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Posts posted by JoePai

  1. 11 minutes ago, Credo said:

    Sadly, this is approaching the time when the true cost of war will be seen and it will be interesting to see who pays.   


    I suspect Europe will pitch in, if for no other reason than having a place to send those not deemed to be refugees.   

    To answer your question - Russia and Iran as it was those 2 countries which have propped up Assad and prolonged the war

  2. 57 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

    I remember discussing exactly this with a friend a few years ago, after I had got completely drowned one day riding home in miserable weather. I said that if someone could make something sturdy, functional, safe and cheap they would make a fortune, as every bike would want one. We even got to some preliminary sketches on a design to see how it would need to be attached. I am glad that someone has now done it, and I will be buying one when I see them for sale. I note though the comment that they were good "if you didn't go too fast" which seems sensible given the wind factor.

    if someone could make something sturdy, functional, safe and cheap they would make a fortune


    They have already - it is called a "car'

  3. Not sure who this Jonathan Fairfield is but he needs to check his facts - when writing in Thai Visa.

    Quote : Microsoft Paint is 'here to stay' after reports of its demise greatly exaggerated 

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