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Everything posted by BigStar

  1. And you've repeated that lie before, it was called out, and a poster gave you a link to the truth. So you then ignored the link, forgot you'd been told, and here are repeating it again! Now don't ignore this one I gave you earlier: Consuming too many carbohydrates could be bad for your brain, according to recent research linking high carbohydrate intake to greater risk of mild cognitive impairment. --High-Carbohydrate Diets Connected to Cognitive Risk Other things are worrisome, too, like the straw man arguments and Complex Question fallacies. Sounds like you need fewer carbs, better carbs than you're getting in Thai food and fish 'n' chips, and more protein and fat.
  2. We've already seen that, pal. I been in the longer term! Meanwhile, I've seen plenty of old friends and classmates leave in their 60s or earlier to play checkers with Elvis. Fat friend of mine is now in Param 9 hsp trying to survive a heart attack. I see these old overweight guys around, drinking the bars, eating ice cream outside of KFC, pigging out in restos, and I think of this magic shout in the video game Skyrim. The hero, Dragonborn, can use a shout called Marked For Death rapidly to drain an opponent's health and stamina; and then easily kill them! I think of these guys, so unhealthy, surely taking a handful of meds, as Marked For Death.
  3. No, I'm not going to bother trawling through the forum searching for you. For what? You're such a waste of time, really. ???? Carrying around extra fat, great idea. Time for a visceral fat discussion? ???? Let's hear the waist-to-height ratio, too.
  4. But McDougall is either ignorant or deliberately lying, as the truth has long been known. Either way, the fact that you believe him says everything about your own gullibility--and credibility on the forum. Not the only stuff that nutcase lies about, but I'm not bothering to look it up again. Yeah, all you old fat guys taking meds for your cholesterol, BP, pre-diabetes, and whatever--have yourself more sugar and carbs!???? The forum always offers entertaining examples of Social Darwinism at work.
  5. Amusing article I ran across today: When doctors go on strike, death rates stay the same or actually decline. "reductions in mortality may result from these strikes." --https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0277953608005066
  6. I like my Corsair Vengeance C70 ammo case. If the building collapses--in my absence, hopefully--it'll be standing in the rubble waiting to be plugged back in. Holds 3 HDDs and 2 SSDs, DVD drive, and a mobile remove rack, no sweat, runs cool, plenty of room for more. So easy to work in, great cable management. Been thru 3 motherboards & CPUs, 2 graphics cards. YEAH. It ain't going nowhere. NUC.
  7. Fixed. My apologies.
  8. Pssst! Ultrabook.
  9. Does that mean you'll never have any issue with your NUC's motherboard and RAM and when you do have problems or want to upgrade you'll have no trouble chasing down a solution?
  10. Better first to have an idea from disinterested experts such as on r/reddit. A shop will have a conflict of interest. Maybe that won't affect their recommendation. But putting self-interest above the consumer's needs wouldn't be unheard of in Thailand, would it.
  11. I've given you my BMI before, but you forgot, probably from eating too many carbs. And you forgot my last reminder that I'd given it to you before.???? Consuming too many carbohydrates could be bad for your brain, according to recent research linking high carbohydrate intake to greater risk of mild cognitive impairment. --High-Carbohydrate Diets Connected to Cognitive Risk Write these down and try to remember: BMI 21.5 Waist to Height Ratio 0.48 HDL 65 LDL 109 TG 46 TG/HDL 0.7 FBS 83 Hba1c 4.9 RHR 53 BP 108/70 No meds. Age 73, BTW.
