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Everything posted by JoePai

  1. Hmm you don't find anything like that in Pompy
  2. Biden trying to work out why the wine waiter was trying to shake his hand
  3. Agree 100% - why should football be 'free to view' when other sports e.g. F1 you have to pay for
  4. Good - if anyone wants to watch it then pay as others do for (example) F1
  5. As a Kiwi he may not like that ????
  6. I've heard (not driven myself) that Teslas are very good and most like them ?
  7. Should also steamroll the bikes the cretins ride
  8. There are many Brew Shops on the internet. Three I use a lot are : https://brew-by-me.com/ https://www.homebrewthai.com/en https://www.beervadsadu.com/
  9. Unfortunately most of these "news" updates confuse Beer with Spirits
  10. That is for commercial beer brewing – not home brew. There are many companies in Thailand selling beer making equipment and ingredients (Malt, Yeast, Hops) Now at last it looks as though small commercial breweries will be able to sell beer commercially
  11. This is brilliant news, for once we shall be able to buy real beer and not the rubbish fizz, the likes of Leo, Singha, Chang they have tried to force people to drink
  12. phone number on school bags of kids What's wrong with their foreheads
  13. So it's not a "safety device" but a Monitor
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