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Everything posted by JoePai

  1. Lucky Thailand has all these spare Commandos running around - but why can't the regular cops catch these villains ?
  2. But he seems to be missing his 'Good Conduct' badge ?
  3. MG overtakes Honda, Renault and Mazda as UK sales hit record high https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2022/01/12/mg-overtakes-honda-renault-mazda-uk-sales-hit-record-high/
  4. And that is the major reason the Covid insurance companies are in trouble - quite simple and blatant Fraud !
  5. As he is possibly being paid by CP to promote their products my question is, what wrong ?
  6. This was Pattaya yesterday - all tested positive and packed awaiting to go into quarantine
  7. The EU missive : https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/news/ema-issues-advice-use-lagevrio-molnupiravir-treatment-covid-19
  8. Mr. Phiphat said Thailand, as a sovereign nation, is not bound to fully comply with all the suggestions from WADA Correct Sir - but you still cannot fly your flag !
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