  12. I don't follow a keto diet, nor do you know anything about it you haven't read in hostile sources, notably that discredited quack McDougall. If you were able to read the article critically, you'd merely find it the usual shoddy "science" ultimately emanating from food industry lobbyists and shills. Anyway, low carb has been bitterly attacked by various interest groups ever since Atkins. Big threat to the profits of the food, medical, and fitness "wellness" industries. It continues: A spokesman for Corporate Accountability says the new study finds the federal scientific advisors to the dietary process “are even more conflicted than previously through.” Some of the key findings: - 95 percent of the last Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) has at least one tie to an industry actor. - Researchers were able to document more than 700 instances of Conflict of Interest (COI) for the committee in total. - One advisor alone accounted for 152 of these instances. - Multiple advisors were connected to more than 30 industry actors. - Among corporations, Kellogg, Abbott, Kraft, Mead Johnson, General Mills, and Dannon had the most frequent and durable connections to advisors. - Among trade or front groups, the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) had the most extensive engagement with advisors, with the California Walnut Commission, Almond Board of California, and Beef Checkoff also looming large. --A second study finds Dietary Guidelines panel rife with conflicts of interest There are currently >800 papers on low-carb/ketogenic diet trials (high-quality evidence). A draft list of Qs by for the next Dietary Guidelines did not include a single Q on this literature. Now, the list is being finalized. --Nina Teicholz
  13. Replace by a glass of red wine. Funny, I happened to be in the mood for a diet Coke for some reason.
  14. Excellent suggestion. Get the parts list, check availability in Thailand, make substitutions as needed, then buy the parts from JIB, Advance, or Invadit and they'll build it free or at nominal cost. That's what I'd do just from sheer boredom of building PCs. I might improve the cable management later when I needed to clean or replace a part.
  15. Here ya go: 'Twas delicious to the last bite.???? Note the carbs: veggies. No potatoes, bread, rice, etc. needed or wanted. I'm always amused when our carboholics claim I lead a hard life on a low carb diet.????
  16. Cut sugar and starches. Leave the veggies, meat with fat, eggs, full-fat dairy, and lots of exercise for the win.
  17. Glucose spikes cumulative. Hence suddenly--oh, sh.i.t, pre-diabetes!
  18. Plenty of carbs. Not enough meat is obviously the problem. Of course they can workaround, but I suppose many are so blinded by their high purpose that they don't know what to do. P. D. Mangan used to be a skinny vegan, into jogging. ????
  19. Exactly. Blind leading the blind. ???? More meaninglessness.
  20. Typical straw man argument, as nobody has advocated eating excessive anything except yourself eating loads of sugar. And you've begged the question of the definition of "excessive." Meaningless.
  21. Members here believing in "like causes like" remind me of old Chinese men drinking snake blood to make themselves more viral or eating tiger penis for an aphrodisiac. So ignorant, really. Yes, high carb intake, notably sugar, combined with overall excess calories. You're still following that quack McDougall. Outliers don't prove the rule, and we don't have the total picture. It's merely a variation of the George Burns Hail Mary principle of awesome ANF Longevity Science. I'd highly advise our members not to be eating loads of sugar.
  22. I applaud your resolution. Fight! The liver and small intestine will produce enough HDL if they're encouraged to by--diet and exercise (all comes back to that). Your diet doesn't sound very encouraging, so far. The exercise sounds insufficient. Physical activity--casual walking, stopping-- isn't really exercise. Worry about the TG/HDL ratio, much more important than the LDL. Bring down the TG, bring up the HDL. Then statins for prevention of CVD are not warranted for those with elevated LDL who maintain a low TG:HDL ratio. Most docs are way out of date. In general, you can't really medicate your way to good health by masking symptoms, though it's comforting to think so.
  23. Taters and pastries, of those you mentioned. And, earlier, the Nestle' corn flakes & raisins, now with oats. Get off the statins, or the imagined need for them, naturally.???? Losing weight, if you need to, is always good. Exercise is great. Some diets are better for the lipids than others, however.
  24. OK. Now as of your last post, you still were not able to grasp that the OP wants an AIO for his wife because she wants an AIO. NOT "a PC." Reading and understanding the topic would be a notable breakthrough--and then addressing it specifically would be helpful, as I congratulated one poster. Now this indignant harrumph! after you earlier defended going off-topic: Laughable. But actually I simply followed up my earlier point: with the iPhone/Android analogy. It proved exactly what I said. When it's your wife, she gets the tech she wants, no matter if the other is cheaper across the board, "works," and is more maintainable. So it is with the OP and his wife. Why should our posters pretend they don't do the same thing when their wife's happiness is at stake? Such hypocrisy.
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