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Posts posted by chang1

  1. What a can of worms this has become. A quick scan through the traffic laws gives no mention of having to give way to pedestrians on a zebra crossing. They do say pedestrians have to use them though. If a vehicle is turning into a soi then they have to give way to pedestrians even without a zebra crossing. 

    So on the face of it he was in the wrong.

    This doesn't mean what he did should be frowned upon though. He was standing up (or in this case sitting down) for the rights of pedestrians. We all need to cross roads on foot so anyone trying to make that safer should be applauded. Those saying he will not change anything should look at how any people led changes happen. If no-one stands up nothing will change but if one person does then it can start to snowball. He was seen by many on TV. 

    Many times I hear "this is how it has been for many years, no need for any changes". Usually said by older people (not only the stupid ones) who seem oblivious to the changes that have occurred making the old ways unfit for purpose. Just because no-one else makes changes doesn't mean changes are not needed. 


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  2. Glyphosate may be relatively safe by itself but when mixed with other chemicals may not be. These days we are exposed to many different cocktails of chemicals that can be dangerous. For example, pregnant women are advised to not travel in brand new cars due to the mixture of vapours released by the materials they are made from. Add in some pesticide vapour and who knows what that may do to you. Especially hard to know as there may not be any symptoms until months or years after exposure. Red meat may be perfectly fine but the things the cows are exposed to may build up in and get passed on to us in the meat.


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  3. 36 minutes ago, emptypockets said:
    40 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

    Interesting reading. They are saying basically that it is low toxicity and does not cause cancer. The harm to wildlife is practically zero.

    Or they are saying that when mixed with the chemicals used in the finished product, as used by farmers, is rather nasty stuff that should be used with care.

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  4. 15 hours ago, Chazar said:

    he IS ultimately responsible, if he had a conscience he would  not drive reckon he checked his  tyre pressure before he left? all  lights  working? etc etc not working, refuse to drive and yes LOSE  job, not to worry he lost everything in the end

    If the company had put a 12 year old at the wheel would you blame the kid?

    The company put that driver there so it is ultimately responsible. Do they require him to do the checks? Do they make sure he is rested sufficiently? Do they sack drivers who say they are too tired to drive safely?

  5. 18 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:
    20 hours ago, chang1 said:

    Looking at the video it seems as though something is very wrong with the lights and barriers. The lights are on red and everyone stopped except the bus. Then the barrier starts to come down then the lights turn green. Meanwhile the traffic on the other side is flowing even before the green light. 

    I doubt if there was any confusion with the countdown timer. He probably saw the timer showing it was about to turn green and the barrier was up so thought it was safe to go (possibly like the oncoming traffic). Then for some reason the barrier came down when it should have already been down and now going up.

    He should not have gone through the red light but it doesn't look like the barrier was doing what it should either.


    It didn't appear to confuse the other drivers, did it.

    "I doubt if there was any confusion with the countdown timer."

    In this sentence I am saying that even the bus driver may not have been confused.

    "He probably saw the timer showing it was about to turn green and the barrier was up so thought it was safe to go (possibly like the oncoming traffic)."

    Here I am speculating on the real reason he went through. Also, are the vehicles on the other side "confused"? They start moving early, assuming the green lights come on at the same time on both sides of the road.

  6. Looking at the video it seems as though something is very wrong with the lights and barriers. The lights are on red and everyone stopped except the bus. Then the barrier starts to come down then the lights turn green. Meanwhile the traffic on the other side is flowing even before the green light. 

    I doubt if there was any confusion with the countdown timer. He probably saw the timer showing it was about to turn green and the barrier was up so thought it was safe to go (possibly like the oncoming traffic). Then for some reason the barrier came down when it should have already been down and now going up.

    He should not have gone through the red light but it doesn't look like the barrier was doing what it should either.

  7. 3 hours ago, Old Croc said:

    When people remove pages from their passport it's virtually never because liquid was spilled on them.

    They do it to hide visas, caches or official notations to do with their behavior in a country.

    It also makes their passport void, and all travel would be refused if the damage was noticed.  Any (every) country would refuse entry. . 

    This is what I was thinking as well. Passports are pretty tough. Accidentally damaging 2 pages with liquid, so badly, that they should be removed is very suspicious. At the very minimum she should have kept the remains of the 2 pages as proof. She can't even claim she didn't have time to get a replacement. 

