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Posts posted by furyrider

  1. have seen a few post with Mods that people have been doing and thought I would post a few photos of mine. I am back at work in Iraq and don't have but a few photos with me to post but here is what I Ihavepost-87487-0-26802100-1301582582_thumb.jpost-87487-0-80052100-1301582210_thumb.j

    I have more but they are to big to load but will post them another time.

  2. dagling

    Those are some good pipes. I almost went for some for my fury but I disided to go with the Raw Reapers instead. Are you going to change the intake to. If you are you may want to look at the cobra fuel controlers. Cobra also makes a good one called the FI2000. Get the one for the vulcan 900 plug it in set the map to mach exhaust and intake and you are set.

  3. The Fury. I am not sure about the Raider although I was looking at it. I never rode one so not sure how it handled. I went for the Fury because of the way it looked , more like a chopper and ones I got on it I liked the way it handled.

    Before I bought the Fury I spend some time on the Forums checking out the Vulcan the raider and the Fury. I also looked into the after market parts and and mods that have been done And that also lead me to the Fury. Then someone posted a question to all the Honda Fury forum members What problems have they had with there bike since they had them. I looked through pages on that thread and the only troubles had been Battery related and shifting. After looking further into the shifting trouble I realized that these were from people that are first time bike buyers.

    Now the trouble that I see is if you are like me and want to do mods on the fury for now the parts have to be imported. I have an advantage as I work in Iraq and buy the goodies from the US and have them shipped here so that I can hand carry them in.

    There are a lot of good companies in the US that have started making all kinds of things for them.

    I don't know if this helped you or not. It is bios opinion from a fury owner. Oh yea my wife also liked the look better then the others we looked at.

    If you want to here more send me a PM

  4. They are impressive. I have the Honda Fury with the ABS. I have had to make 2 emergency stops once in a hard ran. Both times I was around 60 KPH but the time it was raining I had a truck with trailer pull out of a field and blocked the road. Still touched his front wheel but I know had I been on any of the other bikes I had in the past it would not have been pretty.

  5. Now Now floridaguy

    Whats this about you jumping ship? or should I say jumping bikes? And here I was looking up to you for riding choppers.

    I did get that Honda Fury and love it. Trouble is I have spent half again as much on chrome parts pipes grill accent LEDs lowering kit new forwards and the list goes on.

    Anyway it looks like you have a lot of very good advise I hope you find something that fits you as far as comfort goes.

  6. Pattaya bike week is a PITA to get to, the venue isn't big enough to hold all the people, aren't enough toilets for all the people so you have to endure the cascade of "dirty water" from the overflowing facilities and it's definitely aimed at the Chopper / Honda-Davidson crowd. I'll be giving it a miss :lol:

    They probably don't miss you with the attitude you have to other bikes or bikers :)

    I second that notion. I wish I could be there for it but work prevails.

    All the bike meets that I have gone to have had good deals on parts. You also get a chance to meat the venders find out where they are located.

    Just my opinion though

  7. Um, is your post informational or are you asking a question?

    The trailers in the ad look like the Upbeat brand and Upbeat has an English language website:


    Good quality road legal trailers.

    Ride On!


    Defintiely similar Tony, but I noticed on some (the other website) that the front tyre guide is a bar and Upbeat seem to use a channel. Maybe a knock-off of Upbeat, but either way I am after a trailer (two bike), just wondering if they do a hitch for a MU-7?

    I'm sure they can install a hitch on an MU-7. I had upbeat install the hitch and wiring for my trailer (which isn't an upbeat) and was very happy with their service and the quality of the installation-


    Ride On!


    Thats a nice trailer. I have been thinking of getting one next time back to Thailand. Do you have a ballpark figure for the price on the one you are showing??

  8. Yea, the govt has closely monitored the appreciation of the baht but they are not taking any real action to slow down/halt the appreciation.

    Maybe the govt should look up the words "monitor" and "action" in the dictionary to see what they mean, as I think they have the definitions of the two words reversed. Or, maybe the word action does not exist in the Thai language. Watching/monitoring is so much easier than action.

    Your just not reading it correctly

    They are taking action to watch the appreciation of the baht.

  9. Just out of curiosity, what is the bike you will travel this longish distance on.

    Honda Fury

    That is if it goes well when I get there. If not I will go after the vulcan 900. I just like the way the Honda fury looks. I have friends state side that have them and have been hearing good reports about them. The bad thing is the seat. Honda didn't think that through very well. Mostly everybody has been buying new seats for them or having them redone. I am not sure I could find a new seat to fit the Fury in Thailand. So I thought of just adding extra padding in to the seats and a back rest for now.

  10. I am going to buy a bike in Bangkok and drive it to Udon. My wife said she will not ride that far with me because the set is to uncomfortable.

    So I found a good deal on a nice comfortable chair. But have no Idea how to mount it securely to the finder.

    I would hate to have her fall off with it the way home. I was thinking of some rubber rope and tying it to the fender but the tyre is in the way.

    I don't speak Thai well enough to make them understand what I am trying to do so they have been no help.

    Just kidding

    All I need is to find a upholster shop that can strip the seat pan put more foam and may be a gel in it. Just customize what is there.

    I posted once and got some views but no response.

