.

    "Consular staff at the Australian embassy in Bangkok have spoken to the man and are providing him consular assistance," a DFAT spokesman said.

    Consular staff were also in contact with the man's family, he said.

    Thailand toughened its drug laws in 2002, but remains a transit point for narcotics produced in neighbouring Burma, the world's second largest opium producer and a major methamphetamine hub.

    Source: AAP - 19 December 2008

    Thanks to Simmo for the link.

    Bali nine vs Bangkok 1

    Lesson never learned, so history repeats itself! :)

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