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Everything posted by JoePai

  1. I drink it most nights, my additive is Whisky and can make me very happy
  2. the late woman was of high society So what, stupidity has no bounds?
  3. In the UK we used to call that 'Practical Pistol'
  4. Another example of the stupidity of the Thai justice system
  5. Why should someone with a bald head be called a 'beauty' ?
  6. They've been smoking too much of their wacky baccy
  7. Simple answer = brew your own beer. Very easy to do and drink what YOU want, not the Government tells you to drink
  8. Err 16 and married - is that correct ?
  9. Nothing new, James Bond had this on his Aston years ago
  10. Also hope they catch the black smoke belching pickups
  11. One reason is that many imports are bought in USD e.g. Oil
  12. Oh dear, spot the fly in the ointment
  13. Sounds like the Goon Show - "The case of the exploding manhole"
  14. Are these 3 new planes they have just bought or 3 returning from storage?
  15. In all fairness he does deserve a good slap
  16. They've been rubbing their crystal balls again
  17. So that's the way the Governor washes his feet
  18. Dictators must stick together
  19. Any time the cops do their jobs it's news here
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