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Posts posted by trainman34014

  1. I was recently talking to a Lady Thai Maths Teacher who will retire later this year.   When she told me she was a Maths Teacher i said 'Well; i don't mean to insult you perrsonally but after living here for almost 20 years i have yet to meet a Young person who can count lore than the fingers on both hands without the use of a Calculator or Electronic Device ! '     She replied';  ' Well, Thai Kids are generally very lazy and it is not easy to teach them anything that they are not interested in , so we leave it to the Parents to organise additional private lessons if they are worried their Children are not learning enough at School '.


    Not much hope for the future then !

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  2. 14 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Yup... I watched the video again and just saw that... clipped the wall then panicked...  


    Terrible driving...  she clearly has no idea at all how to drive, which is quite frightening for anyone else on the road, particularly when imaging that there may be plenty of others like her - I wonder how she got her license (even though its incredibly simple to take the test).



    Its extremely fortunate that she (i.e. the pickup) didn't kill a couple of motorcyclists passing below.... 





    Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 17.22.04.png

    Sadl i know several Thai's that have failed the Test; so they just don't bother taking it again !

  3. 10 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    perhaps when sober, regret will sink in, "Oh what a rogue and peasant slave am I...."

    My deceased Father-in-Law killed a Man by stabbing him in the same circumstances 40 odd years ago.  He did 5 years of a 10 year Jail sentence and always said he couldn't remember doing it and therefore wasn' sorry about it at all, even though the Victim had a Wife and young Kids !

    • Sad 2
  4. 6 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Thai have grown so big now, too big to remember how to provide the basics services, while every few days you read

    how Thai are selling and buying new fleets of  planes in the billions...


    Just recently had to jump through many hoops trying to re book my business class return from Melbourne to Bkk

    endlessly waiting on the phone to speak to customer's service, unfortunately Thai is the only regular direct flight

    from Melbourne to Bkk, (other than Jetstar) and not a fan of a stop-overs...




    They lost the plot when they seperated with Scandinavian Airways; been very mediocre since then at best, mainly owing to very poor Thai Management.   Gave up flying with them many years ago and would never go back !

  5. 3 minutes ago, bkk_mike said:

    Admittedly, as I know the pension would be frozen if we lived in Thailand full-time, our plan is to winter in Thailand, and stay in the UK in the summers,,,

    Means we can fly in October/March when flights are cheap, and has the added side-benefit of keeping us from having to deal with Thai tax returns.


    But I'm not dependent on the UK state pension. It's just icing on the cake.

    Good plan if that's what you wanted because as long as you spend 6 months of the year in Blighty you are entitled to a full Pension.

  6. It's the Manufacturers of Food and Drink that need hammering into line as 'The Public' here are too lazy to deal with waste properly except for the ones that collect and recycle for cash.   They go on about getting the Cafe's to do away with Plastic Straws and Markets not using Plastic Bags etc but the easiest answer to this is simply BAN the manufacture of these items.   Oh dear; can't do that for upsetting too many Rich Business Men who don't care two hoots for the People or the Environment !


    Put all Drinks back in returnable Glass Bottles like we had as Kids and do away with all the Double Packaging on things like Biscuits, Cakes etc.    We take Cloth Shopping Bags with us to Market and invite Traders to put the Veggies straight in but they want to put them in Plastic Bags first because nobody from any 'Ministry'  ever teaches them how do do anything properly to protect the Environment.  Of course; it will never happen because Public Officials here only want to do things that earn them Backhanders !

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