    In her defense I wouldn't have thought she was likely to do a runner so maybe a 3 day visa would have allowed her time to arrange a flight home, rather than locking her up, unless she was playing up at immigration.

  8. 6 minutes ago, smew said:

    Yes stupid act, but he was backing his friend and had no idea that his friend was alive and going to live.

    wouldn't you want to have a friend that will stand up for you until the very worst ? 

    We all do but I also would want them to use their brains and avoid this kind of mess. If Arms friend survives, it will be interesting to see if he is as good to Arm. Before taking revenge, Arm should have seen what the police do. If they don't provide justice then he should weigh up the options or better still leave it to his friend. The two shot men may have a history that also needs considering. 

    Also a hot headed friend that brings a gun to a party is not the kind of friend I want.

  9. Why did 100 people turn out for this muppet who tried to murder someone (who is still in hospital) and pretty much got what he deserved? Anyone who carries a gun without good reason deserves all they get. If he had not had the gun he would still be alive although maybe a little bruised if the other two had set on him. Also if Arm had not had a gun he would have had a much more rosey outlook.

  10. 1 hour ago, JamJar said:


    You don't have to believe every idiot thing that you read. You have the ability to analyse the information.

    Too much 'dumbing down' allows many to see only in black and white. The 'with us or against us' mentality.


    Even though he immediately called for help and accompanied the police, her lawyer tries to paint it as him trying to get his story in first.

    Her lawyer is doing what he does. It doesn't mean that the Frenchman is guilty. Calm down and stand back a bit. Look at the whole picture.



    As I have already said, I only commented on one sentence that the family is reported to have said, which I think is the most plausible thing in the whole list of accusations in the OP. I deliberately stayed away from what happened that night and after, as there are no reports of any evidence or even much of a police investigation. It could have been an accident or she jumped or he pushed her or any number of other possibilities. The fact that he has fled and she is accusing him, only backs up the families claim that he was an abusive husband but it does not prove that he did anything wrong that night. As for calling for help - not many survive that kind of fall so looks good to call for help as normally it would be too late and as for accompanying the police - no choice. So both acts don't prove or disprove anything either way. Makes no difference who gets their story in first either, unless you are in Thailand, wealthy and well connected, as the police may then drag their feet in any further investigations causing the other party to fight hard for justice.


  11. 2 hours ago, JamJar said:

    Neither of us know. So to smear someone's character without any evidence whatsoever is low.

    I was commenting on this sentence "The family said they frequently had jealous arguments and he often beat her up." Basically all I said was that she should have left him at the first sign of violence. I should have first said "if the family are telling the truth".  I have not tried to blame him for anything apart from being a bad husband. If anything I am putting the blame on her for staying with him too long.


    The smearing had already been done in the OP. and far worse than anything I said.



    claimed that her French husband caused her to fall during an argument. 


    He has since gone abroad and refuses to take responsibility for what happened to his wife. 


    The Frenchman is believed to have helped run many nightclubs in both Pattaya and Bangkok and the family of the victim claims that he has used his influence with Pattaya police to escape justice in the case.


    The family said they frequently had jealous arguments and he often beat her up. 


    According to Sunisa he kicked, slapped and punched her and squeezed her throat making her almost pass out. He barred her exit from the condo's locked main door and armed himself with a knife. 


    She tried to scream out but no one came to her aid so she ran to the balcony and called out. The husband managed to open the sliding door and barged out causing Sunisa to fall to the ground. 


  12. 8 minutes ago, tgw said:

    All we know is hearsay.

    Maybe the family was angry with the guy and threatened to do anything to get him tried & sentenced.

    Even if innocent it's plausible he decided to leave to be on the safe side.

    I know I would if I had no irrefutable proof of my innocence.


    6 minutes ago, JamJar said:


    No. The family only know what she tells them. Hearsay.

    They also might know that what she is alleging is not true. But they may be hoping that, if it weren't for the argument, their family member would not have threatened to jump off the balcony and therefore he should contribute to her upkeep.


    Neither of us know. So to smear someone's character without any evidence whatsoever is low.




    So both of you think he has no responsibility to look after his wife?


    5 minutes ago, JamJar said:


    I have the idea that is what he claimed and that the police accepted his explanation.

    I am happy to wait for the outcome of any investigation. Are you?

    Yes, but I doubt we will ever get to hear the full truth given the lack of evidence.

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