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Posts posted by JoePai

  1. stevenl is correct, this is your brokers fault - you yourself said you enrolled via your broker therefore BUPA pays your broker the commission each year and sends him any communication.

    This broker(?) may have agreed with BUPA to get them to send you the renewal notices - although he should do it himself if he was a registered broker which now sounds unlikely - but at the end of the day he was responsible not BUPA

    • Like 1
  2. My daughter is a ( Trolly Dolly ) laugh.png only I can can call her that, my daughter works for British Airways and sticks with domestic and european routes rather than apply for long haul.

    She was thinking about it at one time but she would have to change contracts just to please the management and greedy share holders.

    After training in european flights or in other countries local flights forget for how long they can apply for long haul.

    There is fierce competition within airlines and they are always trying to cut costs and upsetting staff so I guess some attendance have a bad day just like anyone else.

    Most airlines I guess like BA get new staff on these contracts which they can pull them on and off whenever they choose to, my daughter is one of the lucky ones and was employed before this type of contract change.

    BA are constantly trying to get staff off the old contracts and on to the new contract.

    Both get generous concession on flights and my daughter can bring my other sons, daughters and grandchildren to Thailand very cheap. thumbsup.gif

    Both get generous concession on flights and my daughter can bring my other sons, daughters and grandchildren to Thailand very cheap

    About time they stopped these extras - all it does is push up the price of other peoples tickets

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  3. Just realized I never came back to thank you guys for your feedback.


    Stayed at the Holiday Inn Orchard ... nice hotel, very good price for Singapore and certainly not like Holiday Inns in the states. Did pay extra for the executive lounge access which was nice as was breakfast.


    Universal was a fun day. Bought online and glad I paid extra for the Fast Pass which I think near doubled the price of the tickets. Some of the lines were extremely long but no lines at all with the fast pass.


    Thanks Again.


    I looked in the past but rate was about SGD300 per night for the Holiday Inn ?

  4. On the negative side ..What a waste of money that should be spent on health and education.facepalm.gif On the positive side, so much for Chiang Mia's hi-so dreams.w00t.gif

    Now that Yingluck is gone, should the Southern line to the 3 southern provinces take priority rather than giving it to the Red-shirt Lanna North.

    China is to the North of Thailand.

    Agreed but make more sense to drop CM but leave the NK line as can also feed Laos and Vietnam plus nearer to China main population/industrial areas.

    Put the money to better use for the South

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