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Posts posted by jcb2001

  1. Just have to rant about the Thai immigration system.  


    I am a 73 YO American, married to a dual citizen, Thai/American. I am seeking a 30 day extension to my tourist visa.  My wife used her Thai passport to enter Thailand.  This afternoon, I went to the Ubon Immigration thinking I was fully prepared to apply for my 30 day tourist visa extension.  Strangely, they asked me for copies of my wife's tambon home registration.  She did not bring it with her on this visit. I am curious as to what this has to do with me. As a tourist on a tourist visa, why are they wanting to process me using her thai home registration?  How would they process me if she was not with me?  I have in my American passport several old OA visas which I used when we lived here, way before covid. I had to use my wife's home registration to apply for these OA visas. Could this be the reason they asked for it?


    I just don't understand Thailand.  We have been waiting over 2 years to visit Thailand again, thanks to covid.  Now, after all the Thai businesses suffering due to lack of tourist money during covid, Thai Immigration tries to use these stupid requirements to frustrate us or me.  So much for asking for 10 extra days to go to the beaches down south around Krabi.  I'm sure all the hotels are too busy and full to worry about tourist who can't get a visa extension.

  2. 8 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Those who can pay for their flight are normally gone much quicker than this, with about 7-10 days the normal time to process them. It is those without money who stay in IDC for months. Does this mean that Thailand will now be paying for the fares, for those who dont have it, so as to get them on their way quickly? I suspect not, so more meaningless drivel.

    A simple solution as done in most western countries.  When Thailand makes an agreement to allow airlines to fly into their country bringing passengers, make the airline agree to fly back inadmissible guest at the airline's expense.  The burden should be on the airline and not the host country, Thailand.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 4 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

    And what type of Visa, Passport are they traveling into the USA on?  Can't be diplomatic since that was all recalled revoked wasn't it? 





    just wondering the same thing.  Clearly they are inadmissible.  State must have given them a wavier.  So sad.  I guess money talks.

  4. 21 hours ago, featography said:

    This is Makyang pa because of the white sticky part. The Mak yang chid with the seeds is different.


    Interesting!  Do you have the scientific name for Makyang pa?  Are you saying they are two different species?

  5. Another great article.  It's amazing you found all this info.  I have searched hi and low for anything on this plant.  I have a Thai friend who works for CBP agriculture in the states and she has never heard of this fruit.  I have forwarded all the info you provided to CBP. There is a large population of plants behind my home here in Ubon, but I'm afraid they will be cut down in the near future.  If only the Thais had just a little bit of concern for saving these rare and exotic fruits.  I just hope someone can come forward and carry the torch for preserving them.

  6. That is an excellent Thai article you found.  My Thai brother-in-law was astonished at all the old fruits listed on that website.  He agrees many of those fruits are near extinction now.  The jungles around our home just keep getting smaller and smaller.  So sad!




  7. That's it.  You identified it.  Thanks so much.


    I have only seen it growing in the forest.  I have tried several times to plant the seeds and grow them in my yard, but to no avail.  Is anyone aware of these grown commercially?  

  8. Over the years here in Ubon, I have come across a strange fruit my wife calls "Mak Yong".  When ripe, usually around May or June, it contains a tart and sweet tasting flavor. It has several pea size seeds inside.  It is yellow when ripe and about the size of a thai eggplant, "macure".  You only eat the inside and throw the skin away after eating.  I have a feeling this fruit only grows here in Ubon as nobody else can identify it.


    I am curious if anybody else has seen or know what this fruit is?  I've tried to explain it to other thais knowledgable about Thai fruits, but this one stumps them.  I am lost for words with the proper name of this fruit.


    Hope someone can identify this rare fruit.

  9. Hillary is a proven loser. Sanders can't get anywhere long term. They are playing to the loony fringe left to try to get the nomination. The winner will then hypocritically shift toward the middle to try to win the general. They are just phony politicians, pandering to whatever group they need to influence, to gain power.

    Hillary is stupid to campaign on guns. Pro gun is mainstream America. The anti's are the loony fringe.

    Neither one of these two-bit players can win the general election. This is a side show.


    You may want to consider cutting down on dessert's for a while, because I think you may have to eat so much humble pie soon you may burst wink.png

    Take a look at Hillary's thighs and you'll realize that she already ate everything in sight. Hillary couldn't get elected as dog catcher. Look what a nobody named Obama did to her the last time she was the Dem's anointed - 2007-2008. She simply collapsed as she's doing with Sanders. She's really and finally starting to get alarmed about the nobody, Sanders.

    There is no way that someone with zero personality who's also packing a lot of negative baggage can get elected as POTUS. The Dems have done the world a great favor by zeroing in on Hillary and Sanders.

    When the primaries are over and Hillary or Sanders actually has to face Trump they are toast. They are going to get run over by a freight train.


    Hillary will not make it to the Dem nomination as she will be indicted by the FBI. To save Obama's legacy, Michelle or Biden will get the nomination at the Dem convention and will save the Democrats from Trump. Sounds strange, but who knows what Obama will do to save his legacy.

  10. I was just at the Ubon Airport and boy, was I surprised! Completely rebuilt after the fire. Looks a lot better now. But:


    The parking is out of control. It has become ridiculous. It appears with all the new flights, (Kan Air, Thai Lion, etc) and all the rental cars taking up the parking in the north lot, finding a parking spot has become almost impossible. Has anyone heard if there are any plans to expand the parking? I can't imagine that there is any more land to work with. Several years ago, rumors were of AOT looking for a new airport just outside of Ubon. Has the current airport outgrown itself?

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