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Everything posted by erectem

  1. For more disparity in wealth distribution one only need go to Cambodia or Laos. I observed in Laos (2 mos. ago) not mega mansions but mini Palazio and medium sized Palaces in the middle of farm fields. Seem to be sprout up near a huge road project and around the time and route of the new Fast train. Jarring, really.
  2. And same as "your" cigarettes!! At the store or at home. hot dog!
  3. I agree. Now where is that "no tell" condo.
  4. Why not? If you are in the far left lane and there is no oncoming traffic or people in the crosswalk (read safe) you can proceed to turn left. Unless, of course, there is a posted sign probhibiting this.
  5. You can drink booze any time of day. Only buying/selling hours are restricted
  6. Never known "farang" to be derogatory unless preceded by "kii nok" and even then (by the wife) not really but certainly "ai eea"! Rarely go to bars because of foriegners/expats/tourists ...I mean farangs!
  7. Just a chance they"ll get busted on departure, if the on the desk camera is operating. Could be quite expensive with a missed flight etc.
  8. khun la.. one can still contract the aformentioned diseases . The vaccine will mitigate the symptoms to the point of being asymptomatic.
  9. I know, Naked foreigner walks into a Phuket bar. Asks the bartender "is this a convenience store?"
  10. I thought the headline "Naked foreigner walks into a Phuket convenience store" was the opening of a joke! Anyone open to filling in the punchline?
  11. Had same problem with OA and beginning of covid. Too old to get med. ins. so got an agent for 2 consecutive estensions to do renewals. When covid restrictions wetre lifted, I went to Vientienne (with out re entry permit effectively cancelling oa) and got a 60 day tourist visa. entered Thailand and 15+ days before expiration applied at C. Wattanna for 90 day thing. Non. imm. 0. for retirement. and now I get 1 year extension easy peasy.
  12. No, not all outcomes are the same. All diagnoses are not the same. IDC, PNI, , LNI. Active surveil that. Active treatment the only option. And still local.
  13. Sheryl, Many thanks for the reccomendation of Prof. Sittiporn Sirunulad. (Siriaj) Underwent RARP Dec. 1 /25. PSMA scan before surgery . No mets. Bx from 2 mos. previous GL 4+4 ,grade 4, left side only, psa 4.8 Post Rarp pathology upped to 4 + 5 Grade 5. Two months after surgery psa 0.003. ...2.5 months post surgery still some incontinence but progressing well. I am 75 y.o. caucasian. Prof. Sittiporn is sharp.
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