  11. I don't know much about finance but what happens when the largest consumer economy in the world can no longer afford Asia's exports? Then when Asia's demand for raw materials from Africa/South America drops that will effect buying power of those countries (and Australia). Weakening their buying power of Asian exports. Will this not cause an eventual correction or just another recession?

    What happens is that economy stops being the largest consumer, and then another country takes their place. Think China and India, as they have a growing middle class that also want ipods and shinny new autos.

    Every Rome must fall....

    Well I am no expert on finances hel_l if there is a wrong choice to make I would make it.

    But what is causing the growth in China? Correct me if I am wrong but I think it is exports. Where are those exports headed. From what I can see everywhere. This fancy Apple computer I am typing on is made in China. So a big part of there income I think is coming from the western civilization and Asia.

    Now that the US has cranked up the printing presses again so that they can continue to devalue the usd it will start making it expensive to import from China. Europe will be in the same boat. The only countries that would be left is SE Asia. I don't see where that will give China the same growth it has now.

    Now Thailand has a good export market to but as the BT straightens how long will that last? So then what happens?

    I am an american and I hate to say this but it looks like my county is on a self distract mode and it is happening to fast for other powers to stabilize. I think before it all stops everybody everywhere will be in the toilet. Except for the ones that is behind this mess.

  12. Red Baron are one of the more reputable dealers around Bangkok. I'm pretty sure that everything they do is legal when it comes to selling 2nd hand bikes. (or new imports even)

    Good that is what I have been told about Red Baron. I guess that I just need to stop reading so many post about bikes registrations and the awful new emissions testing that big bikes can't pass.

    Hard to tell by your post if Red Baron has gone ahead and registered the bike already. Can you clarify? This is a new bike, probably a Honda Fury. Right? The bike must be able to pass Euro emission minimum standards which is stricter than California, USA. Normally a registered importer will have received permission to bring in specific models that the Thai government has been shown pass the emission standards before they can bring any in. Is Red Baron going to be the importer for Honda? If all goes well, the bike will be registered in Bangkok then you will have to transfer the book to Udon yourself.

    I am not sure if they have registered it yet. And yes it is the Fury that I want. From what I understand they are going to be the Honda fury dealer and will continue them in stock. However all this is based on what I have been told on different forums. I am in Iraq at the moment and won't be in Bangkok until the 25th of Oct then I will talk to them. I just need to know what I am looking for so I don't walk into a night mare.

  13. Red Baron are one of the more reputable dealers around Bangkok. I'm pretty sure that everything they do is legal when it comes to selling 2nd hand bikes. (or new imports even)

    Good that is what I have been told about Red Baron. I guess that I just need to stop reading so many post about bikes registrations and the awful new emissions testing that big bikes can't pass.

  14. I personally would not buy a bike without a legal book now. They will tell you they can get you a book after purchase but whether or not they actually do is another matter. If you see a bike you like insist they obtain the book before you hand over any money. If getting a book is as easy as they say it is then they will go with the deal. There are plenty of bikes about that are fully legal so I would look for one that comes with all the paperwork and save yourself a whole heap of trouble and added costs

    Ok If they have the new book for the bike dose that mean that it has passed emissions?? This is a brand new 2010 honda.

    If they have the book what is the next step??

  15. I have been reading some of the topics about bike emissions and registering them and am more confused now then when I started.

    Next month I want to get one of the bikes that I see at RedBarron Bangkok. I live in the Udon area.

    I wanted to know how much the dealer or RedBarron will do as fare as getting the bike legal and will he be able to register it in the Udon area. I have read in some threads about limitations with big bikes and have no Idea what they are talking about.

    What is the whole process from laying the cash out to ridding it fully legal????

    The Insurance company that I have for our Pickup will also cover bikes and they have been real good to us ( my wife has personally tested them 4 times last year)

  16. After reeding this thread I am a little unclear as to how the emissions testing and licensing goes in Thailand.

    I have been looking at getting the new Honda Fury in Nov. from Red Baron. Is there going to be a problem with emissions. Also how long will it take to get the plates going through a dealer. Also I live in the Udon area what will it take to get it registered up there.

    How much should I expect Red Baron to do. At the price I think I should not have to worry about anything but make sure it is delivered to the house and turn the key.

  17. Crossy

    I have also been looking at Aquaponics for over a year. I have payed for some literature and planes that gave me a lot less information than what I have found on line. The University of the virgin islands has a lot on line. From what I have been able to gather from all the research that there is a few formulas to follow with fish quantities and feed ratios to hydroponic area. As long as these ratios are followed you will have a balanced system on what ever size your needs are. http://srac.tamu.edu/index.cfm/event/getFactsheet/whichfactsheet/105/ This sight has a lot of the research data and the system that UVI uses for there research. It is also the system that I am getting ready to build sometime this spring. The area I am going to build on is in rice so I have to wait until harvest then back fill 1and a half rai. Not sure yet what materials to use yet. The rearing tanks I want to be fiberglass and the clarifier sump and bass addition tank all should be fiber glass. I think the filters could be cement with a poly lining. The beds are going to be DFT floating system. Not sure how I will build them yet I keep bouncing between block and poly lining or just buying something prefab.

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