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Posts posted by Sherlocke

  1. A ridiculously draconian law which will be imposed not by the government but by the police who will of course not be able to act impartially.

    It will be impossible for Thailand to change overnight from being a country with "liberal" DD laws to one with some of the most draconian in the world -

    People will be unfairly convicted and any law carrying a mandatory" fine/sentence is liable to create all sorts of problems.

    as ever this is some idea cooked up without any forethought whatsoever and as such is domed to failiure

  2. Whereas biodegrdable has a part to plat it is only part of the solution - they still require manufacturing and the materials they are made of don't simply disapperainto thin air.

    Thailand does however have it's own particular fetishwith packaging - or is it a obsession? somthing to do with surface over content?

    When I buy a bottle of pop in my works canteen -they ry every time to give me a poly bag so I can carry the bottle up one flight to my desk

  3. Some advice from an old Australian who grew up in the bush. Snakes eat vermin; rat's, mice, lizards, frogs and other small creatures. These creatures live in long grass, piles of rubbish or anything else that gives them the shelter to feed and breed.

    Clean your yard up, keep the grass clipped short right up to your fence, get rid of any chickens; mice eat their left over food.

    If they're coming from unoccupied land next door burn the long grass and any rubbish, the smoke won't make much difference this time of the year.

    The snakes won't come into your garden unless there's something there they want, they're more afraid of you than you are of them.

    Sond advice - this IS thailand and Cobras are a native species - they are attracted to human habitat by FOOD.

    another side of the coin - if you kill al the snakes, be prepared to be over-run by vermin!

  4. M1 - shop at Orchard (Basement of PARAGON-Mall) has competent staff who will help u to set it up, if needed.

    charge is S$ 15 for 3 days, if I remember that right. not necessarily a cheapo, but most probably cheaper than at any hotel if the WiFi isn't free there.

    speed is okay, at least if u r used to the pathetic Thai EDGE-connection....

    My price was Sing-tel - last week. I looked around the 2 IT malls Funan and SIM square in details too.

  5. "HARD drugs cause addiction, addicts need money, many addicts use hard drugs because they have such a sh*t life that they need a buzz, many also have little money, so prostitution, robbery( armed robbery,street crimes, house breakins, car theft etc). I DO HOPE THAT YOU BECOME A VICTIM OF ONE OF THESE DRUG RELATED CRIMES."

    Such preconceptions, assumptions and prejudices - it is this attitude that prevents so many countries from dealing with their "drug problems" - the law in so many cases is part of the cause of these problems - if this poster had thought a bit about what he/she has just posted it would be a step in the right direction

  6. In the end I used the hotel LAN as it was free - I didn't take the laptop put and about at all. so nice to have a fast reliable connection.

    I was offered the SIM for 18 SGD, but I needed to show my passport which I didn't have on me at the time.

    I never found out if my AIS dongle would work - I should have plugged it in but forgot.

  7. "since when did colonial powers need "buffer states" they didnt have them anywhere else, between U.S.A. and Mexico, Brazil and Spanish speaking South America , Quebec and Canada etc etc - war between colonial powers jostling for dominance seemed to be standard procedure . "

    Buffer states history is littered with them - read up on it - Afghanistan, (Thailand) Belgium, Poland, Canada and Mexico may well have been regarded as such - Alaska!

  8. My neighbour above me makes "evil noises" with his subwoofer :)

    I heard he does not like that I smoke a cigarette or that I drink a beer on MY balcony. :D:D

    What would you do?

    Your rather incoherent post may be the key - is it not the case that you have ave difficulty in communicating with others and this situation - imagined or not - is really the result of your own lack of communication with your neighbor?

    They live above me not near me and I don't know them.

    I have talked about this with a manager around here but they don't do anything.


  9. My neighbour above me makes "evil noises" with his subwoofer :)

    I heard he does not like that I smoke a cigarette or that I drink a beer on MY balcony. :D:D

    What would you do?

    Your rather incoherent post may be the key - is it not the case that you have ave difficulty in communicating with others and this situation - imagined or not - is really the result of your own lack of communication with your neighbor?

  10. Post number 6 answers your question but Id like to add that the british reparations for Thailand declaring war on us was 3 million tonnes of rice (or something like that). Shame they didnt ask for unlimited visa privileges for british citizens.

    Did Thailand ever have a british colonial administrator with more power then the king? This would be 'colonisation' in my book. Maybe add driving on the left side of the road because any sane person knows that the right side is the natural side to drive a car.

    I remember reading something about a Thai-Persian advisor who got more powerful then the king in the 19th century, but I think later WWI broke in before official colonization by the British could be written in the books.

    "Any sane person"? No siree bub!! Only a died-in-the-wool, uninformed, American could ever make an assumption like that. And it WAS an American who taught us that to ASSUME makes an ASS of U and ME!

    Let me instruct you in the facts, which are so easy to check these days.

    Most people are right handed. That is why, in the days of swords, the weapons were worn on the left side of the body so they could be drawn and used easily by the right hand.

    So men riding along the road (on horses, not '55 Chevrolets), rode on the left so they could quickly draw their swords if the man coming the other way appeared to be an enemy.

    This was true all over the civilised world (plus America!) until one Napoleon Bonaparte rose to power in France, hating the British (as all envious dictators have done for ever). He decreed that his men would march/ride on the right, as was his right (but doubtless part of his ultimate downfall).

    This irrational practice spread, and because Chevrolet (basically French, of course, as the name suggests) later became rather successful in the USA, your countrymen gradually moved many States over from the left to the right.

    I admit that most nations have followed this erroneous lead, but more DRIVERS drive on the left, world wide. Not just UK, Ireland, Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia, of course, but the vast vehicle populations of Japan, Australia, New Zealand and many other sensible nations. Just google it - please!

    One thing for which we must all thank Napoleon of course, is his order that in columns of men marching at night, the man at the front must carry a white light and the man at the back must carry a red.

    Now, if we can all pass this on to our Thai friends, especially those with motorycles, we may even turn this whimsical digression into a life saver.......?


    .....and the reason we drive on the left in Thailand is most probably because the JAPANESE drive on that side - not the British. - Why do the Japanese drive on that side? - ........

    If you watch early American films you will notice them driving on the left in LHD cars!.

    About 40% of the worlds roads are "drive on the left" and many are developing economies os by no means a small minority. - India? and most ex-Brit colonies

  11. Thailand was never colonized because the Thais were so awkward, unreliable and difficult to do business with. On top of that the country was a dense jungle and was impossible to establish colonies without the willingness of the locals.

    .......and Malaysia, indonesia, Burma, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos etc all had no jungle???

    ....and locals were all willing?

  12. Most Thai people seem to get their "history" from movies - as anyone who has seen recent films on King Arthur and "Braveheart" will know they are the most appalling source for history being wildly inaccurate and often politically loaded.

    So the general Thai appreciation/perception on whether they were "colonised" or why they weren't "colonised" by the western powers in the 18th/19th centuries, is drawn from sources that are usually far from satisfactory.

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