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Everything posted by JoePai

  1. Apart from the stupidity of the design, why are they place so close together ?
  2. What is the betting these 4 (plus many others) are owned by Chinese
  3. he failed to notice the stationary tanker in time and crashed into it. So they are giving out DL's to blind people these days ?
  4. Mall representatives initially tried to negotiate a settlement with the suspect, but no agreement Caught red handed, the idiot should have put his hands up and pay - but no and now he will suffer, moron
  5. So the Thais lied - what a surprise
  6. Thai TV could make a soap out of this
  7. Throw the book at him - whoever he is
  8. Most are Chinky these days
  9. I thought this happened a long time ago - sensible
  10. father and son had spent the morning browsing and purchasing Buddhist amulets Suggest reading first b4 being clever
  11. Strange as several countries said they would accept them ?
  12. Why do you feel sad - it is their fault for allowing their kids to ride on bikes
  13. Common sense Ah, you see that is where your argumnet falls down....
  14. And did it rain up there yesterday ?
  15. This bunch could not arrange a p*** up in a brewery
  16. a neutral stance internationally Translate - bend over for China
  17. the specific details of the amendment will remain undisclosed prior to enforcement to prevent any lobbying that could influence the drafting process You can't make this stuff up !!!
  18. Thai authorities' concerns about diplomatic repercussions with Beijing Must not upset their Lord and Masters 😎
  19. Sentence reduced to 6 months in hospital
  20. Well the Buddhist amulets they bought were obviously dud
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