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Posts posted by JoePai

  1. I'm part way through the citizenship application process. I've submited doccuments to special branch and been interviewed. I've registered on the yelllow tabien baan and I've registered a thai name change. I've also had the interview with the NIA. My question is about the doccument needed by the British Embassy to state that you will be wiling to give up British citizenship if necessary. Will the British Embassy accept the doccument I received from Special Branch to process this? The last time I went to the British Embassy to as about this they said they were very hesitant to issue such a doccument. Has anyone had any experience with this as part of their citizenship application?

    Thanks in advance

    Can you give a link to this document please ?

  2. Who needs English when there is such a plethora of technical books, journals, papers and other educational assets available to students in their native Thai language. One can readily find at least 2 good engineering books that have been printed in Thai! I believe they were translated from the original "Engineering for Dummies". Should be sufficient to educate and train Thai engineers to build one of the tallest buildings in the world.

    Yup, lowering the level of English skills is definitely a good idea!

    By all means lower the level but also change the name from International School of Engineering program to Thai School of Engineering program

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